Livermore Pro-Nukers Move to Kill More in San Francisco Area
by Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award Winner | 28.01.2007 03:17 | Ecology | Health | World
Normally, the weaponized radioactive poison gas munitions are to be used on America's many "terrorists" enemies around the globe. The battlefield product has no "turn off" switch and is deadly forever. Apparently, the rogue Livermore Nuker Lab has declared war on San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO -- In a truly bizarre development, the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, in Livermore, California, has gotten underway even larger nuclear radiation open air explosive detonations at "Site 300" near Tracy, California.
Tracy is on the South end of the Bay Area. The High Explosive detonations are to widely distribute radioactive poison gas [uranium oxide gas and aerosols] over the unsuspecting seven million residents of the San Francisco Bay Area, water supplies, buildings, animals, food crops and plants of every variety.
Bob Sarvey, Bay Area citizen/activist and businessman stated "The government has been using Site 300 as an explosives testing facility since the late 1950's. The site has been a toxic Superfund site since 1991 and contains a 2 mile tritium plume [radioactive hydrogen in water] with deposits of U-238 [radioactive uranium] in unlined pits. No one has paid much attention; but, now that the City of Tracy wants to build 5,500 homes in the shadow of the Site it's time to examine its radiological and noise impacts on Tracy and the radiological impacts on the rest of the Bay Area."
The great billion dollar foodstuff and veggie producing irrigated valleys of California are just a stones throw away.The Nation's food supply is in danger.
Normally, the weaponized radioactive poison gas munitions are to be used on America's many "terrorists" enemies around the globe. The battlefield product has no "turn off" switch and is deadly forever.
Apparently, the rogue Livermore Nuker Lab has declared war on San Francisco. The Nuclear Weapons Lab has been "managed" by UC-Berkeley for 61 years.
In a demonstration of supreme religious belief in war, Livermore Nuker Lab officials allude to a little fence around the huge 7,000 acre open air Radiation Bomb "Live" Detonation Area for protection.
It is as if the little fence is supposed to stop the radioactive gas in the wind. Needless to say, the rest of us know that it is not going to happen. Yet, Livermore Nuker Lab seems to believe the public will buy this lame defense.
Livermore Lab has continuously contaminated the region for decades. San Francisco residents are reporting the presence of cancer causing uranium in hair samples.
This is what regular non-psychotic, anti-nuclear radiation bomber humans, or, the rest of us, can do to STOP the RADIOACTIVE BOMBS' GAS ATTACK ON SAN FRANCISCO!
Bob Nichols is a Project Censored Award winner. He is a newspaper correspondent and a frequent contributor to various online publications. Nichols is completing a book based on 15 years of nuclear radiation war in Central Asia. He is a former employee of the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant. Nichols can be reached by email, and readers are encouraged to write to him at mailto:


Help STOP DU Explosives
1) Donate monies to be used to fight large explosions at Site 300 at Livermore National Lab. Funding to hire experts is desperately needed.
No donation is too small!
Donate by check or online.
Make checks payable to: Tri-Valley CAREs
Put: Site 300 Explosions on Memo line.
Send checks to:
Tri-Valley CAREs
Attn: Bob Sarvey
501 West Grant Line Road
Tracy, CA 95376
Or donate online to Tri-Valley Cares

If you donate online, also be sure to send a note to

Contact info for Tri-Valley CAREs
2582 Old First Street
Livermore, CA 94551
Phone (925) 443-7148 * Fax (925) 443-0177

2) Attend Tracy City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 6 at 7:00 p.m. to support local residents to ask Tracy City Council to oppose large DU explosives at Livermore Lab:
Tracy City Hall
325 East 10th Street
Tracy, CA 95376
Phone: (209) 831-4103

Email correspondence addressed to or carbon copied to City Council is a public record.
For information on Tracy City Council:

3) Attend Hearing to show support on Wednesday, February 7 at 10 a.m.
Appeal to San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District Hearing Board
Meeting Location:
San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District
4800 Enterprise Way
Modesto, CA
Information about this meeting:


4) Write or call San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District

Seyed Sadredin
CEO/Air Pollution Control Officer
San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District
1990 East Gettysburg Avenue Fresno, CA 93726
Tel (559) 230-6000 Fax (559) 230-6061

Also send a letter to Mark Kanai who will be Listening to the appeal on February 7:
Mark A. Kanai
Chair No Cal Hearing Board
San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District
1990 East Gettysburg Avenue
Fresno, CA 93726
Tel (559) 230-6000 Fax (559) 230-6061
5) Write to City of Tracy Council and ask them to oppose large explosions at Site 300:
Tracy City Council at City Hall
325 East 10th Street
Tracy, CA 95376
Phone: (209) 831-4103

Email correspondence addressed to or carbon copied to City Council is a public record.
(6) Contact the Honorable Rep. Nancy Pelosi
Congresswoman Pelosi wants to hear from you. You can email her at

District Office
450 Golden Gate Ave. - 14th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 556-4862
Washington, D.C. Office
2371 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4965
(7) Contact the Honorable Rep. Barbara Lee
Oakland District Office
1301 Clay Street Suite 1000-N
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 763-0370 Fax: (510) 763-6538
Washington, D.C. Office
2444 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2661 Fax: (202) 225-9817
DC Scheduling Fax: (202) 226-1104
(8) Join with other activists who are working to stop
DU testing inside the US and stop the use of uranium weapons:

(9) Learn more about the effects of long term low level ionizing radiation on human health:
Low Level Radiation Campaign

Radiation and Public Health Project

Harmful effects of DU - Afghanistan After Democracy:

(10) Watch Videos
Under the Google Videos section search for: Leuren Moret, Doug Rokke, or Miraki
Dr. Rosalie Bertell:

Poisonous Legacy - Graphic Video on DU effects:

by Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award Winner
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