UK Health Newswire Archive
Save east London hospital - march and rally on 2 Feb, 2007
28-01-2007 14:19
March and rally planned to highlight anger at proposed closure of Whipps Cross hospital in Leyton, east London.Livermore Pro-Nukers Move to Kill More in San Francisco Area
28-01-2007 03:17

“Sea rise would inundate German nuclear waste dumps”
26-01-2007 22:04
German nuclear opponents say a predicted rise in sea level of up to seven and a half metres in the next ten to thirty years would inundate the Gorleben nuclear waste depots and put radioactive isotopes into the biosphere.Bayer reaches settlement over drug disclosure
24-01-2007 18:31

'Survivors' of truama and abuse caused by Ombudsman... Reply from LGOwatch....
24-01-2007 14:06
I am tryingto gather up further support and ask further advice and any action that needs to be taken urgently on this matter with Local Goverment Ombudsman's abusive behaviour is being monitored by Gary Powell and other at LGOWatch, in which is impacting on some of the most vulnerable disabled people and their familes and carers within our society here in the UK which is causing many 'victims' of basic human rights abuses.With others within the disabled peoples and other movements in the UK I am asking for allies within the UK and global indymedia on this urgent basic human rights matter. Please read below....
Stop Lydd Airport Expanstion-Public Mtg etc.
20-01-2007 16:30
Rspb to hold public meeting against Lydd Airport Expansion- Council consultation period opens...MP yet again pictured promoting McDonald's
19-01-2007 17:35
For the second time in a week, Gerald Howarth MP is pictured promoting McDonald's.Haiti: Outbreak of Sickness in Prisons
18-01-2007 02:21

MP promotes junk food
17-01-2007 13:24

Indonesia and South Africa banning neurotoxic artificial sweetener Aspartame
13-01-2007 17:21
For different reasons, each Nation is moving towards such a ban, eventually to result in medical bans resulting from neurotoxic by products of aspartame, including methanol, formaldehyde, and diketopiperazine. Legislation proceeds in NM Legislature to the same for New Mexico, sponsored by NM Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino.Crucial petition on People living with Autism/NeuroDiversity basic human rights
12-01-2007 13:01
Can I ask all my friends and allies within Indymedia and other networks, to follow Larry Arnold, myself and others within the 'NeuroDiversity' movement to sign this petition... Larry has educated me in why 'you' should follow him, others and myself in signing this petition...... Larry said..... see below....Lords consider mental health laws
10-01-2007 16:48
He said: "People should retain as much autonomy as possible. People may have decision-making ability over many of the areas where decisions need to be made.Collins Stewart London Boat Show Banned Family - Limited Picket
10-01-2007 12:07

Advertising Cancer Infects NHS
09-01-2007 18:46
Yes, you read it right. Now that we have 'choice' in what hospitals we consume (sorry, 'use'), Merseyside NHS hospitals are going to start flaunting their wares in public spaces, in a bid to make you choose Southport General over the Royal Liverpool or whatever. Of course, as with any business, the money spent on advertising will not be available for wages or the actual services. And in hospitals, the services are quite important.Fortnightly rubbish collection creating a plague of rats
08-01-2007 12:04
Across the country, fortnightly rubbish collection is creating a plague of rats.Green Hero : Erv Klaas, Ames, USA
07-01-2007 20:00

Manchester Bicycle Exhibition
05-01-2007 18:12

NYT exposes Eli Lilly lies about Zyprexa
30-12-2006 04:55

"Scientist" The Board Game! - Vivisection fun for all the family!
30-12-2006 01:16
"Scientist" The Board Game....This fantastic board game takes you through the world of medical research and is suitable for all ages!
Will you be respected by your peers or end up a nobody? Roll the dice to find out!
Critical mass this Friday 29th Dec
27-12-2006 16:29

We suspect lots of santa's will be on bicycles!