UK Health Newswire Archive
NSW Corrective Services Legislation Amendment Bill
28-07-2006 02:16

US Air Force begins bombing raids in NT!
27-07-2006 23:26

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Protests Greet Blair in Nottingham
27-07-2006 10:34

Anti-Asbestos campaigners to 'go bananas' against Countryside Properties PLC
26-07-2006 01:19

Anti-Asbestos campaigners are to ‘go bananas’ this evening outside Rochdale Town Hall from 5.45pm – 6.15pm.
Strict council rules ban placards and banners inside the Town Hall so the campaigners hope to get their point across with Fairtrade soft fruit.
They say the planning system is ‘bananas’ where local council taxpayers have to pay up to £80,000 for a report that heavily criticises the past actions of property speculators who wish to build a £100 million development with a planning fee of just £5500.
48 Hour Ambulance Strike This Weekend!
25-07-2006 19:25

Atkins Report welcomed by Rochdale MP!
24-07-2006 12:03
The publication today (24th July 2006) of the Atkins Report by Rochdale Council into asbestos and non-asbestos contamination at the former TBA site at Spodden Valley has been welcomed by Rochdale MP Paul Rowen.STOP water fluoridation NOW! and prevent it in your area!
24-07-2006 11:41
Anti water Fluoridation campaignWhy hasn't aspartame been banned?
24-07-2006 11:30
Important information to help you stay healthy nd informed:Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms One Man Picket IS Part of It!
23-07-2006 15:55

General Rejuvenation of the Body
22-07-2006 11:04
Some practitioners are now offering a new healing technology – vacuum-gradient therapy (VGT), which influences body processes on much more fundamental level, so it enables us to cure the most serious health problems. This method is based on the application of measured levels of vacuum to different layers of soft tissues, including the very deepest muscle structures.Protest to mark the loss of the NHS
21-07-2006 16:27
First of regular protests against the loss of the NHS.Protest on Saturday 5th August 11-2pm. It will be held in the gardens at the end of Mazil Way, Cowley Road.
Angry hospital staff protest in Southport
18-07-2006 16:55

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(BAYER) Medications infected with the AIDS virus:
18-07-2006 09:26

Merseyside Ambulance Staff in Second 24hr Strike
17-07-2006 14:06

Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe
16-07-2006 01:22
Nine days after the start of the American president's 2003 "shock and awe" uranium bombing campaign in Baghdad, an invisible radioactive uranium oxide gas cloud swept through Britain's towns and countryside and throughout Europe.Diabetes and Depleted Uranium - Italian Embassy Cover up
16-07-2006 01:09
(San Francisco Bay View) Dr Mishra described June 29th to June 6 as "A week from Hell." International radiation expert Leuren Moret talked to Dr Mishra, a famous surgeon from India, the afternoon of July 7, 2006. Dr. Mishra's report was grim. I had tried to reach him by phone and email for a week. I was concerned about his safety. On July 10 Dr Mishra stated "I will not be cowed down."films on Nuclear Power & Depleted Uranium
15-07-2006 13:40

'8 Days Against The G8'
London Indymedia presents...
White House, Congress seek to legalize kangaroo courts, torture
14-07-2006 22:46

Outlawing Genetic Engineering via Grassroots Education Campaigning
14-07-2006 05:48
Genetic Engineering is a nightmare technology that has already caused a number of deadly, crippling and injurious DISEASE EPIDEMICS -- documented but unpublicised. We must OUTLAW GMOs via grassroots education/political activation campaigning. A detailed Action Plan will be found in this article.