UK Health Newswire Archive
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More than 2,000 march to save NHS Lewisham A&E and Maternity Units
25-11-2012 00:19

Varde Crest Nicholson Open Weekend The Captain - Family Help Appeal
13-11-2012 06:17

Native Americans and World Diabetes Day
12-11-2012 21:40

Natures Menu
12-11-2012 19:58

Gambling addict on hunger strike to close betting shops
06-11-2012 15:00

Robb Johnson Benefit for Save Our Hospitals 17 november SW5
04-11-2012 07:38

SPILL Festival of Performance: Bedding In
29-10-2012 13:39

The Earth Needs Rebels
24-10-2012 00:19
21-10-2012 22:27
We’re digging through dumpsters just to stay alive, disabled demonstrators said this weekend in a dramatic blockade of London traffic.Dozens of activists with Disabled People Against Cuts shut down mid-afternoon traffic in Marble Arch on Saturday, handcuffing themselves and their wheelchairs together to protest “deadly” attacks on state benefits.
28 Years and Counting!
18-10-2012 12:39
Veggies of Notts celebrates its 28th year today! Of being in Co-operative business for animal & earth liberation.Lipobay/Baycol Victim Goes To Court Argentina: BAYER Sentenced To Pay Compensati
04-10-2012 13:22
The pharmaceutical company BAYER has been ordered to pay 968,000 pesos (about US $206,000) to a victim of the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipobay/Baycol in Argentina. The claimant, Flavio Rein, suffered irreparable muscular damage, visual disturbances and damage to the kidneys after taking the drug for only one month.Save the Bees Stop Bayer
27-09-2012 20:03

Activists demand Novartis stop strangling the supply of medicines from India
19-09-2012 16:48

Protect OUR NHS: demo in London on 20th October.11am to 1.30 march to Hyde Park.
16-09-2012 19:37
Tories getting ready to receive bids on NHS services to the total of £20bn, new briefing reportthe Met say they want to protest with DPAC against ATOS
10-09-2012 07:40

Subject Future Atos protests
Message Sir/Madame – I would like to discuss the arrangement for future peaceful protests at ATOS offices.
Protect Chapetown Residents
07-09-2012 10:21

child protection conference skegness
06-09-2012 17:58

2012 suncastle skegness england
Fracking on trial verdict
06-09-2012 14:43
An environmental activist who climbed a drilling rig in a protest against fracking in December last year was today found guilty under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act at Preston Magistrates Court. She was ordered to pay a £250 fine and £750 costs.Lawfulness of Cuadrilla's fracking operation remains in doubt
06-09-2012 07:52
Yesterday, three people were on trial for a second day at Preston Magistrates Court following their action (1) which shut down Cuadrilla Resources' hydraulic fracturing (2) site beside the Ribble Estuary in Lancashire in December 2011.Two of the activists went free when it became clear that the charges against them had been poorly framed. They had been charged with aggravated trespass.
Fracking on trial - again!
04-09-2012 10:16