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Varde Crest Nicholson Open Weekend The Captain - Family Help Appeal

13-11-2012 06:17

Knock Down Offer To Contract Crest Nicholson Penarth Heights
Wrong is wrong - right? Immoral is immoral. Negligence is negligence. Varde Crest Nicholson is wrong in the history and account of the Shalom Family in Wales, and although many years have passed, this saga isn't over yet. Penarth Heights in Cardiff Bay, a Crest Nicholson Flagship development, gets another visit asking for help. A NOTICE was delivered, reproduced here in full.

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Native Americans and World Diabetes Day

12-11-2012 21:40

MAKING A HEALTHY CHANGE: ONE STROKE AT A TIME. November 14 is World Diabetes Day
Native Americans and World Diabetes Day, November 14, 2012.

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Natures Menu

12-11-2012 19:58

Natures Menu
On going campaign against puppy warehouse suppliers Dogs4us Called by Boycott Dogs4us campaign

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Gambling addict on hunger strike to close betting shops

06-11-2012 15:00

Chingiz Kozhogulov is hunger striking outside parliament to raise awareness of the destructive nature of betting shops. He wants them closed!!!! Please support him!!

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SPILL Festival of Performance: Bedding In

29-10-2012 13:39

Bedding In is a performance which emerge from the current welfare benefits overhaul, which threatens many with poverty and with a propagandist campaign that has seen disability hate crime leap by 50%.

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The Earth Needs Rebels

24-10-2012 00:19


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Starving disabled blockade London traffic

21-10-2012 22:27

We’re digging through dumpsters just to stay alive, disabled demonstrators said this weekend in a dramatic blockade of London traffic.

Dozens of activists with Disabled People Against Cuts shut down mid-afternoon traffic in Marble Arch on Saturday, handcuffing themselves and their wheelchairs together to protest “deadly” attacks on state benefits.

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28 Years and Counting!

18-10-2012 12:39

Veggies of Notts celebrates its 28th year today! Of being in Co-operative business for animal & earth liberation.

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Lipobay/Baycol Victim Goes To Court Argentina: BAYER Sentenced To Pay Compensati

04-10-2012 13:22

The pharmaceutical company BAYER has been ordered to pay 968,000 pesos (about US $206,000) to a victim of the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipobay/Baycol in Argentina. The claimant, Flavio Rein, suffered irreparable muscular damage, visual disturbances and damage to the kidneys after taking the drug for only one month.

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Save the Bees Stop Bayer

27-09-2012 20:03

Ity seems to be pretty much an accepted fact these days that Bayers Neonicotinoid Pesticides are responsible for the mass Bee Deaths. Even in the Corporate media. But Bayer are still churning out thousands of tons of their Poisons . It's an important issue everyone should get involved. Here's our latest Leaflet. Help us Stop Bayer .. Please, take the time to read the attached PDF file.

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Activists demand Novartis stop strangling the supply of medicines from India

19-09-2012 16:48

Stop AIDS Campaign activists outside Novartis
Activists protest outside UK Novartis plant in opposition to Novartis’s attack on generic medicines which could jeopardise millions of lives. Novartis is pursuing a legal case against the Indian government over its decision to deny patent rights on a cancer drug, threatening the supply of affordable medicines to the world’s poor.

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Protect OUR NHS: demo in London on 20th October.11am to 1.30 march to Hyde Park.

16-09-2012 19:37

Tories getting ready to receive bids on NHS services to the total of £20bn, new briefing report

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the Met say they want to protest with DPAC against ATOS

10-09-2012 07:40

DPAC are very excited by an email we received on Saturday. We wanted to share it. The email was from someone called PS @ . We suspect this is some kind of a code name because they have low esteem so they feel they are a mere post script in the letter of life. We checked the IP address and it’s in London so are in no doubt of its authenticity. The email said:

Subject Future Atos protests
Message Sir/Madame – I would like to discuss the arrangement for future peaceful protests at ATOS offices.

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Protect Chapetown Residents

07-09-2012 10:21

Cowley Residents Action Group are asking concerned people to write to Sheffield Council Planning Department asking them to reject the application for a coal washing plant on the Hesley Wood Tip Site. The planning application is expected to be heard at the beginning of October.

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child protection conference skegness

06-09-2012 17:58

skegness hosts the child stealing by the state conference 12th 13th september

2012 suncastle skegness england

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Fracking on trial verdict

06-09-2012 14:43

An environmental activist who climbed a drilling rig in a protest against fracking in December last year was today found guilty under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act at Preston Magistrates Court. She was ordered to pay a £250 fine and £750 costs.

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Lawfulness of Cuadrilla's fracking operation remains in doubt

06-09-2012 07:52

Yesterday, three people were on trial for a second day at Preston Magistrates Court following their action (1) which shut down Cuadrilla Resources' hydraulic fracturing (2) site beside the Ribble Estuary in Lancashire in December 2011.

Two of the activists went free when it became clear that the charges against them had been poorly framed. They had been charged with aggravated trespass.

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Fracking on trial - again!

04-09-2012 10:16

The safety of fracking will be challenged at Preston Magistrates Court today, as 3 people go on trial following a protest at Cuadrilla’s Hesketh Bank site, Lancashire, in December last year. (1) The trial is expected to last until Thursday.