1 March 1954 - Operation Bravo and the Marshall Islands Human Guinea Pigs
AmigaPhil | 01.03.2004 04:38 | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Health
On March 1st, 1954 - 50 years ago - the USA did proceed to their
first H bomb test: Operation Bravo.
first H bomb test: Operation Bravo.
Despite a glitch in the meteo prevision where the radioactive cloud
did change his curse to pass over the Marshall Islands (Bikini Atoll),
the 1,000 times Hiroshima bomb did exploded as planned, and without
evacuating the 20,000 inhabitants of Rongelap and Rongerik.
For many years, the inhabitants of the Marshall Islands were used as
unvolonter 'guinea pigs' on many tests and studies about the aftermath
of the USA nuclear bomb researches.
See also:
- Declassification of Marshall Islands Atmospheric Nuclear Test
- Rongelap Revisited
- Nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands (PDF)
- Chronology of Nuclear Tests on the Marshall Islands
- The Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal
- The documentary film by the australian Dennis O'Rourke:
"Half Life - A Parable for The Nuclear Age" (1986)
(French title: "Les Cobayes de l'Ere Nucleaire")
- "The Atomic Cafe" (available on DVD) by Kevin Rafferty,
Jayne Loader, and Pierce Rafferty
War on Terrorism: Depicting a source of the highest threats to the world
did change his curse to pass over the Marshall Islands (Bikini Atoll),
the 1,000 times Hiroshima bomb did exploded as planned, and without
evacuating the 20,000 inhabitants of Rongelap and Rongerik.
For many years, the inhabitants of the Marshall Islands were used as
unvolonter 'guinea pigs' on many tests and studies about the aftermath
of the USA nuclear bomb researches.
See also:
- Declassification of Marshall Islands Atmospheric Nuclear Test

- Rongelap Revisited

- Nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands (PDF)

- Chronology of Nuclear Tests on the Marshall Islands

- The Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal

- The documentary film by the australian Dennis O'Rourke:
"Half Life - A Parable for The Nuclear Age" (1986)
(French title: "Les Cobayes de l'Ere Nucleaire")
- "The Atomic Cafe" (available on DVD) by Kevin Rafferty,
Jayne Loader, and Pierce Rafferty
War on Terrorism: Depicting a source of the highest threats to the world
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