UK Health Newswire Archive
The Battle For Britain's Children And Their Justice
13-03-2014 08:59

Glow In The Dark: Consume Fish Or Radioactive Fish Oil
11-03-2014 17:36

The Psychological is Political
06-03-2014 10:17
Socially, the dual strategies of exalting consumerism and increasing control have been central to the neoliberal project. Consumerism and control can be viewed as opposite sides of the same coin. People are encouraged to aspire to ever greater levels of conspicuous consumption, modelled after the lifestyles of a celebrity elite that is plastered all over the media and broadcast into everyone’s living room. Shopping, which was once a means to an end, has been transformed into the UK’s favourite leisure pursuit. At the same time, however, more and more people are excluded from the workforce (sometimes forever) by the movement of industry to areas of cheaper labour, and many others are stuck in low paid work with no prospect of advancement. Large portions of the population are only able to achieve the widely advertised ‘ideal’ lifestyle through illegal means. A highly unequal, consumer-oriented society entices people to break the law, which was illustrated dramatically by the riots in London and other English cities over the summer of 2011
Petition against Hospital Closure Clause - PLEASE SIGN NOW!
03-03-2014 18:55
166,500 signatures and counting! Just days to the deadline -
IMPORTANT! NHS Care Data Opt-Out Forms!
01-03-2014 15:40

Personal Budgets: It Is Working?
25-02-2014 15:57
Free Workshop for Service Users, Carers, and ‘Frontline’ Workers12.00pm - 3:15pm, Saturday 8th March 2014,
West Oxford Community Centre
Children Are Screaming To Be Heard
25-02-2014 14:53

Atos Kills - Archway Demo
20-02-2014 13:39

This is my account of the one I attended at Archway, North London.
NHS Campaign Victory + How to Opt-Out of "Care Data"
20-02-2014 07:27

Some positive news - India declared polio-free
13-02-2014 19:34
India was once the world’s most polio-ridden country, but strong action has now eradicated the disease, paving the way towards a polio-free Southeast Asia. India has been declared polio-free after three years without a reported case of the disease."The Lancet" : Another front in NATO's psychological warfare against Syria
09-02-2014 19:28
Serious accusations targeting the Syrian government (for having discarded, on purpose, poliomyelitis vaccination campaigns in those areas occupied by the armed gangs) come from various sources: the doctors of the so-called “opposition” in the USA (Wasim MAZIAK, head of the US-“research” centre on tobacco in Aleppo, in particular); their “active” colleagues in Lebanon (mainly inside the US-American University of Beirut) and in the UK (Adam COUTTS, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, here associated with the Lancet journal). And as if such a war were not enough, the same protagonists are involved in a concurrent war on a trivial peaceful object particularly associated with the daily life of Middle East culture.
The Dutch Weed Burger: Vegan Fast Superfood
03-02-2014 21:31

This Year's Flu Shots Causing Guillain-Barre and Other Lethal Effects
28-01-2014 18:25
British, US, and other companies making lethal quadrivalent flu shotsAlzheimer's Senility, Dementia: Caused by Meat, Fish, Alcohol, Aluminum, Mercury
25-01-2014 18:55
Homocysteine, uric acid, animal fat or cholesterol, mercury, lead, and many other metals are some of the many compounds
present in meat and fish which harm the brain. Aluminum compounds and alcohol consumption as well cause loss of brain function.
Frack Free February
22-01-2014 20:48
Frack Free February is a Month of Action in Somerset with public meetings, talks, stalls, workshops, actions and more all raising awareness about the threats to our communities and the bigger picture of extreme energy.Preventing Heart Attacks, Strokes, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Food Poisoning, Etc
15-01-2014 19:48
How insecticides, hormones, and intrinsic poisons in meat and fish cause diseaseAll World's Ocean Fish Contaminated by Fukushima Radiation
12-01-2014 18:19

They're Dun Blaming me cuz now I'm exposing Them.
07-01-2014 09:56

Thousands sign petition to stop Canal & River Trust evicting boat dwellers
06-01-2014 18:43
Over 3,000 people have signed a petition calling on the Canal & River Trust to stop evicting disabled, elderly and vulnerable boat dwellers. The petition, supported by the campaigning web site 38 Degrees, is online at
Radio Hosts and Guests Required Freedom Talk Radio
03-01-2014 14:15
Freedom Talk Liberty Justice