UK Health Newswire Archive
stop incinerators being built .they cause deaths and cancers
23-06-2010 21:55

threat of the incinerator s being built in uk
23-06-2010 21:26
incinerators increase child deaths cancers ect derby have the threat of 3 being built help advive welcome dUN Global Compact - 10 years of helping cover up corporate malpractice
23-06-2010 10:52
Happy birthday to the UN Global Compact!Edinburgh Budget Day Protest
20-06-2010 16:32
Rally 6pm at the Mound, Edinburgh
March to Charlotte Square
Combat Stress: PTSD & the Family
20-06-2010 09:33
A public meeting on the affects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the impact it has upon the wider family unit.Primate Torture in the US, UK, China, Malaysia and Elsewhere
19-06-2010 17:13
Recent deaths of primates in the US exposed to freezing and baking temperaturesin San Antonio Texas and in Nevada have brought renewed attention to the
unseen torture.
Protest Nestlé's claim that breastmilk substitutes 'protect' babies
17-06-2010 08:33
Protest Nestlé's claim that breastmilk substitutes 'protect' babies, public urged for UK breastfeeding awareness week (21 - 27 June). This press release is also available at:
Is Obama Child-Endagering In Recommending Gulf Fish Flesh?
15-06-2010 22:09

asphyxiated as they die.
HEAT STROKE: When Heat Kills
13-06-2010 16:20

The Racist UN, the genocidal World Health Organization, the money dominated WTO
12-06-2010 16:41
depopulation plots at the WHO, democracy stifling at the Security Council,plutocracy at the WTO
US Co.. Epicyte With USDA Funding Developed Seed Corn Containing Spermicide
11-06-2010 20:30
While billionaires Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, and others met in the last12 months to discuss ways to control population,
corn containing spermicide was funded by the US Dept of Agriculture, while 'vaccines' containing Chorionic Gonadotropin to
prevent pregnancy, etc.were developed by the World Health Organization
Atos Origin Don’t Give a Toss for the Sick
28-05-2010 22:27
With Iain Duncan-Smith yesterday announcing the Tories plans to fuck the Welfare State we’ll be taking a closer look at exactly what that means.Black Flag 231: out now
28-05-2010 17:30

Health fears over chemical site (ex Bayer site Cambridge UK)
27-05-2010 12:12

Villagers are blaming a massive clean-up operation at a former chemical factory for making them feel unwell.
Soil at the old Bayer CropScience site in Hauxton is being decontaminated ahead of the construction of 380 homes, but the work is giving off nasty odours.
LIVE Nestlé Forum - put your questions
27-05-2010 11:50
Nestle is trying to Greenwash its image with an event in London on 27 May, claiming its company values mean that it can be trusted to do the right thing, rather than there being meaningful regulations. Put your questions.Hounslow Freedom Pass Holders Refused Renewal
22-05-2010 21:24
These are the two cases that have come to light with council spokeman lying through his teeth saying the Government set the criteria.NHS doctors are providing info on political activists & Muslims to the police.
17-05-2010 01:13
GPs are being required to pass information to the police regarding people that they think are at risk from crime or at risk of committing one. This is meant to safeguard children and safegurad women who might be victims of domestic violence, rape, female circumcism or murder. It is also meant to protect people with mental health problems and others affected by it.US War Plan: ... little Nuclear Munitions
16-05-2010 12:14

Anthrax alert issued today. Heroin infected with deadly anthrax in circulation
13-05-2010 23:26
The BBC reported today that the Department of Health and UK Police have issued a safety alert as heroin infected anthrax has killed a number of people. Heroin infected with anthrax spores killed people in Scotland in December 2009. Today police revealed that more people have died including a person in London. Was it leaked from an animal testing lab?Mars And Other Pet Food Giants Have Become Fleshmongers
12-05-2010 17:03
Mars, maker of dairy and gelatin saturated candies, is heavily involvedin marketing animal flesh for pets. Recently the company refused
to let inspectors into its animal research facilities. A new such
facility is in Kansas City, Missouri in the US.