New website against fluoridation
Ron Baxter | 15.02.2004 15:29 | Health | London
Your drinking water is about to be poisoned with toxic industrial waste. It is illegal, it is mass medication, it violates your freedom of choice, and it is known to cause serious adverse health effects. Only one thing can stop it - YOU!
[Press release]
Campaigners have launched a new website aimed at informing people about the health risks of fluoridated drinking water - which the Government plan to introduce UK-wide very soon.
The new website was set up by the Lancashire Campaign Against Fluoridation - a group of 400 residents based in West Lancs. Spokesman Ron Baxter said: “We are expecting a good response to this new website nationally. We hope people concerned about this issue will visit our site to keep updated on the health risks of fluoridated water and our campaign against it’s proposed introduction into the UK water supply in the very near future”.
Ron added: “The fluoride that the Government plans to add to our drinking water is a hazardous waste product derived from the fertiliser industry. It is not the same as the fluoride that is added to toothpaste but is a Class-2 poison registered under the Poison’s Act”.
“It is a well documented fact that fluoridated water threatens our health and is linked with numerous health problems, including bone cancer and brittle bones. We would therefore urge Regional Councils and the water companies to ensure that we don't get fluoridated, and we would ask residents throughout the UK to join us in this vital campaign to ensure our drinking water remains fluoride-free”.
“Recent opinion polls conducted in the UK show that the vast majority of people are against having fluoride added to their drinking water, yet the Government seems determined to override our freedom-of-choice and fluoridate us against our wishes”.
Readers concerned about this issue can visit the new website at:
(Please circulate this article and website address. Thanks)
[Press release]
Campaigners have launched a new website aimed at informing people about the health risks of fluoridated drinking water - which the Government plan to introduce UK-wide very soon.
The new website was set up by the Lancashire Campaign Against Fluoridation - a group of 400 residents based in West Lancs. Spokesman Ron Baxter said: “We are expecting a good response to this new website nationally. We hope people concerned about this issue will visit our site to keep updated on the health risks of fluoridated water and our campaign against it’s proposed introduction into the UK water supply in the very near future”.
Ron added: “The fluoride that the Government plans to add to our drinking water is a hazardous waste product derived from the fertiliser industry. It is not the same as the fluoride that is added to toothpaste but is a Class-2 poison registered under the Poison’s Act”.
“It is a well documented fact that fluoridated water threatens our health and is linked with numerous health problems, including bone cancer and brittle bones. We would therefore urge Regional Councils and the water companies to ensure that we don't get fluoridated, and we would ask residents throughout the UK to join us in this vital campaign to ensure our drinking water remains fluoride-free”.
“Recent opinion polls conducted in the UK show that the vast majority of people are against having fluoride added to their drinking water, yet the Government seems determined to override our freedom-of-choice and fluoridate us against our wishes”.
Readers concerned about this issue can visit the new website at:

(Please circulate this article and website address. Thanks)
Ron Baxter