UK Health Newswire Archive
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Activists hijack phone boxes across London to raise their voice against poverty
29-05-2007 17:05

The stunt is part of The World Can’t Wait – Your Voice Against Poverty Campaign, which will be followed by a huge rally in Westminster on Saturday 2nd June, prior to the G8 Summit which starts in Germany on 6th June.
Livesupportmachine Keep Our Hospitals Awareness Gigs
28-05-2007 12:22

Smoking is Healthier Than Fascism
25-05-2007 12:33
Below is an article from the deaf who won't listen...
24-05-2007 13:35

The Hidden Pollution Issue
22-05-2007 23:57
It doesn’t matter who we are or where we live, we are all contaminated with harmfull chemicals that threaten our health and that of our children.The English Submarine.
22-05-2007 11:05

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The US war and occupation of Iraq—the murder of a society—Part two
21-05-2007 20:31

New Report Challenges Basic Assumptions About Climate Change
21-05-2007 12:44

Australia: 1 in 8 kids exposed to INDULGENCE: study?
20-05-2007 23:15

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Health Risks from Electromagnetic Pollution
18-05-2007 10:50
The Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAGE) on ELF-EMFs was set up in 2004 by the Department of Health to investigate the implications power frequency electric and magnetic fields. Its report last month said the Government should consider banning new building within 65 yards of overhead cables. [1] "As many as 100,000 homes sit within this 'danger zone' which previous studies have shown can trigger fatal diseases in adults and children alike" ranging from childhood leukaemia, breast and brain cancer, miscarriage and Alzheimer's disease.Eye witness evidence of Nestlé malpractice on eve of demonstration
18-05-2007 09:27
Nestlé is the target of an international boycott because of its aggressive marketing of baby foods. A newspaper article and new film reveal how Nestlé continues to undermine breastfeeding, breaking international marketing standards, where laws have yet to be introduced and enforced.Food Up Front project
17-05-2007 22:36
Food Up Front is a permaculture project that grew from last autumn's Naturewise Design Course aimed at encouraging and inspiring city people to utilise the space around them for edible landscaping.Meningitis vaccine linked to ME in Norway concerns investigators in New Zealand
17-05-2007 02:03
In Norway approximately one third of students developed symptoms of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) within 1-3 weeks of receiving the Meningitis vaccination. Now Investigators say the Meningitis vaccination campaign in New Zealand may prove detrimental to children’s health.Department of Health tries to suppress facts about Private Finance Initiative
16-05-2007 14:31
While I am better known to readers of the World Socialist Web Site for articles on the Middle East, in my professional life I am an academic who writes on business and public policy and finance. My recent experiences reveal how the Labour government seeks to ensure that research contradicting its lies and exposing increasing corporate control over public policy is suppressed.Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
New Site Provides Large Library of Information Against Porn
16-05-2007 00:45 launched in 2006 to raise awareness about how porn harms people and communities. It explores legal strategies that can be used to reduce the crime and blight that can stem from adult enterprises. We currently offer over 400 articles on porn and the porn industry. The site serves over 15,000 visitors per month.Food and Hospitals Not Bombs - April 28th
15-05-2007 14:53

As Labour fiddles M.E. patients suffer and die
14-05-2007 15:46

In an unprecedented action, a total of 18 UK ME/CFS charities have signed a joint statement expressing extreme concern.
Nottingham NHS Campaign, Public Meeting
12-05-2007 14:11
KEEP OUR NHS PUBLICDo you know your NHS is being privatised?
The largest independent sector treatment centre in the UK will open her soon. Come along to the campaign to keep our NHS public.
Lincoln bin revolt
08-05-2007 15:27
Lincoln was a rock solid Labour stronghold. The Tories captured Lincoln when they promised a return to weekly refuse collection.