UK Health Newswire Archive
Crest Nicholson Plc Evicted Houseboat Family Open Letter of Appeal
21-10-2005 20:51

Smoking Bans: Liabilty Dodge By Big Cig...and Pesticides etc
20-10-2005 01:19
"Smoking" bans are presented as "wholesome" and "concerned" about health. They are nothing of the sort. They put blame and burdens of law on victims of the broad cigarette cartel...including many pesticide firms etc and all their insurers and investors and gov't allies.The ill childhood of Ari Vatanen's son at UK's boarding school
19-10-2005 19:55
Today's YP writes about reveals Kim Vatanen's - the son of Ari Vatanen - ill childhood based on nature writer Juha Jormanen's book "Hell Isle - Kim Vatanen's seven years in Boarding School [Helvetinsaari - Kim Vatasen seitsemän vuotta sisäoppilaitoksessa (Gummerus)]". Article also reveals how Kim Vatanen had to use therapy improving his mental health.Protests & free food outside McDeath
17-10-2005 19:31

Spodden Valley asbestos - what is going on? ...
17-10-2005 12:08

• The public deadline to ask council a question missed by a minute?
• Missing paragraphs in official answers?
• Still no ‘joined-up’ thinking?
Manchester McD-Day update
15-10-2005 12:25
updates from Manchester's anti-McDonalds weekend: critical mass and stink-bombsSchwarzenegger Signs California Legislation - Kids & Teachers Are NOT Lab Rats!
15-10-2005 07:40
NO HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION ON CHILDREN!Food not Bombs: International Day of Action against McDonalds
14-10-2005 17:10

13-10-2005 15:35
Only one in five MEPs in the UK have signed the “Safer Chemicals Pledge” - and none of the Conservatives, Labour or UKIP MEPs in the South-West or indeed the UK signed. Greens across Europe are urging MEPs to vote for strong legislation on 16th November to protect consumers and the environment.TSSSSS GETS LOUIS THEROUX'S SIGN OF APPROVAL
12-10-2005 16:25

Worldwide Day of Action against McDonalds - Sunday 16th October
11-10-2005 19:49

Spodden Valley asbestos- a ‘hot potato’ that nobody wants to hold?
11-10-2005 09:47

Was the public’s chance to question the council- ‘Gone in 60 seconds’...?
Halifax (Bank of Scotland) and Lloyds TSB Bank Targeted at Guildford
09-10-2005 09:36

Indymedia - growing pains or symptoms of decay
08-10-2005 14:52
Over the last couple of weeks a battle has been raging and opening fissures that threaten to drive apart the United Kollectives of Indymedia on this island. Unless you subscribe to the Sheffield IMC mailing list you are likely to be unaware about the arguments over claims of lack of communication, transparency and the existence of hidden hierarchies within the network.To test or not to test?
07-10-2005 09:48
On 13 and 14 October the Ethical Platform of the Council of Europe will meet to finish they work on recommendations regarding drug prevention in school. One of the most important questions they have is to if the instrument of drug tests should be done in schools or not.Cooperation with BAYER – Open Letter to Pittsburgh Filmmakers
06-10-2005 16:38

We read about the Environmental Film Festival you are organizing in cooperation with Bayer Corporation. We believe Bayer is not a good choice to partner with when pursuing environmental goals.
The Sky is Falling!
06-10-2005 11:20
Security fears as flu virus that killed 50 million is recreatedVeggie Food Extravaganza Comes to Redditch
05-10-2005 09:48