UK Health Newswire Archive
Sainsburys as a focus for anti-GM campaign
15-03-2004 15:21
A couple of weeks ago there was a national day of action against sainsbury's (see
Campaign for Drug Company Openness and End to Racism within NHS
13-03-2004 18:02

Below is the suggested letter from Mind ( to send to your MP.
You can do this by post, email or
Int. Women's Day / Health News from IPS
12-03-2004 15:13
International Women's Day News on Health from Inter Press Service
Rogue Midwives: Birthing on the Sly
10-03-2004 22:01
Women helping other women deliver babies is as old as humanity. It makes sense. So why do mainstream doctors and hospitals act like midwifery is some radical, dangerous, medically-irresponsible quackery? In Scandanavia, the UK, and the Netherlands, female midwifery is a thriving occupation. Yet in America, it has been constructively outlawed as a profession, for 100 years.local food initiatives
10-03-2004 15:55
Local food web provides a search engine service for buying and selling locally produced food products by area, throughout the untire UK. you simply log on and search for your location and it gives you a list of local producers and suppliers.Drug War Film Festival
10-03-2004 12:08
911 and the BC Compassion Club Society present:
Friday, March 12 8pm
$6 / $4 (911 members)
Photo Journal of trip through Chernobyl
06-03-2004 10:30
A Russian Motorcyclist travels through Chernobyl, this is her photojournalmental health excluded from financial services
03-03-2004 11:58
new evidence shows that peoople experiencing longer term mental health problems are having to lie to access financial services or walk away from them altogether because of discriminationCoca Cola selling tap water
03-03-2004 00:31
Coca Cola selling tap water that we have paid for in the first place!!>1 March 1954 - Operation Bravo and the Marshall Islands Human Guinea Pigs
01-03-2004 04:38
On March 1st, 1954 - 50 years ago - the USA did proceed to theirfirst H bomb test: Operation Bravo.
LAST MINUTE: Places on Medic Training Available
28-02-2004 20:07
A few places are available on Far From Help Medic Training, arranged by Earth First!ers, to be held in Nottingham March 5-7...Stop Vivisection - New Campaign against Oxford University
26-02-2004 09:46
NEW FRONT TO OPEN UP IN THE FIGHT AGAINST VIVISECTION!After our success against Cambridge University in stopping the proposed
plans for Europe's largest primate centre, the SPEAC (Stop Primate
Experiments at Cambridge) campaign has decided to open up a new front
in the
fight against vivisection.
Promoting Cycling in Oxford
22-02-2004 20:28
Cyclox promotes Cycling in Oxford. The next Cyclox public meeting is on Wednesday 3rd March 2004 at 7.00 p.m. - East Oxford Community Centre (corner of Cowley Rd and Princes St).AIDs and Democracy
18-02-2004 23:29
AIDs is the biggest developing problem for the third world. After debt, its probably the key issue preventing their recovery. Yet our aid is woefully inadequate and apparantly, there is nothing we can do about it.All the children are dead!
16-02-2004 08:58

Drug War Film Festival Fund Raiser
16-02-2004 00:52
911 and the BC Compassion Club Society present:
Friday, March 12 8pm
$6 / $4 (911 members)
New website against fluoridation
15-02-2004 15:29
Your drinking water is about to be poisoned with toxic industrial waste. It is illegal, it is mass medication, it violates your freedom of choice, and it is known to cause serious adverse health effects. Only one thing can stop it - YOU!campaign hots up to defend malmesbury Hospital
13-02-2004 14:14
Malmesbury Maternity Unit is threatened with closure by Kennet & North Wiltshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) along with the Devizes Maternity Unit despite big campaigns to defend these units in each town.A petition of 10000 was presented to the PCT last year. Campaigners have asked for it back as they now wish to present it to Parliamant, but the PCT refuses to return it wotout explanation (probably becasue they just binned it - showing their real concern for local feeling)
Nano particles from high DU Temp. cause of cancers and birth defects etc.
13-02-2004 06:05
Cancers among veterans and birth defects of their offspring and other "War" diseases are understood now as resulting from nanoparticles produced by high temperatures produced by DU use.