UK Health Newswire Archive
Muzzled climate change hydrologist needs your help now!
28-02-2006 18:57
Muzzled climate change hydrologist wants you to counter foolish arguments by skeptic spammer Peter K. Anderson (Harlod) from Australia.Transhumanism, human “enhancement” and eugenics: day of information for action
28-02-2006 13:28
Transhumanism, human “enhancement” and eugenics: day of information for actionDU Contaminates Europe - Halliburton Hid Evidence
27-02-2006 23:10
Death in the AirWatercycling The Palm islands of Dubai
27-02-2006 15:56

Mesothelioma - Asbestos cancer protest and meeting.
26-02-2006 09:38
British Lung Foundation’s Action on Mesothelioma DayMonday 27th February. Manchester Town Hall:
Photo call 12.30pm Town Hall steps.
Meeting: Great Hall 1-3pm.
County Council about to approve 26 year waste strategy (with more incineration)
24-02-2006 22:30
The County Council meets on 23rd February to consider a recommendation to approve the award of a 26-year waste PFI contract for Nottinghamshire to Veolia Environmental Services.Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
L'Oreal to buy Body Shop?
23-02-2006 13:55
L'Oreal, the world's largest maker of cosmetics, has announced it may make an offer for Body Shop International Plc, the U.K. retailer of natural cosmetics started by Anita Roddick. Body Shop's share price gained around 13 percent on the news.Defend Public Services demo April 29th
23-02-2006 10:53
Appeal from Cambridge Trades CouncilPro Animal testing website - SPAM IT.!
22-02-2006 17:21
Pro animal testing protesters (!!!) have set up a nice little website to (mis)inform people about animal testing.Pro-vivisectionists group 'Pro-Test' gather to defend Oxford tortore lab
22-02-2006 15:24
Students and staff at Oxford University are to defy animal rights campaignersand demonstrate in support of a controversial £163;20m research facility.
It's Everybody's World
20-02-2006 04:56
"The reality is that of 580,000 soldiers who served in that war 325,000 are on permanent medical disabilty and 11,000 have subsequently died - an astonishing figure of 56% of those who served are now seriously ill with radiation related sicknesses, eupehmistically labelled "Gulf War Syndrome" by the medical and military establishments that refuse, of course, to acknowledge its true cause." And much more.Biopirates: Bayer earns $379m from diabetes drug
19-02-2006 09:48

Crap "Stop and Search" of the Week: for wearing a McLibel T-shirt!
18-02-2006 17:06

Valentine's Day Protest at Health and Safety Commission (Death by deregulation)
18-02-2006 16:59

bi-monthly meeting of the Health and Safety Commission, the
government-appointed committee that sets the policy for the Health and Safety Executive.
The protest was drawing attention to the abolition of basic safeguards for workers which they say is happening at an increasing rate as profit takes precidence over people.
‘We love enforcement’ Valentine’s cards were delivered to the new HSE chief executive Geoffrey Podger along with a copy of the damning new report "Total Suck Up", which accuses the watchdog of going walkies from its legal duty to enforce criminal safety law in its haste to adopt the government’s business-friendly ‘better regulation’ agenda.

In Good Faith
15-02-2006 22:04

East Anglia Social Forum
15-02-2006 01:12
You are cordially invited to the next meeting of the East Anlgia Social Forum (EASF) which will be on Saturday at the Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane, Cambridge. Starts at 12 finishes at 4 pm, followed by a Wild Thyme available here
Queer BarberShop and Shoeshine
14-02-2006 17:49
Queer barbers and shoeshine boys,From Seeds to Fruit - Growing futures for Southend on Sea
12-02-2006 22:05
A one day gathering for therapeutic horticultural projects, community gardens, school gardening and 'green' clubs, allotment societies, local small businesses (eg, growers, nurseries, cafes, wholefood shops, etc) and environmental and health promoting organisations in the Southend on Sea area.