UK Health Newswire Archive
General Patton & the mental Health crisis
27-06-2014 17:22
There is no Community Mental Health serviceShort Films: My Message to the Government #MyMsgToTheGov
24-06-2014 15:51

4 Arsons against Bristol's cellular transmission infrastructure over 24 Hours
11-06-2014 12:54
Around Bristol between June 9th-10th, we left 7 mobile phone antennae in flames. Daily continuation of capitalist society is dependent on uninterrupted flows (of goods, people, data, and energy) and the communications grid is no exception. The limited uses most of us can make from these flows only mask the way they are mainly used to oversee and impose the dominant order, and increase its' reach and control. You need only look to how the values of connectivity, speed, and mobility that are embodied in a mobile phone (for example) facilitate a relentless consumer culture and the requirement to be available and flexible at all times: as much for the benefit of the boss and the advertiser as for your family or friends. This is fully consistent with the modern restructuring and decentralisation of the gigantic productive system which this society subjects us to. Hindering all this was our objective.Anarchism against alcoholism
03-06-2014 13:56

UG#683 - The Standardization of Mind & Body (DSM-5, Disabilities & Fruit Trees)
29-05-2014 15:07

Help Needed NOW!!
25-05-2014 09:59
Dairy Pus Race in Nottingham NOW...Veggies to the rescue NOW!!IT SHOULD HURT TO BE A CHILD ?
23-05-2014 07:27

Please Share and comment on the article the more evidence the better.
1st International Self-organized Antifascist Martial Art Tournament of Salonika
21-05-2014 19:19

Fukushima 3rd Anniversary meeting in Houses of Parliament. 10.3.2014.
13-05-2014 15:48
Here is a link to a 15 minute video of Rik from Kick Nuclear, London, speaking in parliament, committee room ten, with slides, followed by links to the other speakers, at the meeting held to Remember Fukushima, 3 years on. No To Nuclear Power!! No to the proposed new one near Bristol, Hinkley Point.Protective Shielding
02-05-2014 01:26
Most people do not realise that our bodies and minds are being subjected to toxic electronic smog and at times electro-magnetic attacks.March on Parliament, 21st June! Austerity is Theft!
15-04-2014 20:23

No More Austerity! Austerity is Theft! National Demo!
Festival outside the BBC, then march on Parliament
Iraq's Government Paedophile Plan for Children
10-04-2014 08:39
Children under nine years old could be legally married and wives forced to comply with sexual demands under newly tabled legislation described by critics as a setback for women's rightsCalf Crate Crimes In Oregon
08-04-2014 16:25

level of hell
Stick-up for the NHS! demo, 27 April
08-04-2014 09:21

Nonces, Abusers, Rapists and rape-apologists in the Far-Right
02-04-2014 18:21

Vegan And Vegetarian Champions Ask LeBron James To Join Them
01-04-2014 21:41

Billboard modifications subvert HMRC propaganda & Starbucks etc
26-03-2014 13:15

Blackmail3 Court Case Update
16-03-2014 13:06
Here's a brief update on the court case for one of the 'Blackmail3' defendents potentially due to come to a conclusion on Monday. More info and background at www.blackmail3.orgThe US and Britain’s Paedophile Colony
13-03-2014 21:01
Less than a month before the 11th anniversary of the illegal US-led invasion of Iraq, the near destruction of much of the country, heritage, culture, secularism, education, health services and all State institutions, the country is poised to revert “two thousand years” say campaigners.