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Welfare Reform, Not Welfare Destruction.

01-10-2006 16:01

Stroll and Roll sets off
On Monday 25th September the Coalition Against the Welfare Reform Bill (CAWRB) lobbied the Labour Party conference in Manchester. Protestors from all over the country strolled and rolled with whistles and cries of “New Labour? Slave Labour!” through the city centre.

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Nottingham's Sept Critical Mass and Bike About :: The Pictures 2

30-09-2006 12:24

Nottingham's Sept Critical Mass and Bike About :: The Pictures 2

Friday 29th Sept @ 5.30pm

Setting out from the usual meeting place [Outside the Savoy Cinema on Derby Road, meet at 5.30pm]

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Nottingham's Sept Critical Mass and Bike About :: The Pictures 1

30-09-2006 12:18

Nottingham's Sept Critical Mass and Bike About :: The Pictures 1

Friday 29th Sept @ 5.30pm

Setting out from the usual meeting place [Outside the Savoy Cinema on Derby Road, meet at 5.30pm]

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Under a Blood Red Lie ... The Real RED Manifesto

30-09-2006 12:07

All things being equal, they are not.

And that's the way we like it.

As first world consumers, we have tremendous power (well we do). What we collectively choose to buy, or not buy, can change the course of life and history on this planet, so let us make the decisions for you.

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critical mass manchester took the roads!

30-09-2006 11:49

manchester critical mass meet every last friday of the month at 6pm outside central library.

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Another Tragedy Engulfing Afghanistan

28-09-2006 15:26

photo by Shayne Kavanagh
Afghanistan is presently suffering its worst violence since the removal of the Taliban government five years ago due to NATO´s extension of its ´peacekeeping mission´ to the South. But while the polticians are still busy with their war games, yet another tragedy is engulfing Afghanistan.

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Help Stop US Bioterror Weapons

28-09-2006 14:49

The Univ of Washington's Michael Katz
doesn't care if he abuses mice dogs or cats
He daily tries to open Pandora's Box
hoping to recreate deadly pigflesh derived flu pox.
Does he do this as a form of bioterror
or is it simply unconscious error?
Why are his crimes promoted by
militaristic Rupert Murdoch's Fox

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£50m Cuts To Liverpool Children's Hospital

27-09-2006 16:26

As the government was attacked over its NHS policy at the Labour Party conference, plans to rebuild Alder Hey children's hospital in Springfield Park are in chaos, amid cuts to budgets forced by the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) scheme.

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Survival International, Leonardo diCaprio and the Bushmen

27-09-2006 09:05

Survival International and it's recent questionable international campaign to get the Basarwa relocated into the Kalahari Game Reserve

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Dear Toady, Sir shite and the warring Hilly-Billy: kiss my pretty pink bum!

26-09-2006 11:07

Knowing that the met and the government goons are avid readers of what I write (apparently, they must - chuckle, chuckle!), I thought a few tid-bits needed to be added here and there and everywhere so the muppets will have to re-read my statement against corruption and for God's people in its entirety, once again... My apologies to those who have already taken the time to read what I have previously written and I promise it will be worth your while to seek out the added bits. The b*stards are playing psych-ops with the protesters for peace, and so, at the very least... they should have to read and re-read and re-read again, over and over and over, their real crimes, as reported all over the internet!

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Radiation smoke detectors..

25-09-2006 09:00

radiation time bomb?
About the potential health risks of this devices:
See the link:

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'Protect the Patients March' NHS Nursing / Unison March against job cuts Pics 2

24-09-2006 16:13

'Protect the Patients March' NHS Nursing / Unison March against job cuts to NHS staff, services and beds

in the East Midlands.

Met at the Forest Ground between 10.00 - 11.00am on Saturday

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'Protect the Patients March' NHS Nursing / Unison March against job cuts Pics 1

24-09-2006 16:07

'Protect the Patients March' NHS Nursing / Unison March against job cuts to NHS staff, services and beds in the East Midlands.

Met at the Forest Ground between 10.00 - 11.00am on Saturday

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Climate Change Question Time - belated report with audio

24-09-2006 13:45

On Friday 15th September, Swindon Climate Action Network held a climate change question time event, which was attended by around 100 members of the public. The panel consisted of the leader of Swindon Borough Council, the two Swindon MPs, author Mark Lynas and climate scientist prof Julia Slingo.

A write-up of most of the questions and answers, with audio.

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Appeal for donations to bring grassroots organisers in the Bolivarian Revolution

23-09-2006 21:19

You may have seen our notice of the visit of two grassroots organisers from Venezuela – Juanita Romero and Gastón Murat. (Both are interviewed on our film, Talking of Power.) We are now appealing for your help in covering the costs of the three-week speaking tour.

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200 NHS Staff Walk Out In Runcorn

22-09-2006 19:40

The government's sell-off/closure programme within the National Health Service is becoming more widespread, but so is public anger and worker resistance.

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Dioxin Dowels---a New Weapon of War?

22-09-2006 00:27

A study from the UK reported, in effect, that smoke from one specific natural plant speeds progression of HIV/AIDS. Researchers forgot to notice that industrial adulterants of that plant (tobacco, of course, the alleged cause of virtually every disease) are already well known to cause immune system damage, and harm to AIDS victims. Blaming nature and blaming the victims. Business Uber Alles.

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Eastcroft Incinerator: Views of the Monster

21-09-2006 13:17

Eastcroft Incinerator: Views of the Monster

This what it looks like now ..... It's monsterous.

If the expansion had gone ahead [or still might, if WRG appeal and are successful] it would have looked even uglier.

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NHS Privatisations Rouse Sleeping Giant

21-09-2006 13:13

The working class is waking up to the harsh reality of New Labour’s plans
to privatise the NHS and is getting angrier and more militant by the day.
Despite record spending (on consultants!), NHS Trusts are cutting staff and beds to pay for corrupt and stupid PFI deals that will leave them with billions of pounds of debts to line the pockets of capitalist fat cats.

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Coalition Against the Welfare Reform Bill - Manchester Demo

20-09-2006 21:28

Stroll, Roll and Rally against the Welfare Reform Bill!

Next Monday, 25th September, the Coalition Against the Welfare Reform Bill will be Strolling and Rolling across Manchester to lobby the Labour Party Conference.