UK Health Newswire Archive
The World's Water: should it be privatised?
23-03-2005 22:28
The World's Water: should it be privatised? - PUBLIC MEETING - 7.30pm -Wednesday 13 April
Oxford Town Hall
Every year over two million people die because of the unclean water they are forced to drink. Many more - particularly women and children - have their lives disrupted by the need to walk miles to collect water.
Secret sale of public land. Demonstration against redevelopment of Queens
23-03-2005 19:31

Third International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factors
23-03-2005 18:32
Third International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factorson Health. call for papers/ abstracts..
Walk in the Walks
22-03-2005 17:04

Action Medic Training in London, 1-3 April
21-03-2005 23:25
*** CORRECTION: The training is Friday evening through to all of Sunday, NOT Saturday to Monday as previously advertised ***The medics group will be holding a 2 and a 1/2 day action medic training in London on the first weekend in April (the evening of Friday the 1st to Sunday the 3rd).
The Incredible Veggie Roadshow!
21-03-2005 18:14
Organised by VIVA! Comes to Manchester on Saturday 26th March, 10am-5pm, free entry, at the Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street, just round the corner from The Basement, 24 Lever Street, Manchester's new social centre and political bookshop. Check both out if you're around!Medic training for g8 in london 2-4th April
21-03-2005 11:36
The medics group will be holding a 3 day action medic training in London on the first weekend in April (Saturday the 2nd to Monday the 4th). to book a place email
Councillors powerless in face of corporations?
21-03-2005 00:05
A re-post from - about another incinerator being passed.We're watching the incinerator extension being built, and we know its insidious health effects. We know there are waste and recycling alternatives, that the dioxins produced will be with us forever more, and that once in operation it needs feeding with waste - destroying any genuinely sustainable waste strategy.
Isn't it time we began to think about getting the thing stopped?
Sex Crimes
18-03-2005 10:04
As any good doctor will tell you:
“I have a large population of people who have chosen not to take any anti-retrovirals. They’ve watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die.” – Dr. Donald Abrams, MD, Director of AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital (“Lecture to Medical Students,” Synapse, 1996)
The Cuban Health System
17-03-2005 15:37
The state of the Cuban Health SystemAnarchist Therapy
16-03-2005 23:39
How an anarchist (anti)psychiatrist developed an psychotherapy to help people liberate themselves collectively in a fun way.Neuroprotection by Amaranthus
16-03-2005 15:08
Brain tissue is highly susceptible to oxidative damage due to its high utilization of oxygen and its poorly developed antioxidative defense mechanisms. Radiation or pro-oxidants interact with cells and tissues through secondary ionization mechanisms such as lipid peroxidation (LPO). LPO can be inhibited by antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E and the carotenoid beta-carotene. beta-Carotene, the provitamin A, plays an important radioprotective role due to its properties as a potent free radical scavenger, singlet oxygen quencher, and lipid antioxidant. Amaranthus gangeticus Linn., widely considered as a weed, has a high content of carotene, ascorbic acid, and folate and may prove an efficient antioxidant. To evaluate the antioxidative efficacy of Amaranthus, healthy Swiss albino mice from an inbred colony were treated with alcoholic extract of A. gangeticus leaves (AE) for 2 weeks, at 800 mg/kg body weight, before radiation exposure. Irradiated mice were examined and autopsied at intervals of 1, 3, 7, 15, and 30 days after exposure. Brain was removed by skull dissection, and various biochemical changes were sought. Radiation caused a maximum increase of 27% in LPO and a maximum decrease of 27.96% in protein content at day 7 in controls. However, in the experimental group the increase in LPO was 9.98% and the increase in protein content was 18.78% at day 7. By day 30 after irradiation, AE brought these values to near-normal levels. AE protected brain biochemical activity in this murine study and may prove beneficial for clinical use as a radioprotector.seclusion of psychiatric patients- call for assistance
11-03-2005 15:20
At the ESF 2006 (probably in Greece) we want to organise an international meeting to discuss the situation of psychiatric patients in institutes. There are alternatives for seclusion: locking up patients in isolation cells. And putting patients outside society in separate institutes is discussable. We want to speak out about these issues, which have remained in silence for yet much too long.Charles not welcome!
08-03-2005 03:32
Eclectic Protests met Prince Charles in Wellington today...Healthworkers Beware!
04-03-2005 20:49
Alert for Healthworkers:Beware!
Conservative Party is gathering data on healthworkers who have found out classified material regarding Lyme disease incidence in UK.
Competition Amongst Sperms
03-03-2005 14:40
Many researchers are analyzing and extending theoretical and empirical work on different animals especially and human sperm competition. It considers both male and female interests in sperm utilization and the sexual conflict that can arise when these differ. It covers the mechanics of sperm transfer and utilization, morphology, physiology, and behaviour. Sperm competition is shown to have dramatic effects on adaptation in the context of reproduction as well as far-reaching ramifications on life-history evolution and speciation.(UK) Hillside Undercover Biggest UK Illegal Slaughterhouse
03-03-2005 12:03
The heroic Hillside Animal Sanctuary undercover team bravely risked their lives and a few limbs to covertly gather video evidence to expose barbaric animal cruelty, dangers to public health and illegal unlicensed practices in the biggest case of it’s kind in the UK.Fit Vegan Challenges Delia Smith & Norwich City FC
03-03-2005 11:55

FDA Chooses Drug Industry Health Over Public Health
01-03-2005 20:23
The US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) associate safety director, Dr. David J. Graham, highlights FDA priorities, with the safety of your medicines being low among them. And adverse reactions to 'properly prescribed and administered drugs' is the US's 4th leading cause of death.Mass lobby of parliament re. GMO's
27-02-2005 20:44