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Art of War: Gun Violence in America

09-06-2005 01:39

Gun Violence in America
600,000 Americans are victimized in handgun crimes each year. In 2002, there were 30,242 gun deaths in the U.S:

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More problems for builder planning asbestos factory housing development?

09-06-2005 00:25

Rochdale Councillors vote unanimously against Countryside Properties and MMC Estates road closure:

In their bid to build over 600 homes and a children’s nursery on the site of the world’s largest asbestos textile factory, Countryside Properties and MMC Estates have just run into more problems:

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No real alternative media in USA, please help!!

08-06-2005 20:46

I have irrefutable information which has a direct bearing on the militarism, sexism and general dysfunction endemic to american society. This information, if given widespread distribution in the USA, might have the power to undermine bush's plans for world domination.

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Vegan Festival in Birmingham

06-06-2005 14:11


Saturday 18 June ~ 9.30am-5pm ~ FREE ADMISSION

Carling Academy, Dale End, Birmingham City Centre - only 5 minutes walk from New Street/Moor Street Stations

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May Day Versus Loyalty Day

04-06-2005 18:01

May Day versus McCarthy era like "Loyalty Day" opened a UN Conference against Nuclear Weapons that seemed doomed by ambiguities and lack of reportage from its very start… including vagueUS intentions towards peace contrasted by recent trends and “nuclearised” weapons that support pre emptive strikes. Meanwhile, Israel still vague about possessing nuclear weapons adds to its crimes against humanity in the Occupied Territories by dumping its waste on someone else’s homeland.

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Spodden Valley: Crushed Asbestos factory- are locals praying for more rain?

01-06-2005 11:37

With the onset of summer and the possibility of hot, dry weather, official concern has been raised about large piles of crushed rubble on the site of the former Turner Brothers asbestos factory in the Spodden Valley, Rochdale.

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Kiss It!

30-05-2005 17:59

Please print & distribute!
...A rally call to all survivors, users and refusers of the psychiatric system, friends and allies! Demonstrate your disgust at the use of oppressive force in psychiatry! 14th July, 1 pm, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester!

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Countryside Properties. Asbestos criticisms voiced in Parliament...

25-05-2005 13:10

In an unprecedented move, asbestos victims and asbestos environmental concerns have just been made the subject of a Maiden Speech in Parliament.

The controversial planning application for 600 houses at the former Turner & Newall Asbestos factory in the Spodden Valley was addressed in the maiden speech of Rochdale’s new MP Paul Rowen.

Here are some of the excerpts: (as reported at: )

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Transport minister pied for support of Heathrow expansion lobby

24-05-2005 23:12

Alistair Darling, Secretary of State for Transport, was pied today at the launch event of a powerful new industry coalition, 'Future Heathrow', formed to ensure expansion of Heathrow goes ahead. Meanwhile over 100 local residents took time off work to demonstrate outside the CBI HQ launch event, with a huge banner reading 'Future Heathrow Stinks', and a new report that concludes that Heathrow contributes little to the national or local economy, but simply lines the pockets of the aviation industry. Future Heathrow is led by Clive Soley, once a Labour MP, now Lord Soley, now heading up this sleazy bunch of planet trashers with a multi-million pound budget to over ride the residents and the planet. Nobody expected the Secretary of State to make the phenomenally stupid mistake of so publicly siding with the aviation industry over such a controversial project. But he did, and was repaid with carrot cake, cream and major political embarrassment.

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Oxford: A Celebration of Africa, Saturday 4 June

24-05-2005 09:12

A fundraising event for The Red Cross Children's Hospital and The Institute for the Healing of Memories in Cape Town. It should be very entertaining, with African songs and drumming, films, fair trade produce etc as well as the chance to learn of the excellent work of these two organisations. Entry is free from 2.00pm to 7.15pm when the evening programme starts (£5/conc £3)

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Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] Protest against expansion

20-05-2005 22:49

On friday afternoon, the residence of Snienton and surrounding areas of Nottingham, came to protest against an Incinerators expansion plans. The company, Waste Recycling Group Ltd [WRG], are preparing a planning application for expansion. We went along to make our feelings known.

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20-05-2005 14:46

The uranium level in El-Khalil valley reaches 237 becquerel (bcq) per kilogram3, which equals about 10 times the permitted concentration, which is 25 bcq. The Thorium 232 (Th) level reaches 152 bcq where the permitted concentration level is also 25 bcq. The readings on Cesium 137 (Cs), another radio-active isotope that only emerges from nuclear explosions or nuclear activities is equivalently high.

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The communerty is walking in Oxford

20-05-2005 14:25

The is an initiative to encourage people to walk more...

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18-05-2005 03:40

"United for Safety 2005"

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Torture okay: propaganda paper

17-05-2005 04:12

The article - Not Enough Official Torture in the World? The Circumstances in which Torture is Morally Justifiable - is soon to be published in the University of San Francisco Law Review?

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Anniversary is woodland destruction - their answer is to ban public access!!!

14-05-2005 22:31

This Sunday 15th May at 2pm Spodden Valley campaigners are to meet at the concrete blocks on Dell Rd/Woodlands Rd in the Spodden Valley, Rochdale.

Thieaim is to walk the short distacnce on the public path ans cycle path of Woodlands Rd to where woodland was destroyed a year ago to the day.

To find out more about the environmental corporate vandalism that happened on 15/16th May 2004 go to

This might be the last chance to people may have to walk and cycle there for years…

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Food Aid Initiative in India by the Prem Rawat Foundation

13-05-2005 18:39

In a ceremony in Bantoli, a village in the state of Jharkand, India, Prem Rawat laid the cornerstone for the foundation of a facility that will bring free nutritious meals to children and adults in the area.

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Ethics of BioWeapons researched by Kent Prof.

13-05-2005 11:22

A lecturer from the Univ of Kent has been given a grant by the Wellcome Trust to investigate the 'ethics' of bio
weapons (Porton Down)

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Mental Health is a Human Rights Issue

12-05-2005 22:30

The Kiss It ! March - London, February 14th
Kiss it! is campaigning against the inhumanity of current psychiatric practices prevalent throughout the Mental 'Health' System. Join us to demonstrate in a peaceful, humourous demonstration at 1pm on Thursday 14th July 2005, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester (site of the original Manchester Asylum!)

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Canada's real Watergate is HEALTHCARE...!

11-05-2005 16:13

What do you really know about Canada's healthcare...