UK Promoted Newswire Archive
16-01-2007 19:56

16-01-2007 16:11

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Home Office Still Planning to Deport More People to Unsafe Iraqi Kurdistan
16-01-2007 16:06
Since Monday 8 January the Home Office has again begun arresting rejected Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers in Manchester, Birmingham and Doncaster, presumably with a view to forcibly removing them to Northern Iraq. This is in the week that UNHCR warned that Iraq cannot deal with the number of displaced persons it already has[1], that Tony Blair says Britain has to keep fighting wars, and George Bush announces that he intends to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq.New Wave of Arrests Against Iraqi Kurds
16-01-2007 15:49
A number of Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers have been detained across the UK this month. No removal dates seemed to have been set as yet.Bolivia photos - General tests of civil war
16-01-2007 15:35

Pictures from Guantanimo action at US embassy.
16-01-2007 13:28

Craig Murray: Torture and The "War on Terror"
16-01-2007 10:35

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan speaks of the shocking torture and the knowingly false intelligence produced in the so called "War on Terror".
Construction Worker Killed in Liverpool City Centre
16-01-2007 01:08

Pipeline protests gather strength
15-01-2007 22:34

BERLIN: 80 000 remember to Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht
15-01-2007 22:08

Pics from the protest march through Berlin.
Indy Global Report on Resonance FM104.4
15-01-2007 17:21

Also listen out for tonight's show which will be bringing reports about the recent US bombing of Somalia, This week in Palestine, the weekly update produced by IMEMC, as well as radical tunes and grooves.
Tate in a State over "sensitive" photographs
15-01-2007 16:56

Using extensive reference photographs Wallinger has has managed in his work 'State Britain' to re-create an exact copy of Brian Haw's protest camp as it was prior to 23rd May's police raid. Today's press call was to encourage us to photograph the art made from the photographs, so to speak.
Except that some art, including horrific birth defects as a result of depleted uranium armaments was off limits. Admission to the launch was dependent on agreeing not to photograph it.
SOCPA - brian haw's full display rises like a pheonix
15-01-2007 14:20

Another Irish airport could welcome U.S. military flights
15-01-2007 12:45

Gays demonstrate at Vatican for civil unions
15-01-2007 12:06

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Nazis in Russia tried to murder an antifascist again
15-01-2007 05:13
sequence of nazi attacks on anti-fascists in Russia goes on.14 of january 2007 in St.-Petersburg group of about 10 nazi attacked with knives an activist of Food not bombs.
10/01/07: Downing Street Candle-lit vigil for Guantanamo Bay prisoners
15-01-2007 01:47

Copenhagen: On .. two .. many Youth Houses!
14-01-2007 18:58

Anti-Arms Trade Campaigners launch new Legal Attack against Factory’s Lawyer
14-01-2007 14:32
Anti arms trade campaigners have handed in seven official complaints to the law society regarding the conduct of Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, the solicitor who represented EDO MBM in their failed attempt to gain a civil injunction against protesters at their Brighton factory.