UK Health Newswire Archive
Worksop NHS protest
23-05-2011 07:55
Robin Hood comes to Worksop and says listen to the people
Bassetlaw's NHS "listening exercise" to be held at Worksop Town Hall, Friday 27th May, 7.000pm
Robin Hood and his band of helpers descended on Bridge Street, Worksop, last Saturday to tell the folk of Worksop that they had been missed out of the Government’s NHS “Listening Exercise”. Meetings had been held in Edwinstowe and Nottingham by NHS Nottinghamshire and the South Yorkshire PCT had held a meeting at Doncaster, last Monday that was attended by three people. Bassetlaw’s MP had not been told about the meeting and Bassetlaw people had not been invited to take part.
The group have asked John Mann to organise Bassetlaw’s own Listening Exercise and the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, and a representative from Future Forum, the group appointed by the Government to Listen to the People, will be invited to speak at a Public Meeting to be held at Worksop Town Hall, on Friday 27th May, at 7.00 pm.
The Bassetlaw Protecting our People and Services Group gave out leaflets and collected 622 signatures, in just over 2 hours, on a petition to Keep our NHS Public. Barry Donlan, a spokesperson for the group said Robin Hood would approve of the group using his name to defend the National Health Service for the people. He said that, “The Government’s proposals include turning the National Health Service into a National health market with profits for private providers funded through taxpayers’ money. Private companies would ‘cherry pick’ the simpler procedures to deliver and leave the more costly procedures for the taxpayer to fund”. Councillor David Potts said that Government advisers had said that future reforms would “show no mercy to the NHS and offer a big opportunity to the for profit sector”.
Robin Hood’s helpers gave out invitations to the Public Meeting and urged everyone to attend.
Atos Origin Threatens Disabled Group With Legal Action
21-05-2011 13:55

20s plenty meeting – Monday 23rd May at 6pm
19-05-2011 15:39

Sheffield Save Our NHS - Demo - March to City Centre - Saturday 28th May
19-05-2011 13:07

Witney charity supports rock band's campaign
19-05-2011 08:54

Whether they choose to contribute poems, lyrics or artwork they will also be helping to raise money for mental health charities.
Take this chance to rock the status quo
18-05-2011 14:21

Whether they choose to contribute poems, lyrics or artwork they will also be helping to raise money for mental health charities.
Simon Kirby MP for more help for Fibromyalgia ME/CFS suffers
17-05-2011 18:31
David Joe Neilson Human-rights Campaigner and Britains Top whilstleblower ask Simon Kirby mp for more help in Sussex for Fibromyalgia ME/CFS suffersPicket of NHS 'listening' event
16-05-2011 14:55
Campaigners to Make Sure Government Listening On NHS Reform
On Wednesday 18th May, Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS) will be holding a picket outside the local NHS "Listening" event to raise their concerns about the Health and Social Care Bill.
The event is one of a series of events being held across the country as part of Andrew Lansley's "pause" following widespread opposition to the Bill.
Campaigners are concerned that, contrary to Prime Minister David Cameron's assurances, the Bill will essentially dismantle the NHS, removing the duty to provide universal health care from the Secretary of State for Health and handing the most profitable parts to private companies.
Rosemary Muge from Notts SOS said, "We're told that the cuts are needed to save money, but the same government slashing public services are happy to spend billions on a massive, unwanted, top-down re-organisation of the NHS that nobody but private healthcare providers wants."
Ian Hewitt from the campaign said, "The Health and Social Care Bill has been criticised by the British Medical Association, Royal College of Nurses, NHS Confederation, the unions and even the Liberal Democrat spring conference. The government now claim to be listening and our message is clear: save the NHS, abandon the Bill."
- The listening event takes place at Belgrave Rooms, 25 Goldsmith Street, Nottingham Wednesday 18th May, 6-8pm. Notts SOS will be assembling outside from 5.30pm.
- Notts SOS was launched on 29th September 2010. We want to oppose cuts to services, job losses and cuts in benefits. We aim to support workers organisations, service users, community groups in fighting cuts in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. We hope to inspire confidence to think, meet and act. And to be inspired.
Sheffield incinerator waste burning plan
16-05-2011 11:52
The Veolia planning application to import waste to Sheffield to burn goes to Planning Committee next Monday - 2pm at the Town Hall. There should be some coverage in the Star tomorrow. The Green Party objection is outlined below for information. Obviously a presence at the meeting to outline objections will help the case against.New leaflet about Post Traumatic Stress Response, PDF available
15-05-2011 10:10
I've put together a new one double-sided A4, fold-me-in-three leaflet, about Post Traumatic Stress Response/Disorder. It describes the causes, symptoms, strategies for recovery and activist culture-conundruns, surrounding PTSR. E-mail me for a PDF to print up and scatter around squatts, resource centres, crisis centres and anywhere you think is appropriate.Urgent action to oppose capitalist take-over of the NHS
12-05-2011 09:57
The Save our NHS petition achieved a massive 350,000 signatures last night, after receiving nearly 60,000 signatures in just 48 hours. The petition's being presented to Nick Clegg TOMORROW, so please add your signature and e-mail the link to all your friends and contacts right now .....Cambridge Atos offices occupied
11-05-2011 23:20

Nestlé, Good Grief! - The Musical
11-05-2011 07:01
The annual demonstration over Nestlé's pushing of baby milk will take place on Saturday 21 May, 11:00 - 12:00 in Croydon. If you can't attend, you can still send us your 'Nestlé, Good Grief!' jingle.NHS protest Tues 17 May, Gower Street, London, 5.30pm
09-05-2011 23:36

Cop Advisors Admit Anti-Cuts Protests Can Win!
03-05-2011 20:53
Policy Exchange UK published a You Tube video of a symposium in which policing experts and former police infiltrators offer frank assessments of government responses to the threat they face from anti-cuts protests. These experts advise that the protests can succeed, and their primary advice to the government is to "kettle the political debate as efficiently as the Met kettles rioters". What strategies can protestors adopt to make sure that doesn't happen?A real sense of community down at the Farm !
02-05-2011 13:17
Its hard to not get wrapped up in the idea a farm is merely and exclusively for producing food, although the milk was particularly delicious!, or that the animals are merely there for petting , although Dingle the pony didn't seem to mind much!, what we can see at the Wellgate Community farm is a real sense of a community and a sense of achievement.Bristol.. Oops we did it again. Stokescroft/ St Pauls riots again
29-04-2011 02:44
The helicopter's still up, so it must still be rocking out there at 3.20am . I got in a while back because im working in the morning..... but i saw..Legislators In 3 US States Seek To Ban Slaughterhouse Investigations & Films..
28-04-2011 14:46
The world's largest fast food chain once ran a commercial of hamburgers growing in garden patches. For millenia, slaughterhouse torture has been hidden from children and adults. AETA, passed with the help of slaughterhouse state senators, California Senator Dianne Feinstein's husband Richard Blum and the FBI, is an unconstitutional law which limits animal rights activists' 1st amendment rights to expose brutality to animals. Now Minnesota,Iowa and Florida legislators want to hide further the abbatoir torture caught in video such as those above. A ban on filming would help those who profiteer from mongering cancerridden, ecoli saturated cadavers of murdered animals. One Minnesota Health Dept official said giving rare meat to a child is a form of chlid endangering akin to driving 95 mph on the highway. A California dairy operation film showed injured cows being pushed with forklifts into a chain link fence.
UG#548 - What You Don't Know Can Kill You (Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Safety)
28-04-2011 02:46