UK Health Newswire Archive
IWW Blood Service Valentine's Day of Action
13-03-2009 16:15

French police attack on refugees affects Portsmouth children
09-03-2009 21:45
Tear gas sprayed on refugees in a truck in France has ended up harming children in Portsmouth when they played on a new slide which had been in the truck that was sprayed with the tear gas.Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus!
09-03-2009 02:23
Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.Eastcroft, the end of the campaign?
08-03-2009 23:16
Eastcroft Expansion given the `Green Light'We were extremely disappointed and frustrated to hear that after 4 years of successful campaigning, the Government has over ruled Nottingham City's Councils decision to refuse the expansion of Eastcroft incinerator in Nottingham.
Waste (we don't) Recycle Group (WRG) have now effectively passed the final hurdle to build their third incinerator and import 100,000 tonnes of waste a year into Nottingham, to incinerate it rather than recycle.
This is a severe blow to our campaign, to democracy and for the future of our health and environment. Over 3000 Nottingham residents said no in a petition, the Planning Officer said no as did Nottingham City Council, yet the Government ignored this and have now forced this onto the people of Nottingham.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou
07-03-2009 01:04
Profuse thanks comes from the illicit cannabis/THC drug dealers for keeping medical cannabis illegal and denying medical cannabis sufferers their human right to grow their medicine at a very low cost.AFA (Anti-Farming Alliance)
05-03-2009 20:31
New UK Green Anarchist website launched.No Nuclear Dump - Message of Congratulations from Cumbria to Nevada
05-03-2009 14:24

Great Spring Sowing
04-03-2009 17:17
You are invited on the 22nd March to sow some seeds, meet others, listen (or dance!) to local musicians and celebrate the start of spring in Nottingham.Indigenous Leaders Call For End To Uranium Mining
01-03-2009 00:02
One thing nuclear power advocates (and opponents and fence-sitters) always seem to ignore is the devastating impact of uranium mining on indigenous communities worldwide, such as in Australia, North America and Niger, as well as its equally devastating ecological impacts. Now these communities are joining forces to oppose the criminal uranium mining corporations, such as 90% French-state owned crooks AREVA.A Strange Case of Double Standards
27-02-2009 20:38
Another child has died from male circumcision in England - apparently the third such death in 25 months - and boys (from babies to teenagers) are being regularly treated in hospitals for serious injuries or infections resulting from ritual genital cutting. NORM-UK, the charity concerned with the foreskin, calls on the government to implement fully the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and give both boys and girls protection against ritual wounding - in all its forms.Solidarity with the AETA 4!
26-02-2009 00:49
On February 19th and 20th, the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested Adriana Stumpo, 23; Nathan Pope, 26; Joseph Buddenberg, 25; and Maryam Khajavi, 20 - 4 people it described as "terrorists". Their "terrorism" apparently consisted of writing with chalk on a sidewalk, wearing bandanas while protesting, and distributing flyers about animal research at UCSC. No, seriously.SHAC Week of Action Part 1: London, Netherlands, Italy & Chile
25-02-2009 17:49

Feminist Health Weekend - 28.02-01.03
24-02-2009 22:35
Feminist Health WeekendWhitechapel, London
Saturday 28 February - Sunday 1 March
GM will save the world (and Tesco's bank balance)
24-02-2009 16:30
Tescos have really outdone themselves this time. At the London 'City Food Lecture', Chief Executive Terry Leary has announced that Tescos will be willing to 'back' GM foods, due to changing consumer attitudes and some sort of misguided belief that people starving in Africa are only doing so due to the UK's and Europe's lack of acceptance of GM foods.Two Days of SHAC Netherlands Tour
22-02-2009 22:53

Friday, 20th February - Another nine HLS customers are demoed
'Our mission is clear, our demands simple and straight forward, our motivation indestructible. We will not sit idly by or look the other way whilst animals pine away and suffer inside HLS!'
Get off the internet, I'll see you in the streets!
20-02-2009 20:28
A bunch of reports today talk about the harmful effects of so-called social networking websites and how infact they isolate and separate people. When reading this it might be worth substituting some of the websites and concepts with things closer to home for users of this site and analysis what role activist sites such as indymedia really have in bringing forward the revolution or advancing radical struggle. The article quoted below suggests that social networking sites do the opposite of what they claim, could the same be true across the board.SHAC Financial Week of Action: 23-27 Feb
20-02-2009 16:41

19-02-2009 21:55
The Lambeth Branch of UNISON, the second largest trade union in the UK, has raised over £2000 for Medical Aid for Palestinians through a fundraising drive throughout the Borough’s workplaces. Nationally, UNISON has committed to send a donation of £10,000 to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and Lambeth Branch activists collected a further £2020.43 for MAP’s Emergency Appeal for Gaza through a series of collections amongst Lambeth’s workers.More Barclays Demos in Barclays
18-02-2009 18:11

What better way could one of us spend our birthday than standing up for the animals and naming and shaming animal abusers? We were feeling so generous we thought we'd even give Barclays a few presents of our own - so we headed there with our placards, leaflets, banner and megaphone we made sure they wouldn't feel left out as we know from previous demos they truly appreciate being exposed of their unethical investments in HLS.