UK Health Newswire Archive
Facing Climate Change & Other Great Adventures
16-04-2005 07:37
A talk by Joanna Macy, 6-8.30pm Monday 9th May 2005. Wesley Memorial Church, New Inn Hall street, central Oxford. £2-£5 on the door.Spodden Valley asbestos concerns- John Prescott gets the message...
15-04-2005 17:20

Countryside Properties have just had their controversial planning application put on hold. campaigners are now asking that the plans be "called-in" to the ODPM so that a Planning Inspector is appointed to oversee any decisions about the troubled site.
John Prescott promised that a request for "call-in" would be considered sympathetically by his office.
The Deputy Prime Minister also expressed his concerns about the dangers of asbestos. He explained how he had lost friends and colleagues to a "slow and lingering death from asbestos"
Save Spodden Valley handed a letter to John Prescott. (More details of the campaign can be fond at: -type carefully- Countryside Properties have been busy buying up similar sounding domain names!)
“Fake” Spodden Valley asbestos websites exposed…
13-04-2005 21:53

Manchester Kissit Demo 14th July 2005...related articles
13-04-2005 20:01
I have received a number of documents relating to the above event, which I would like to share with you.Aqaba workshop tackles societal attitudes towards AIDS patients
12-04-2005 17:33
AMMAN - Addressing social stigmas faced by AIDS patients in Jordan was the focus of a three-day AIDS workshop, which started in Aqaba yesterday.Queens Market
11-04-2005 17:16

10-04-2005 17:02
'Insitutionally Abused' Tenant asks the Indymedia Community for help.Elderly and disabled protestors storm Bristol Labour HQ
06-04-2005 15:59
Elderly and disabled protestors have stormed Bristol Labour Party HQ...BBC to show previously censored McLibel documentary...
05-04-2005 16:58
BBC have bought McLibel!(better late than never?)
it'll be screened on Weds 13th April - two days before McD's 50th b'day - on BBC4 at 9pm.
press release below to any journos/mailing lists.
Tony Benn chairs debate on animal experiments - 21st April
04-04-2005 22:48
Tony Benn chairs crucial debate: Animal Experiments - Science or Fiction?Oxford Town Hall, Thursday 21st April 7–9pm
nuclear waste consultation
04-04-2005 04:28

audio + link to public consultation.
audio entitled: lords criticise governments nuclear waste management policy. consultation begins 4th april runs till 27th june, Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM)
Bloomsbury, MSN fear TV/web "war" over "gay bowel syndrome"
30-03-2005 22:22
"Gay Bowel Syndrome" must be deleted from MSN EncartaSt Modwens the destroyer
30-03-2005 15:38
St Modwens the destroyer, through a front company KPI and in collusion with the local council, has managed to trash Farnborough town centre. St Modwens is now proposing to do the same in collusion with the local council to the century old Queens Market at Upton Park in East London.'Dirty Dozen' local authorities hold huge investments in arms company
30-03-2005 14:39
Campaign Against Arms Trade survey of arms company investments by local authorities, charities, health organisations, religious organisations, educational institutionsBank of Scotland HBOS: Evicted Family – Call for Right of ‘Right of Respect'
27-03-2005 01:08

Heaalth Hazard: Type II Magnetic Radiation
26-03-2005 03:02
This is an medical alert regarding Type II Magnetic Radiation. Research data available at website: One investigator has researched Type II Magnetic Flux Generators, and the magnetic radiation may have severely damaged his bodily functions... Sunday in Oxford
24-03-2005 23:13

A New Web Resource for Researchers
24-03-2005 12:17
A new web site describes the life and career of Prem Pal Singh Rawat, leader of the Elan Vital organization, and self described Inspirational Speaker and 'successful private investor'