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Child Kidnapping By The UK Government Cconference. Now It's Our Turn To Expose You.

30-08-2012 12:50

news paper article
The child protection and the future of our famillies conference is on 12th and 13th september 2012 suncastle north parade skegness. 9 to 6pm.

We expose the corruption and the cover ups leaving thousands of famillies child less. We are protecting our children from goverment and their agents abusing our children

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OSARCC is now recruiting for volunteers

30-08-2012 11:54

We are currently looking for new volunteers to staff our telephone and email helplines. Full training will be provided and we look for women who are sympathetic to our principles and who are team players. We require volunteers to have a good level of English and they must be able to be involved for a minimum of 18 months. Training commences in October 2012 and runs over a series of evenings and weekends.

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Diamond Jubilee Of Queen Of Diamonds And The Great Poverty Of Little Britain

28-08-2012 11:55

“Without a pang of self-awareness, the British government
is spending millions of pounds of taxpayer money that
they assert they do not have on a nationwide party along
with all other Commonwealth countries around the globe.
No expense has been spared to honour the Queen, who is
in reality the pampered head of an anachronistic
institution that has symbolized aristocratic elitism,
oppression and privilege since its inception.”
A reader of the Toronto Star on 6 June 2012.

In February 2012, a senior advisor was quoted as saying the Queen set two guidelines for the planning of her Diamond Jubilee: the use of public funds should be minimised, with most of the expenses, apart from security, being paid by private individuals and sponsors, and people should not “be forced to celebrate.” The wish of the Queen was emphasised.
Such announcements never happen by accident. They are, in this case, part of a long-planned programme designed to maximise the advantage of modern media and at the same time to maintain a maximum of that benefit that Walter Bagehot retained essential for the preservation of the British monarchy when he wrote: “Its mystery is its life. We must not let in daylight upon magic.” He wrote this in The English Constitution, dated 1867, the same year in which the Reform Act of 1867 was enacted and that Bagehot considered nothing but calamitous. What ? Allow a parliamentary vote to the unskilled labouring class ?!

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US Agency Has Decided To Let Animals Burn Alive In Idaho Fires

25-08-2012 16:26

Deer Seek Refuge From Forest Fire
The lumber industry dominated US Fish and Wildlife Service has decided to let Idaho fires burn out for several weeks rather than fighting the fire

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Is West Nile Virus In The US Really Mad Cow?

23-08-2012 20:32

Stanley Prusiner, Nobel winning discoverer of Mad Cow prions
Pictures are of Stanley Prusiner, Nobel winning discoverer of the prions in Mad Cow and of Howard Lyman, who was twice sued by the Texas cattle industry and twice won in court.
The article describes the conspiracy of silence in the US re Mad Cow, Mad Pig and the other spongiform encephalopathy diseases.

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Neuroliberation - challenging the gambling act 2005

18-08-2012 00:35

Neuroliberation is a new campaign which aims to challenge the gambling act 2005 and raise awareness of social manifestations caused by the deregulating of the gambling industry in the UK.

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'Secret' Badger Cull Organisers Exposed

17-08-2012 10:36

The 'secret' syndicates behind the badger cull trials in Gloucestershire and Somerset have been identified and can now be revealed.

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In US, Centers For Disease Control Calls Mad Cow and Mad Pig West Nile Virus

16-08-2012 23:24

The US government conspiracy of silence about Mad Cow and Mad Pig Disease in the United States continues.

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Crowds set to Flock to Huge Vegan Extravaganza

16-08-2012 10:25

Early press release below for this year's West Midlands Vegan Festival on Saturday 27th October.

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Where is the balanced information on child vaccinations?

12-08-2012 19:18

Have you had to decide whether to vaccinate your child?

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The Telegraph: A Publicist for Circle Health

09-08-2012 09:14

If we are to believe the content of the Daily Telegraph’s recent editorial, titled ‘Hope for the NHS’*, then we can all breathe a sigh of relief, pack up your placards, the NHS it would appear, is saved. At least that’s the message being propagated in an extraordinary campaign being run by a so-called ‘quality paper’ on behalf of Circle Health.

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All Out - London Oct 20th - This is Not a Recession, This is a Robbery!

07-08-2012 11:22

This is not a recession, this is a robbery!
11am sharp, London Blackfriars / Victoria Embankment, Sat 20 Oct 2012

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Värde Investment Partners, Varde Global Investors, Crest Nicholson Group Appeal

27-07-2012 12:12

Home Sweet Home Cardiff Bay Wales UK M V Picton
Pirate Bay, Cardiff Bay, Wales United Kingdom. A home destroyed, possessions disposed of, a way of life decimated. Many years may have passed by but the Shalom family evicted by Varde's recently acquired, crest nicholson group, cannot forget. This appeal is from the family..

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Child Stealing By The State Conference The Suncastle Skegness Lincolnshire

27-07-2012 05:52

Andrew Peacher

01754 228 273


Wensday 12th Thursday 13th September 2012 The Suncastle Skegness

Child Protection The Future of our families Conference

Dear Sir/Madam

I Would like to invite you to the Annual Conference of the Child Protection and the future of our families conference to be held on Wensday 12/13th of September at the suncastle

in skegness lincolnshire.

The conference which will start at 9am on the 12th of september which will focus on child protection and the need to keep families together.

