UK Health Newswire Archive
Christmas message! X!
23-12-2013 02:07

on the use value of psychology in current Kiev upsurge in fascism
10-12-2013 09:50
This post is a direct news-related reaction to the discussion started at
Two tendencies of Western EUropean and US discussions do not seem to be terribly helpful in our current fight against the fascistic upsurge in Kiev:
- seeing the East as something far apart and just catastrophic and
-assuming that desturbed minds are on their way just where corporate media choose to show them these days: with folks close to Kiev working classes
Mind, that psychology, as most beople know and practice it is still a distincltly ruling class ideology, especially its "textbook" vulgarisations. Bourgeois psychology wants to keep you normal, average consumer, average subject, average wage earner (just keep your contributions NORMAL). This is completely detached from social reality, a new religion for the toiling class. Hunting for profits in the upper strata of today's European "business community" means asserting your strategy in a bonfire of highly and cynically crazy macho individuals.
UG#671 - The Nuclear Fuel Pool of Damocles (Fukushima, Chernobyl and PBDEs)
04-12-2013 01:06

#OpSafeWinter Engaged
01-12-2013 19:11
Mission of the OP, to highlight the homeless situation in areas throughout the UK. Build up a resource network for food supply, blankets clothes socks etcUG#669 - The Restless Energy of The Hunted Mind (Information/Social Dysfunction)
11-11-2013 09:15

£83k grant will help get homeless off the streets
08-11-2013 19:50
A GOVERNMENT grant will help a homeless charity give one-on-one help to rough sleepers in Oxford to get them off the streets.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
NHS Mental Hell
31-10-2013 17:39
I am one of the people featured in Bedlam, a four part documentary series which starts tonight on Channel 4. It’s about the Betham Royal Hospital’s work with the mentally ill. I’m sure it’s a good documentary, & people should watch it, but this article is about important things which it won’t be reporting.Shropshire cruelty free christmas fair November 30th
28-10-2013 22:21

Homeless to live in shipping containers
21-10-2013 16:15
Homeless to live in shipping containers for up to five years in bid to tackle housing shortageHappy Birthday Veggies!!!!
16-10-2013 17:24
Veggies food in court,McBurgers V's Veggies burgers(McLIbel Trial),Rain,sun,snow,blood,sweat,tears,love,laughter,exhaustion,Brighton to Scotland and more....Why Having Children Should Be Illegal:
16-10-2013 00:21
Despite all the cultural and religious indoctrination (and presumption) to the contrary, to be born Homo sapiens onto this planet, even in these modern times of materialist comfort, is still far too much a curse. Of course no one will tell you you’ve been condemned to a life of questionable worth and meaning, albeit with plenty need to toil for one’s un-mitigating desires. Rather its expected you’ll inculcate the accepted lies, such as how precious life is, in general, as it is always presumed to be—and never question its ordained status or sacred value. Conditioned are you then to think you “should” be grateful for having been born into this human mess (more properly referred to as the insanity of humanity).How Innocent Birds Are Treated In Many Factory Farms
13-10-2013 17:37

KFC Boycott And Chicken Disease Cause Owner Profits To Drop 70%
10-10-2013 14:33

Conference Demonstration Against NHS Privatisation
30-09-2013 02:20
It was big, it was loud, and it drew people from everywhere between Glasgow and Devon.25 Ingredients In McNuggets, 17 Ingredients in McDonald's Fries..
24-09-2013 19:46

litter, etc.
The latest on GM food, info nights next week
30-08-2013 10:22
Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Free.
Similar events in Edinburgh, Manchester and Newport throughout the week. See website for details.
UG#657 - Rounding Up The Opposition (Glyphosate Risks, David versus Monsanto)
29-07-2013 22:17

Homeless in Tower Hopeless Council estate
25-07-2013 15:17
With the 'debate' on whether to film Tower Hamlets Council Meetings assuming such importance that Labour Party Candidate for election to Executive Mayor of the Borough if Tower Hamlets has joined the fray, calling the 'debate' over filming 'silly'. It is John Biggs. He reckons that filming and recording of Council Meetings should take place without a row at all.UG#655 - Unite and Conquer 3 (Social and Personal Consciousness of Self & Other)
21-07-2013 15:13