NATO-Rebels: Carnage And Abuses
Ramon Ventana | 30.08.2011 22:17 | Health | Repression | Terror War | Cambridge
Images Emerging From Tripoli Show Carnage And Abuses By NATO Rebels ....... The photographs emerging from Tripoli after the Al-Qaida terrorists invaded with the support of NATO air strikes and bombing the way clear for them, show a carnage with an estimated more than 30,000 dead and mounting. NATO must immediately heed African Union demands and withdraw.
View it yourself!
Images don't lie, except NATO's fake ones produced in Doha, Qatar and perhaps elsewhere on Hollywood sound stages.
For months, NATO marauders and rebel killers gang raped Libya - murdering, destroying, ravaging on the pretense of protecting.
On August 22, Obama, a duplicitous unindicted war criminal, described the above images as "basic and joyful longing for human freedom."
On August 25, Secretary of State Clinton, another unindicted war criminal, said "(t)he events in Libya this week have heartened the world."
Let them and their conspiratorial allies go to Tripoli, Brega, Misrata and other ravaged Libyan cities and see for themselves.
Let them view streets filled with mangled corpses, blood, agony on the face of the living, destruction everywhere in sight, and human misery beyond what scales can measure.
Let them see firsthand the fruits of their victory. Let them taste, smell, and witness Tripoli's growing humanitarian disaster. ........ MORE by Stephen Lendman: .......... That harsh reality has to be resisted, no matter what it takes or for how long. Hopefully, Libyans are up to the task. Given their rage against planned NATO occupation and plunder, very likely quitting is something they don't contemplate.
Perhaps it's the wild card Washington doesn't expect. A previous article headlined, It Ain't Over Till It's Over. Another was titled, Libya: Keep the Freedom Flame Alive.
Remember John Lennon's lyrics imagining "Nothing to kill or die for....Living life in peace, and "hop(ing) someday....the world will live as one."
So why not if enough in it try.
Accomplishing tough things take a while. The impossible takes a little longer.
Step one is ending Friedman's version of the best of all possible worlds, NATO, and corporate occupation of Washington.
Achieving that would be a major step toward freeing Libyans and perhaps finishing the job elsewhere for the kind of world everyone deserves.
It's there for the taking with enough commitment. ...... MORE by Stephen Lendman:
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
Stay tuned to Libyan News sign up for free Email alerts at and RSS (XML) feed, and see other ways to stay informed here.
Spread news about MATHABA and the Truth About Libya via easy to remember address
Study The Green Book of Muammar Qaddafi and claim your human rights and responsibilities achieved by the Libyan people in 1988 and proclaimed to the world in 1999 in the Green Charter. Join the International People's Conference Organization here if you support direct democracy. If you wish to struggle for the rights and freedoms of the Green Charter form Green Committees and meet in your MATHABAs.
If you support the Libyan Jamahiriya, claim your flag, the green flag which belongs to all the masses of the world, cut your green flags exactly two units wide and one unity high, the official size of the Green Flag, unlike those of government dictatorships which dimensions are three by two. Use it on demonstrations against the war, wear green, carry photographs of the African leader Muammar Qaddafi.
We need your support to keep this independent media going, as all our budgets to make this possible come from you the readers and none else. We need at least $100-$150 daily to meet cost short-falls. Any excess income will be carried forward and if in excess for one month, will be used to expand our services to additional languages and hiring additional staff to and for the training and coordination of additional volunteers. Please donate here via Credit Card or PayPal for any amount, or anonymously via Flattr which has a maximum of $50 per month. For larger donations use the first option or contact us. # /
From Leonor – 29. August 2011 #Libya news: NATO ist verpflichtet, wie üblich, zu bombardieren, sie macht sich Sorgen um ihre Soldaten und fürchtet die Särge. Die öffentliche Information über den Zwischenfall mit den britischen Spezialkräften in Tripoli kann als Intoxication ihrer Straflosigkeit verstanden werden oder als „Nachrichtensenke“ in Verbindung mit dem Start von politischen internen Kämpfen in UK. Der Zweck – die Entfernung der konservativen von der Macht. Nato zeigt öffentlich dass sie die direkte und nahe Beziehung zu den Soldaten, „Al Qaeda“, zugibt .Erinnere man sich an die Tatsache dass „Al Qaeda“von den Geheimnisdienste von USA geschöpft wurde um das Sovietische Heer in Afghanistan zu bekämpfen, und sie sind ein Kunde von der CIA. Die Soldaten, „Al Qaeda und andere NATO-Söldner werden in ein Fleischwolf geworfen um Libyen zu zerstören....
Warcriminals – Kriegsverbrecher in Libyen - The innocent people of Jamahiriya.were killed by NATO-Mafia ................
Images Emerging From Tripoli Show Carnage And Abuses By NATO Rebels ...... ......
Images don't lie, except NATO's fake ones produced in Doha, Qatar and perhaps elsewhere on Hollywood sound stages.
For months, NATO marauders and rebel killers gang raped Libya - murdering, destroying, ravaging on the pretense of protecting.

