UK Health Newswire Archive
Why we say NO to Foundation Hospitals- Local Meeting
15-10-2003 23:22
Meeting to build local campaign agaist Foundation Hospitals.Baghdad street kids are crying out for a safe place to sleep
13-10-2003 17:34
The city centre of Baghdad, its once prosperous capital, is haunted today by thousands of street children, who sleep under hedges and bridges and eke out a living, begging from Westerners, soldiers, journalists and members of the non-governmental relief organisations with a presence in the city. Our Home-=Iraq is a new charity set up to organise a safe refuge for these street kids. A fund-raising dinner, presentation and auction is being organised at Anam's Restaurant, Great Horton Road, Bradford, on Monday October 20, tickets £10 from 0776 686 1373.Sheffield Mental Health Email Group
05-10-2003 21:33
An email group / message board / discussion list for mental health service users / survivors / refusers in Sheffield.Anti-GM activists off their trolleys?
05-10-2003 16:34

**McDonald's invites you to look behind the scenes!!** (doors open 18th Oct)
04-10-2003 14:51
I saw this advert in the Guardian's Weekend Magazine. It appeared half way through the Michael Moore interview(!)The text was as follows:
Mad Pride at the movies Saturday nite!
30-09-2003 14:36

Bayer back out of GM trials
28-09-2003 16:23
Bayer beginning to back out of GM?Sheffield Incinerator Protest
28-09-2003 14:12

Sri Lanka healthworkers treated like slaves
28-09-2003 05:41
The government of Sri Lanka has used troops to break a strike of health workers andsacked all those involved in the strike.....but the health workers are hitting back
and there is an email address for protests and messages of support
at the end.....your union branch (or other organisation!) could send
a message
New Mad Pride website
25-09-2003 22:16

Mad Pride at the Hutton enquiry
24-09-2003 00:27

Lyme Disease Cover-up -Sept 2003 Action alert!
20-09-2003 21:09
The British government covers up the number of Lyme Disease victims and does not publicise the issue or treat the people who are ill. Lisa Masterson's kids became victims to the fraudulent testing procedure and finally were taken off her by the Social Services.READ the story and ADD your voice to the petition.
Mon 22 Sept is European Car Free Day - Oxford Cyclists meet 8am in Broad Street
20-09-2003 16:10
If you cycle in Oxford and are sick of nearly getting run over / not having adequate cycle provision, then please come to Broad Street between 8am - 9am this Monday. They'll be a free breakfast of fair trade coffee and bananas, as well as lots of local press to publicise a pro cycling agenda here in Oxford. The event is organised by Cyclox.Bayer Cropscience targetted!
19-09-2003 02:56
As part of the campaign to stop commercial growing of GM crops, actions have been taken against Bayer Cropscience.'LaVM 31/2002 vp' taking place January 1st 2004
18-09-2003 22:25
Short analyses on 'HE 52/2002 vp' accepted as a new Police and Enforcement act 'LaVM 31/2002 vp' starting from January 1st 2004. Citations from implicit explanatory memorandum assigned to Parliament's Constitutional committee appended with further explanations and grounds. All but one references can be found from internet for information validation. Raise of the second Holocaust?Sheffield Public Health Warning!
16-09-2003 16:49
Residents in arbourthore at seious risk from HIV/AIDS Is The Number One Threat To Black Survival
14-09-2003 16:01
For a people that have survived centuries of slavery and colonialism and race based terror HIV/AIDS represents today the most serious threat to the survival of people of African descent. HIV/AIDS is not only a serious threat to the genocide of millions of Africans affected with HIV/AIDS it is also the fastest growing leading cause of death amongst African Americans and people of African descent throughout the world.