UK Health Newswire Archive
Slaughterhouse Jobs: Human and Animal Rights Issues
04-09-2011 18:11
Illegal immirgrants hired to the most dangerous occupation in the world.Terrified animals kick, peck workers. Workers killed or maimed by chain saws, knives, hooks. Ear dynsfunction from the constant shrieks of animals fighting for their lives.
NATO-Rebels: Carnage And Abuses
30-08-2011 22:17

Atos Macht Frei – That Censored Carer Watch Post Revealed!
28-08-2011 11:42

The offending piece was not written by a Carer Watch forum member, but was a repost with a clear link to the site on which it originally appeared. Please republish.
Fightback Against Atos Censorship!
25-08-2011 12:13

ATOS Healthcare Vs The Whole Internet
22-08-2011 19:03

Corporate Megadeath machine ATOS Healthcare are involved in the covert silencing of literally hundreds of its sick and disabled online critics. Over the last week numerous websites and internet discussion forums have closed after Atos's head of legal services, solicitor James T J Loughrey [1], contacted ISPs to demand the closures.
Campaigners fight deportation order for 19th August
18-08-2011 20:37

ATOS Worker - Sick are "Parasitical Wankers" - Update and Dox
08-08-2011 17:03

ATOS Worker - Sick are "Parasitical Wankers"
07-08-2011 12:57

The bomb: 76 years later
05-08-2011 20:32
Seventy-six years ago today the city of Hiroshima was ravaged by a US nuclear bomb. Within days Nagasaki too had been torn apart by this terrifying new weapon of mass destruction.US' Cargill 36 MILLION Lbs. of Diseased Turkey Flesh...Criminal Neglect by USG
05-08-2011 04:19
Why did the CDC, FDA, USDA wait several weeks before taking action as peoplein 27 US states died or were sickened?
the trillions of dollars of Cargill clout
Delivering the answer to GM spuds in Norwich
30-07-2011 09:04

African Children Vaccinated At Gunpoint. Does Bill Gates Approve?
22-07-2011 12:59
Poster's note:"Vaccines" are developed by killing captive animals. The World Health Organization's 'smallpox vaccine' spread AIDS throughout Africa. (See London Times Science
Editor P Wright May 1987) Now Bill Gates' 'vaccines' are being administered at gunpoint
while Gates along with others who are billionaires through theft.... meet together to discuss
Direct action @ Kensington & Chelsea Council’s Cabinet Meeting
20-07-2011 20:02
The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NXat 5.30pm on Thursday 21 July 2011
The Supreme Court has ruled in support of Kensington and Chelsea council’s withdrawal of overnight care to Elaine McDonald to save money.
Photos from the Cambridge Abortion Rights Demo 16 July 2011
17-07-2011 14:47

UG#559 - Famine, The Fruit of Disconnection (Jailing Gardeners, Raw Milk & Soil)
17-07-2011 02:38

UG#558 - Into Eternity (Understanding The Ongoing Nuclear Wars)
09-07-2011 09:06

PRO-CHOICE DEMO Saturday 16th July, 1-2pm, outside the Guildhall, Market Square
04-07-2011 22:13