united utilities /rrs /this is the incinerator companies record
peter ambler ssainderby@aol.com | 23.06.2010 22:34 | Climate Chaos | Health | World
rrs plan many incinerators in uk .thier prototype incinerator on th e isle of wight has bee shut down for now breaching dioxins they are also responsoble for the floods in cockermouth cumbria .they filled the resavoiur above to the brim . then heavy rains came .houses flooded ,bridges washed away .apoliceman died .yet to be dealt with now they build deadly incinerators causing child deaths cancers ect in the uk .stop them now
yes look at thier record and judge for yourself join our fight to stop the incinerators being built recycling is cheaper and healthier composting .

peter ambler ssainderby@aol.com
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