UK Health Newswire Archive
Egg Recall In US Grows to Over Half Billion
24-08-2010 20:04
The Centers For Disease Control in the US took over 3 months to issue a recallon an Iowa factory farm whose eggs have sickened thousands. The CDC claims
there are no deaths.
5 Activists Arrested for Taking Over FORTH ENERGY H.Q.
23-08-2010 15:05
This is the unspoken face of climate change. Logging concessions in Alaska, West Papua and the Congo are being offered to provide wood chip and pellets for Europe to burn as 'green energy'. Climate Camp activists targeted Forth Energy because of their plans to build 4 biomass power stations. Along with deforestation, biodiversity loss & accelerated climate change, millions of indigenous peole will be evicted. Local residents in Scotland will pay a high price from health-damaging emissions from burning wood.Cow Flesh Contains Even More Carcinogens Than Pig or Sheep Flesh
22-08-2010 16:54
Why is cow flesh even more dangerous than other mammal flesh?(The link is to a website of 1500 vegan physicians.. and not
the source of the article.)
Growing Resistance - near Edinburgh - 21st Aug
17-08-2010 15:38

For two years the community surrounding Airfield Farm have been objecting to Scottish Coals plans to open cast the area in order to remove two million tons of coal. In an independent survey 95% of local residents object to the planned mine.
Call-out to Radical Healthcare Workers!
15-08-2010 12:19
Online discussion forum launchedViolence Haunts Iraqs Youngest victims
15-08-2010 10:48
How the war, invasion and continued violence is having an impact upon the mental health of Iraqi children.NHS Rules Broken Says GMB
09-08-2010 14:44

Vivisectionist Animal Torturers Chief Recipients of Billionaire "Charity"
06-08-2010 02:15
While Gates and Buffett ostensibly work to increase charitable giving by the wealthiest Americans, the recipients are often animal torturers.
Veterans Mental Health Comes to Manchester
02-08-2010 21:01
The first open day for the veterans mental health society Combat Stress is coming to Manchester this Saturday!URGENT: Activist Jane Burgermeister Threatening Suicide on Her Blog Today
01-08-2010 01:04
Courageous Austrian-Irish journalist Jane Burgermeister, who broke the story of the World Health Organization's genocidal false pandemic, is now in grave danger in Austria from the NWO-controlled Austrian government, which is about to take away her freedom. This could trigger her suicide, with the world losing a valuable life. Here is the story in Jane's own words, and some ideas in mine on what we might do to prevent this.Ffos y Fran coal train blockade solidarity demo
30-07-2010 13:27
Heading to Climate Camp Cymru on August 13th? 13 people who blockaded the railway at Ffos y Fran opencast mine in April are being sentenced at Merthyr Crown Court that day at 2pm. Why not drop by for a solidarity demo.Cancer rate in Fallujah worse than Hiroshima
24-07-2010 19:46
The Iraqi city of Fallujah continues to suffer the ghastly consequences of a US military onslaught in late 2004.FREEMAN ECO VILLAGE site now open
24-07-2010 12:08

we would love to see bongo players and any musicians artists poets healers and any 1 that just wants to pop in and say hi or even to help build this project up.
so come down feel free to be free
SITE ADDRESS: 1 to 7 pier road
North woolwich
E16 2JJ
nearest tube is King george V on the D L R line ( no gates at this station )
or get the free ferry from woolwich to the north side of the water that runs till 10 pm or then you can walk through the foot tunnel
if you need any help at all all contact details are up on the profile pic hope to see you all soon lets put faces to facebook
love hugs peas and freedom xxx
Protest at the Tory Party Conference in Birmingham
22-07-2010 13:25

London Marathon sponsorship ethics questioned as Nestlé welcomed for 2011
22-07-2010 11:41

What's the real 'Gold Standard' in infant nutrition, Paul?
14-07-2010 05:28

Volunteers needed over ESA Campaign
09-07-2010 12:59
CarerWatch are thinking how to take this ESA campaign on (as part of our larger disability benefit campaign).They intend to hit the politicians on 6th September when they come back from recess. Please support them.
West Midlands Vegan Festival 2010
08-07-2010 20:33

BBC Promotes Vivisector who Forces Antidepressants On Shrimp
07-07-2010 10:17
Prozac, correlated to homicide and suicide, being forced on shrimpunited utilities /rrs /this is the incinerator companies record
23-06-2010 22:34
rrs plan many incinerators in uk .thier prototype incinerator on th e isle of wight has bee shut down for now breaching dioxins they are also responsoble for the floods in cockermouth cumbria .they filled the resavoiur above to the brim . then heavy rains came .houses flooded ,bridges washed away .apoliceman died .yet to be dealt with now they build deadly incinerators causing child deaths cancers ect in the uk .stop them now