UK Health Newswire Archive
Partial victory for Maternity campaigners??
29-04-2004 08:39

(extension may be 2, 4 or 6 weeks - to be decided)
Electric Cars are available in the UK
23-04-2004 15:17

I was listening to a song called “self-evident” by female singer/songwriter Ani Difranco the other day. It was about the tragic events of September 11th 2001 and some issues related to that day. The song covered a wide range of issues, and focused particularly on levels of violence in the world today, and also the damage that we are doing to the environment. There was one particular line that stuck in my head … “we must vow… to get off… of this sauce”. The sauce she was talking about being the sauce that most of us pump into our cars on a weekly basis.
last chance to protest against closure of maternity hospitals
23-04-2004 07:50
Lobby of Board Meeting, Tuesday 27th April, 9.30 am, Southgate House, Pan's Lane, DevizesGlaxoSmithKline embroiled in scandal
12-04-2004 01:22

1500 hospital patients evicted for WEF?
02-04-2004 12:01
A PAP report claims that 1500 ill people in Warsaw hospitals will be evicted for the WEF summit. The true purpose is unclear, but officially is for WEF participants and protestors (maybe healthy, maybe as victims of violence). [en]Activist´s Struggle against Disability Discrimination
02-04-2004 09:05
One in seven of the UK's workforce are affected by disability. The current law and how it is applied is mostly employer - friendly. If you are disabled and want to work, you have to keep your mouth shut for fear of a life in poverty.Tesco and Wal-Mart linked to the sale of whale meat in Japan
31-03-2004 20:27

Children with ME 'wrongly taken into care'
31-03-2004 10:55
Those who have been interested in the Roy Meadows - Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy row should also be interested in the following article in todays Scotsman.Campaign continues to save Malmesbury and Devizes maternity units
28-03-2004 22:03
Update on the campaign to defend Malmesbury and Devizes Maternity UnitsThe local health authority has announced plans to close both units. They are consulting with the public on this proposal until the 26th April.
HIV Positive Boxing Champ Gets Feature Film Based On His Life and Career
28-03-2004 17:02

Parklife Newsflash-Direct Action Taking Place Thursday 25th March 2004
25-03-2004 13:30
A team of Parklife climbers this morning began a treeoccupation at the site of the proposed F5 road scheme,
planned for the A1159 Priory Crescent north, Southend
on Sea, Essex.
Nursing shortages cause deaths
22-03-2004 10:15
Inspite of claims of improving standards.A nhs boss reveals the truth?San Fran Action Shuts Down Bechtel Headquarters on Anniversary of Iraq Invasion
19-03-2004 23:25
Global Mobilization Against US Occupation and "Corporate Invasion" of IraqColin Blakemore - vivisector - speaking at Dana Centre
19-03-2004 00:39

ACT TODAY! We need your help to REACH for a toxics-free future!
18-03-2004 15:55
Please tell your MEPs that you want hazardous chemicals to be substituted andreplaced with safer alternatives and that you want a right to know what
chemicals are in products you buy.
The UK Budget
17-03-2004 20:22
The art of the political con.The soft sell of austerity by your friendly labour party.Buy it quickly from your media.Cunning non GM plot plot
17-03-2004 14:37
Here's a cool idea that could certainly catch the public imagination and involvement into the anti-GM campaign. If there was a big take up all over the country (which might require more work than the one person mentioned below can do by himself) then it could have the effect of forcing the government into a further bad PR situation and also force the locations of GM fodder maize sites to be disclosed to anyone that fancies a bit of weeding..GM Danger to humans
16-03-2004 22:11
Interesting reference article from the Evening Standard because it has direct evidence of harm to humans from GM crops. (Though I don't think this is the first instance as the article claims.)Blood donors told not to give blood.
16-03-2004 09:46
Blood donors told they can no longer give blood.