UK Health Newswire Archive
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Public health issue as police blockade climate camp site
12-08-2007 17:59
For the last couple of hours police have been obstructing access to the climate camp site near Heathrow airport and have refused to allow even water or toilets to be taken onto the legally occupied site.drug use and Barry Bonds
10-08-2007 07:40
Bonds records need to be suspended as he used steroids to cheat the game, his team and his fans. this is what should go down in history.Foot in Mouth : Porton Down - as biosecure as Pirbright
09-08-2007 10:26
News-Medical.Net reports that the two Pirbright labs have the same level of security as the germ warfare defence establishment at Porton Down on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Another Inspiring Food Not Bombs
08-08-2007 13:44

Another great action involving reclaimed and grown food, best curry yet, and broad-based campaigning work.
Using wi-fi has cost me my life:
08-08-2007 09:54

FAISAL KHAWAJA, 28, above, trained in photography and had been assisting a professional advertising photographer -working for clients such as Mercedes, BT and Starbucks -for only a year when he says he began to feel III using mobiles and wireless laptops
Help needed to distribute public sector workers pay struggles bulletin
06-08-2007 18:43
We are a group of workers mostly in the public sector, who met via the website who are putting together a bulletin called Dispatch - Public sector pay dispute—information for action. An ad hoc newsletter for the ongoing struggles, mainly in the post office at present, against sub-inflation pay offers. We need your help getting it out to postal workers.War on Terror - Solidarity against poverty needed
06-08-2007 14:16

FREE FELIX, Demo report + Banner drop pictures
06-08-2007 11:19

The expression of the subversive love of the Cuban revolution
02-08-2007 21:01

Britain: Recruiting Kids to Kill
02-08-2007 18:31

The Bottled Water Lie (it's just tap water)
01-08-2007 20:48
As Soft Drink Giant Admits Product is Tap Water, New Scrutiny Falls on the Economic and Environmental Costs of a Billion Dollar IndustryIraq “Violence has destroyed my family”
01-08-2007 19:40
"People in Iraq are living in constant fear of violence, unemployment, hunger and displacement."Asbestos campaigners support call for investigation into PPG Group
01-08-2007 12:45

Patient choices: not if you're poor
01-08-2007 09:22
New research from the University of Bristol shows that wealthier people are likely to travel further than poorer people do for elective care - surgery or treatment in hospital which can wait..'Keep Your Blood Service Local' Birmingham Banner Drop
31-07-2007 11:04

Early this morning a banner was hoisted between two trees opposite the entrance to Birmingham's National Blood Service on Vincent Drive, Edgbaston. The banner proclaims 'Keep Your Blood Centre Local' and was positioned in full view of staff working at the Blood Service. This is in response to the National Blood Service (NBS) Directors plans to centralise our blood service by closing blood processing and testing labs at 10 local centres in favour of just 3 supercentres in Bristol, Manchester and London. 100s of technical staff, about half the lab workforce, face redundancy. If these plans are implemented then they will effectively rip the heart out of our National Blood Service. The proposed cuts will seriously undermine the services provided and emergencies, such as rushing washed blood platelets to patients, will be compromised.
Chem-trails NOT Contrails!
31-07-2007 10:08

Gloria Arroyo's Economy: Not Working
28-07-2007 00:22

UK State Pension = two thirds poverty level: Report
27-07-2007 08:53
University of London team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has just published a report in the International Journal of Epidemiology defining the minimum income required by older people to live healthy and decent lives.TV coverage of Philippines 'brave breast' action against formula companies
26-07-2007 06:06
You can watch footage of mothers in the Philippines protesting to defend their rights on Chinese Television. Yup.