UK Health Newswire Archive launched with first 3 shows available to watch online
18-09-2008 11:05

Barclays & Manchester Uni Demos
17-09-2008 22:33

GSK & anti-vivisection protests in Dresden, Germany
17-09-2008 22:30

DC Activists Protest Against Abbott Labs
17-09-2008 22:27
On Tuesday 9 September, activists paid a nighttime visit to JohnRichardson, Director of Abbott Labs. When John peeked through his
peephole, he was staring straight at a large banner depicting images of
what goes on behind closed doors at HLS and read 'Your Business profits from the Murder of 500 Animals per day!'
SHAC Global Day of Action against NYSE Euronext
16-09-2008 23:11

Monday 29th September 2008
"For every share traded, an animal dies insides HLS!"
Notts Incinerator expansion - Your last chance to STOP IT
16-09-2008 19:44
The public inquiry into the appeal of Waste Recycling Groups planning application to expand the incinerator in Nottingham started on 9 September. This coming Friday 19 September will be the public's chance to state their position.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Disabled activists take over DWP welfare reform meeting
15-09-2008 11:48
The Disabled People's Direct Action Network have gatecrashed a DWP meeting on disability and welfare reform to which no disabled people's organisations were invited, today (Monday 15th September 2008)Pulling in the crowds - vegan food fayre
14-09-2008 12:49

Stop the Camden Animal Research Lab National Demo - Friday
10-09-2008 02:51
Friday 12th September 2008Support this National Demo to support the animals in the biggest research laboratory in London.
shirkers circus - playspace starting most tuesdays at sumac centre
09-09-2008 19:52
A regular play space for practice, sharing, teaching + learning circus skills(and related ting like magic, propmaking, etc);is starting on Tuesdays, at the Sumac Centre.This is open for all but especially for those opting out of school or work. There are much better things to do and this is one of them.
Free Food Student Style - 6th Oct
08-09-2008 23:40
Following a succession of 'free food giveaways' Nottingham Animal Rights and Vegan Campaigners will be hosting their next giveaway outside Nottingham Trent Uni's Student Union. Just as all the new students have arrived into Nottingham.September 20th: National Demo at Wickham Labs
08-09-2008 20:08
Thanks and well done to those who travelled on the bus to Ledbury in Herefordshire on Saturday for the inspiring demo at Sequani animal labs, let's make sure we keep up the momentum at Wickham...Waste, recycling and packaging
08-09-2008 15:21

A McTrial – McDonalds Vs Activist
08-09-2008 00:02
Following the arrest of a protester in June at an action in Cambridge as part of the anniversary of the McLibel case (see
Eastcroft Incinerator - Public Inquiry starts & more pollution breaches
07-09-2008 21:45

Come along to the start of the inquiry and show your support.
The Leaking German Nuke Waste Storage Scandal, no-one wants to touch.
05-09-2008 17:19
Even though the administrators of the German state knew there were serious problems in Asse II some years ago, it was not till this Summer that the topic reached public discussion at Government level. The former salt mine at Asse which is held up as a model for deep geological repository storage of radioactive material by many states including the UK has however been in public consumption all along. Coz it's leaking into the water table and then through cows into breakfasts all over Germany and the civilized milk consuming public. That gives a new twist to heavy water.Midlands Activists Protest At HLS Shareholder Barclays
05-09-2008 16:05

Disabled man kicked out of his home
05-09-2008 15:38

ARK Academies
04-09-2008 18:35
Articles and a video on youtube have been posted re concerns about ARK Academies; these are available here:
A serious worry is that moves have been made to remove this information from circulation, yet no intention of clearing their name in court. Greatly concerning. This is about children.