UK Health Newswire Archive
"It's A Mad World
26-08-2009 13:41

Parasitic Scientists
24-08-2009 09:46
Results in mice are extremely promising and, as usual they seek "substantial" funding to advance their findings.Someone, please pass the sick o bag.
Mainshill Update - increase in police surveillance
21-08-2009 18:09
The Mainshill Solidarity Camp was set up in June to stop an open cast coal mine from being built next to the village of Douglass in South Lanarkshire. Two weeks ago it hosted the Camp for Climate Action Scotland. The camp has treehouses, towers and tunnels all built to resist eviction.Since the end of Climate Camp Scotland we've been sorting out left over tat and continuing building defences. This week we have had an increase in Police surveillance with early morning visits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Both times two police officers walked around the site taking video footage of defences.
With Amanda Villatoro, of CSA CRF must be recognized as an occupational illness
21-08-2009 06:25

Media Disinformation: UK Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of Swine Flu
20-08-2009 23:20

The chilling proposals contained in the government report serve to intimidate the British public and create an atmosphere of panic. A public health crisis is being planned in a diabolical fashion.
West Midlands Vegan Festival, Sat 24 October, Wolverhampton
11-08-2009 16:38

Crowds flocked @ Free Vegan Food Giveaway in Birmingham
09-08-2009 18:12

Watch a video of the event here

The World's Largest Parasites
09-08-2009 00:24
Although you people in Europe are sensible and have government insurance, never trust the United States. They will be trying to privatize every part of your economy they can. They are privatizing everything over here including Social Security. Not even Medicare is free anymore. Don't trust these bastards. The health insurance companies are the largest parasites in the world. I myself am about to move to New Zealand or some other rational, non warlike country.False opposition to animal liberation
08-08-2009 13:29
As much as radically critical political theory - or should I say anti-political - is seen as thoughtcrime by the state, I am increasingly notice this to be true of the radical political/anarchist scenes. It seems there are so many dogmas and liberal expectations to be aspired to that these mileues are just as coercive and authoritarian as conventional political. Veganism, or at least vegetarianism seems to be one of these, and as a meat eater I regularly come up against those preaching consumption politics.Long List of Groups Around The World Working To End Animal Experimentation
07-08-2009 21:34
Groups working to end electroshocking, sleep deprivation, burning, cancercausing injects,confinement, thirst, hunger, and other tortures of animals
Crucified For Speaking the Truth
06-08-2009 17:41
There is one thing that can be counted on with absolute certainly in this relativistic world: there is a protected species which no one even dares to cross, certainly not in the mainstream media. This group can now get away with anything, and the MSM refuses to offer a contrary point of view.Bligh government corruption savaged by Tony Fitzgerald QC
04-08-2009 01:32

65 Australians Dead from Swine Flu
03-08-2009 11:56
Australian mainstream media seem to be covering up the deaths of 65 Australians from Swine Flu.ADHD - Petition to increase NHS provisions and funding for Adults with ADHD
02-08-2009 14:11
We are asking the Prime Minister to ensure that NHS service provisions and funding arrangements for services for adults with ADHD are reviewed and revised urgentlySHAC Campaign Update: July 2009
01-08-2009 20:32

Dodging the Evidence - Leukemias and Nuclear Power Plants
31-07-2009 10:39
One of the many issues concerning nuclear power that the British government, the nuclear industry and their agents would rather ignore: the irrefutable evidence of an increased rate of leukaemia in children living close to nuclear power plants.Flotilla / vigil against nuclear power, Bradwell, Essex - Sun 9 August
29-07-2009 08:44
Sunday, 9th August 2009 - from 14.00 to 16.00 hrs
join a peaceful summer vigil in the Blackwater Estuary
The future of the Blackwater Estuary should concern everyone. Any despoiling of this unique facility will take away the opportunity for its enjoyment for many generations to come.
You're Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It's Not So!
25-07-2009 10:45
The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and deaththan anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is
no joke.
Smoking ban upheld in Rampton
24-07-2009 18:29
soft cop social health creeping totalitarianism'It's a mad world!'
24-07-2009 10:06