We have many guest speakers including Child Protection officers we have Brian Gerrish ex navy Uk column newspaper roger hayes the british constitutional group MP John hemmings we have parents such as lucy allan and tina challonor google these names be amazed.

We also have Dr carley from the usa speaking via skype link We have parents and children speaking.

We are looking for Orginizations small and large.firemen,gps,health,care, Police,Nhs,ChildProtection,mps,Socialworkers,socialservices,fostercarers,Solicitors,Judges

These people are needed to give a balanced view to the conference the difficulties of child protection the mistakes made the Legislation the future of child protection the focus to support families more and to keep children with natural parents.

The aims of the conference is to which aims to prevent physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect of children
by promoting the physical, emotional, and social well-being of children. We aim to promote the rights of children
as citizens, through multi-disciplinary collaboration, education, campaigning and other appropriate activities'

The Other aim is to stop stories like this one and asking those involved in child protection to think before they remove children
1:-The fact is that parents who have committed no crime are losing their children to forced adoption!

2:-Experts who depend on court appearances for a living, nearly always agree with the local authority.They make predictions that parents just might abuse their children (including newborn babies) in the future ,so these parents lose their children to permanent fostercare or adoption,not for something they have done but for something they might (or might not) do!

3:-Over 1000 UK children /month are taken into care ,Fosterers are paid an average £400/week per child (birth mothers get around £20/week),and a foster agency founded by social workers getting around £1500/week per child was recently sold for £130million !A real money driven industry !!

4:-Parents whose children have been taken are gagged and threatened with prison if they protest publicly;At contact parents are gagged again and forbidden to get emotional,to speak any foreign language,or to discuss the case with their children otherwise contact will be stopped.

5:-More children are taken for emotional abuse than physical and sexual abuse added together.Despite "baby P" the number taken for physical abuse is steadily falling as a percentage of the total number of children taken.

6:-What are the solutions?

(a)Impose criminal rules of evidence in family courts so children cannot be taken unless parents are proved to have committed a crime affecting their children. Also parents would be free to obtain a second opinion from an expert of their own choosing.

(b)Abolish all gagging of parents leaving them free to protest openly if their children are taken, and also to say what they like to them at contact without censorship ! Two very simple changes, two very obvious solutions.,but will anyone impose them and derail the moneytrain? Don't hold your breath

I Andrew Peacher Orginizer would kindly ask you to be a speaker or to attend the event please get back to me in writing at the above or by email tel 01754 228273

There is special hotel rates being orginized at the savoy hotel skegness for any one interested just quote the conference by myself when booking.

The numbers are limited for the conference which is totally free to all i would appreciate a confirmation by the middle of august for further details please contact me

The conference has been requested by Parents who have lost their children to child protection it will be a pleasure to hear from like minded professionals as well.

I would like to ask if you could put our event details on your website on your office notice board or simply tell a friend or collegue This conference is for tommorrows children.

Andrew Peacher

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LaDIYfest Sheffield presents... Hair Today! Hair Tomorrow? Workshop

24-07-2012 20:41

We will explore the hairy politics of how women's bodies are being patrolled and controlled by societal expectations to shave and groom in a discussion workshop and zine-making session about body hair.

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Frankensteins Gather In NYC To Discuss Developing Contagious Flu Variants

24-07-2012 17:39

At the University of Wisconsin and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands, bioterror scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health in Washington DC have been inflicting pain on ferrets as they developed highly contagious new strains of flu. Public exposure of their work has caused a moratorium. The week of July 30, these Frankensteins will meet to discuss their extralegal and highly lethal work.

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Toxins In Ocean Spray and Other Fruit Drinks

21-07-2012 14:32

Ocean Spray fruit drinks are distributed in the UK. Ocean Spray is to be praised for its cooperative agriculture based in Lakeville-Middleborough Massachusetts in the US and for its production of berries, cherries and grapefruit, which as fruits are nature’s most perfect foods not only for health but for Mother Earth's environment and nonviolence. But Ocean Spray's diet drinks have toxins.

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Protection needed for Iraq's children

20-07-2012 08:35

The loss of tens of thousands of parents and caregivers from conflict has made children even more vulnerable

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Uranium Film Festival ends at Rio de Janeiro's Museum of Modern Art

17-07-2012 12:36

uranium film festival

Saturday, July the 14th ended the 2nd International Uranium Film Festival in the Cinemateca Rio de Janeiro’s Modern Art Museum MAM. Three films from USA, Sweden and Germany were honoured with the Festival’s Yellow Oscar Awards. Bill Keislings "Not for Public Release: a Nuclear Incident in Lock Haven", USA, received the Best Feature Award and Swedish Filmmaker Marko Kattilakoski the Short film Award for his movie Coffee Break (Fikapaus). "Leonids Story" by German film director Rainer Ludwigs and Ukrainian producer Tetyana Chernyavska got the Yellow Oscar in the animated film category.

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Champion Vegan, Vegetarian, and Fruitarian Athletes

05-07-2012 19:27

Since the Telegraph, the US' National "Public" Radio, and Yahoo Sports on July 5th chose to make criticize vegan and vegetarian athletes and to publicize critics of a Chinese athlete ban on meat, here is a record of a tiny fraction of the world champion vegan and vegetarian athletes. That same day, NPR, owner of 200 million dollars in fast food stock correlated to human disease, animal agony, global heating, energy waste, and famine, chose to promote fish suffocation and strangulation twice.