UK Health Newswire Archive
Nestle faces grilling at TUC fringe debate with Baby Milk Action
13-09-2003 07:03
Nestlé backed down on its refusal to debate with Baby Milk Action at the Trade Union Congress (TUC) Conference in Brighton after the TUC General Council barred the world's largest food company from the Conference proper. Read Baby Milk Action's presentation denouncing Nestlé's baby food pushing practices. Watch TV footage from a German documentary further proving Nestlé's claim it does nothing wrong is untrue.SMOG: Can you breathe free in a free maket?
12-09-2003 19:51

Canada's safe haven for junkies
08-09-2003 21:41
Vancouver hopes to save hundreds of lives by opening street clinics whereheroin addicts can shoot up safely. But the White House is accusing Canada
of going AWOL from its war on drugs.
No sex please we're American
08-09-2003 19:49
This article is about young Americans being coerced into remaining virginsNO TO FLUORIDATION
07-09-2003 01:53
On Monday, Parliament will vote on the Water Bill. Take action now to prevent fluoridation of our water supplies.The WTO Drug Deal -- How Hope was Bargained Away
06-09-2003 02:23
There was a time when health activists thought a global trade deal onaffordable medicines would be an
achievement worth celebrating.
Now they have one. But they're not celebrating.
Last weekend, members of the World Trade Organization agreed on a plan
to offer poor countries improved
access to life-saving drugs. The deal, which ended a 21-month test of
wills between the United States and
the developing world, was hailed as a breakthrough by relieved negotiators.
GM Food and Crops: What Next?
01-09-2003 21:56
This briefing is an update on what has been happening on genetically modified (GM) food and crops and what is coming up in the near future. This autumn will see a number of key dates, including a report on the Government's public debate, GM Nation, a report on the Farm Scale Evaluations and the next steps in the GM Trade War between the US and Europe.The decisions made over the next few months could have widespread repercussions for our food, farming and environment. Chief amongst these will whether the Government will allow GM crops to be commercially grown in the UK. If they do, the first could be grown as early as spring 2004.
EMF Cell Phone heated up my mercury fillings and poisoned me
31-08-2003 02:03
I documented in summary how I almost died from methyl-mercury and radiation poisoning when heat and radiation was against my head from my cell phone - a Nokia 6500 series. Please feel free to use my site to link to from other sites that you may know of.U.S.A.
Cost of Water to Double!
29-08-2003 15:29
THE cost of water to Merseyside householders will soar to £10 a week, if the Government's regulator sanctions a £3.8bn spending programme.Asbestos in Oxford Council Flats
26-08-2003 15:39
Oxford Council tenants have been exposed to potentially deadly asbestos. And it's not the first time...Liverpool Care Homes 'To Close Doors'
23-08-2003 18:05
CARE home bosses yesterday threatened to close its doors to new residents as the row over funding escalated.Suing over USUK DU and other WMD
20-08-2003 20:10
A growing international movement must demand full reparations for theIraqi people. A cleanup of the toxic, radioactive waste is in the
interests of all the people of the region. The cost of the war must be
calculated in terms of bankrupt social programs here in the U.S. and the
health of all the people who were in the region during the war and will
be in the years to come.
Help Big Oil! Join Anti-Smoking Crusade.
19-08-2003 00:23
By ignoring Big Oil's tobacco pesticide residues in typical cigarettes...the plant (tobacco) is allowed to take the fall. Other corporate criminals benefit as well. AND...Big Cig, the ostensible target, gets off easy. If you like cannabis prohibition, you'll love the tobacco version.Human Rights Allegation Chronicle
18-08-2003 21:58
CHRC Allegation Chroniclefor the Canadian Human Rights Commission
submission regarding the Air Canada group of companies
Concert in aid of healthy Africa
18-08-2003 14:58

TAYO ALUKO and Friends
Hospital Admissions Up By 10%!
17-08-2003 04:24
Municipal Coffers Are Drained By Sports Franchise As Medical Center Is Forced To Close Clinics!