UK Health Newswire Archive
Maurice Kirk has been incarcerated for 3 months
26-09-2009 14:55
Arrested and sectioned for bringing charges against South Wales Police, now held at a secure medical facility against his will and drugged daily, under 24 hour observation.IDA wins landmark victory against USDA and HLS secrecy
25-09-2009 03:23
Washington, DC —After a seven-year court fight, including the first trial in years involving the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture has been ordered by a federal judge to disclose 1,017 pages of records obtained during an investigation of controversial toxicology lab Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) to In Defense of Animals, the animal protection group said today.UK Mass Rally Against Mandatory Vaccinations October 3rd
23-09-2009 15:16
Info on mass rally against mandatory vaccination, London, Oct 3rd.Protest Mandatory Vaccination!!
23-09-2009 10:19
Saturday, 3rd October 2009 at 12 Noon - Houses of Parliament, Parliament Square Garden, Westminster, London, till about 2pmSave Our Herbs; the Campaign for the Protection of Herbal Medicine
23-09-2009 10:13
Without your support our traditional herbal medicines could become obsolete, inaccessible and your freedom of choice taken from you.Streets for People – Car Free Day Brighton
22-09-2009 15:11

You protect animals, please protect young girls too!
18-09-2009 21:26
Its time for London Fashon Week again, Its time to glorify heroin chic and the anorectic waif. Its time for young girls, perhaps your sister?, to be bombarded with this perversion of desireable images. Its time fot them to be to;ld they are not right, not beautiful, not worthy.If the weeks runway events and coverage are insuffucient, there are year round websites devoted to this perversion. Just like there are websites devoted to the practice of some predatory males to prey on young boys.
Confronted with the immorality, the FASHONITA ELITE refuse to back down. Deadly thin will be on the catwalk yet again this year!
Young impressionable ladies ( over a million of them in Britain are already INFECTED with this socially promoted illness)) can follow on facebook and probably twitter feeds.
As the article below notes, these young children can gain "inspiration from celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton" and learn how to be part of this glamorous yet deadly lifestyle.
I'm not there. I just think some Brits should read this article and think about it and hopefully go DO Something to bring the light and some shame to this perverse event, the LONDON "FASHON" WEEK.
Help needed for anarchist Rafal Gorski!
18-09-2009 11:10
Rafal Gorski; writer, anarchist, member of Anarchist Federation, basedin Krakow, Poland has been fighting cancer for years.
US Military Mental Health Crisis
15-09-2009 18:39
In January 2009 more US troops committed suicide than were killed in action in Iraq & Afghanistan. In recent years suicide rates in the military have more than doubled, mental health entry standards for new recruits appear to have been lowered and the resulting problems are being medicated with a dangerous cocktail of psychotropic drugs despite manufacturers warning labels.Exposing the Health Impacts of Open Cast: Public Meeting in Douglas
15-09-2009 08:39
Wednesday 23rd September, 19:00, St. Brides Centre, Douglas, South Lanarkshirewith Dr. Dick Van Steenis & unveiling the results of the Coal Health Study
Since the Camp for Climate Action in Mainshill Wood, community activists have been working hard to expose the real and devastating health impacts to local communities of open cast coal mining. Since a vastly inadequate amount of research has been done into these impacts, the campaign has done it itself.
help stop cyclamax build a incinerator that will burn nuclear /toxic waste
14-09-2009 15:54

Pain doubles at HLS, animal use drops 34%
13-09-2009 12:23

Billionaire Resnick Poison Spraying People Animals and Insects of California
09-09-2009 16:05
With a check to Schwarzenegger, billionaire Stewart Resnickhas been allowed to spray Checkmate against the people's will.
Checkmate is a poison whose ingredients Resnick has said no
one need know. He is also controlling the world's food supply
through creation of seedless varieties.
Care in the Consultancy: New Labour private enterprise stitching up the NHS
08-09-2009 10:22

I declare a 14 day national holiday!
05-09-2009 16:13
Everyone expects a huge surge in swine flu, with employers expecting a 50% abscence rate over the Autumn. It is a genuine threat and people will die. You may as well make the most of it, protect yourself and stay at home.Bodysnatching, Radiation Poisoning and Infanticide
04-09-2009 14:24

has it all in spades.
Is this alarmist, you might ask? No, not really.
Direct Action for Independent Living, Birmingham, 14th September 2009
31-08-2009 22:13
Disabled people in Birmingham are dying as a result of the lack of social support provision from Birmingham City Council. Join us on Monday 14th September and take action for the human rights that Birmingham City Council are denying us. THE TIME FOR ACTION IS NOW!Mental Health Act Silences Litigant in Person - Maurice Kirk South Wales Police
31-08-2009 21:29

How Meat Fish and Dairy Harm The Brain
28-08-2009 12:48
Live Science published a UCLA study of the brainscans of obese people and found that they have an average
8% less brain mass. Why is this?
A listing of toxins in meat, fish and dairy which harm brain function
Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner
28-08-2009 09:59
Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner work together, and Andy Thomas passes on curious messages at particular moments.