On August 22, Obama, a duplicitous unindicted war criminal, described the above images as "basic and joyful longing for human freedom."
On August 25, Secretary of State Clinton, another unindicted war criminal, said "(t)he events in Libya this week have heartened the world."
Let them and their conspiratorial allies go to Tripoli, Brega, Misrata and other ravaged Libyan cities and see for themselves.
Let them view streets filled with mangled corpses, blood, agony on the face of the living, destruction everywhere in sight, and human misery beyond what scales can measure.
Let them see firsthand the fruits of their victory. Let them taste, smell, and witness Tripoli's growing humanitarian disaster. ........ MORE by Stephen Lendman:

Perhaps it's the wild card Washington doesn't expect. A previous article headlined, It Ain't Over Till It's Over. Another was titled, Libya: Keep the Freedom Flame Alive.
Remember John Lennon's lyrics imagining "Nothing to kill or die for....Living life in peace, and "hop(ing) someday....the world will live as one."
So why not if enough in it try.
Accomplishing tough things take a while. The impossible takes a little longer.
Step one is ending Friedman's version of the best of all possible worlds, NATO, and corporate occupation of Washington.
Achieving that would be a major step toward freeing Libyans and perhaps finishing the job elsewhere for the kind of world everyone deserves.
It's there for the taking with enough commitment. ...... MORE by Stephen Lendman:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
Stay tuned to Libyan News sign up for free Email alerts at and RSS (XML) feed, and see other ways to stay informed here.
Spread news about MATHABA and the Truth About Libya via easy to remember address
Study The Green Book of Muammar Qaddafi and claim your human rights and responsibilities achieved by the Libyan people in 1988 and proclaimed to the world in 1999 in the Green Charter. Join the International People's Conference Organization here if you support direct democracy. If you wish to struggle for the rights and freedoms of the Green Charter form Green Committees and meet in your MATHABAs.
If you support the Libyan Jamahiriya, claim your flag, the green flag which belongs to all the masses of the world, cut your green flags exactly two units wide and one unity high, the official size of the Green Flag, unlike those of government dictatorships which dimensions are three by two. Use it on demonstrations against the war, wear green, carry photographs of the African leader Muammar Qaddafi.
We need your support to keep this independent media going, as all our budgets to make this possible come from you the readers and none else. We need at least $100-$150 daily to meet cost short-falls. Any excess income will be carried forward and if in excess for one month, will be used to expand our services to additional languages and hiring additional staff to and for the training and coordination of additional volunteers. Please donate here via Credit Card or PayPal for any amount, or anonymously via Flattr which has a maximum of $50 per month. For larger donations use the first option or contact us. #

From Leonor – 29. August 2011 #Libya news: NATO ist verpflichtet, wie üblich, zu bombardieren, sie macht sich Sorgen um ihre Soldaten und fürchtet die Särge. Die öffentliche Information über den Zwischenfall mit den britischen Spezialkräften in Tripoli kann als Intoxication ihrer Straflosigkeit verstanden werden oder als „Nachrichtensenke“ in Verbindung mit dem Start von politischen internen Kämpfen in UK. Der Zweck – die Entfernung der konservativen von der Macht. Nato zeigt öffentlich dass sie die direkte und nahe Beziehung zu den Soldaten, „Al Qaeda“, zugibt .Erinnere man sich an die Tatsache dass „Al Qaeda“von den Geheimnisdienste von USA geschöpft wurde um das Sovietische Heer in Afghanistan zu bekämpfen, und sie sind ein Kunde von der CIA. Die Soldaten, „Al Qaeda und andere NATO-Söldner werden in ein Fleischwolf geworfen um Libyen zu zerstören....

Warcriminals – Kriegsverbrecher in Libyen - The innocent people of Jamahiriya.were killed by NATO-Mafia ................

Images Emerging From Tripoli Show Carnage And Abuses By NATO Rebels ......

Ramon Ventana