UK Health Newswire Archive
Thursday's NHS demonstration
24-03-2012 10:55
Demonstrators gathered outside the Bristol Royal Infirmary to protest the government’s controversial health and social care bill which was passed on Tuesday. The protest was the second in two days outside the hospital and had more than doubled in size. More protests are planned for the coming days and are expected to draw larger crowds again.Saturday, 1pm, March against Privatisation of the NHS
24-03-2012 10:55
At 1pm today, protests will continue against the privatisation of the NHS.This time we will meet in the Centre by the Fountains and march from there.
Yesterday saw a group of about 30 people meet at midday and march up to the Tory Bristol HQ in Clifton, with music and banners saying "The Future of the NHS is in Our Hands" and "Come join us. Save the NHS". Traffic backed up behind but I had chance to talk with drivers and so many are really angry. Angry at the government for what they are doing to working class people.
Spontaneous demo against privitisation of NHS
22-03-2012 00:55

Myriad Reasons To Avoid The Toxins Of Petrefying Animal And Fish Flesh
20-03-2012 17:24
Today March 20th for many years has been Meatout Day, when millions are urgedto kick the meat habit.
There are ethical, health, environmental, food yield,
energy, aesthetic, economic and spiritual reasons to avoid
animal flesh.
2nd occupation in opposition to NHS reforms
20-03-2012 17:23
another occupation25 March 2012 (Sunday) - The Black Rose hosts Jeff Monson in London
19-03-2012 20:51

London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES. 17:00 until 19:00
Don't Mourn The NHS - Organise To Save It!
19-03-2012 20:34

report and pics on nhs demo and actions yesterday
18-03-2012 14:55

a peaceful protest to save the nhs yesterday became a blockade of whitehall and then a march through the streets of london. as TSG officers were deployed, there were some incidents and injuries, as well as a controversial incident with some gun-wielding diplomatic protection police.
Full article | 2 additions | 9 comments
Cop thug U1632 attacks NHS protest
17-03-2012 20:11

Emergency Meeting to bring together NHS campaigns
17-03-2012 13:09
A meeting to bring together NHS campaigns and campaigners for urgent action to save the NHS - including discussion about a national demo.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Interview with PCT occupiers
16-03-2012 15:52
Interview with occupiersWe are occupying PCT headquarters in oxford ...
16-03-2012 13:59
We are occupying PCT headquarters in oxford ...Campaigners Take Action Against Mainstream Banks
14-03-2012 18:12

Block The Bill Builders
14-03-2012 03:03
Action against the Coalition Government's planned Health and Social Care bill has so far largely been what ministers will have expected and planned for, since privatisation of the NHS was first mooted (long before the 2010 general election).As a result, such action is being largely ignored by those who will vote, and indeed by the mainstream media.
We are calling for a Day of Action on Wednesday 14th March
Fukushima 1 year on: Hinkley Point to be surrounded and blockaded
10-03-2012 14:55

Volunteer for Oxford's rape crisis centre (repost)
09-03-2012 17:23

Save Our NHS, Public Meeting, Stroud 15 March 2012
09-03-2012 10:19

Wake Up Call follow-up: Oxford coaches NHS rally in London this Wednesday
05-03-2012 15:52
Following the screening of Wake Up Call, a series of three films explaining the Coalition Government's proposals for the privatisation of the NHS, there was quite a lot of interest from people interested in getting hold of the film and also to go to the rally to be held this Wednesday.Schmallenberg or Nuclear iceberg.
27-02-2012 12:27
Birth abnormalities and stillbirths are well known in the world of Nuclear Power, not forgetting Leukaemia and various other cancers.