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Video may provide Gulf War Syndrome breakthrough

29-06-2004 17:08

01:09 AM CDT on Tuesday, June 29, 2004

With the handover of authority Monday in Iraq, the second Gulf War is in a new stage.

However, tens of thousands of veterans from the last Gulf War have been living in limbo for a decade. They're sick, but nobody knows why - yet there now is a potential breakthrough on the illness that's come to be known as Gulf War Syndrome.

At the center of this breakthrough is a video taken south of Baghdad near a town called Khamisiyah in March 1991. The clip is scratchy and jumpy, but for thousands of sick veterans, it contains the most important pictures of the first Gulf War.

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Corporate giants who poison and pollute also control "policy"

28-06-2004 02:26

A Warning to the ME/CFS Community
Margaret Williams

27th June 2004

It is a matter of record that there is mounting awareness and concern over
the increasing manipulation of science and medicine by global corporations
with vested interests which now amounts to a stranglehold.

It seems that this corporate control extends not only to a corrupted peer
review process that results in a biased view being presented to the medical
community by compliant or ineffectual editors of medical journals, but the
US government now insists that scientists must be politically approved
before the scientists can participate in meetings of the World Health

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Smoking Crusade is about MONEY, not Health

20-06-2004 00:13

The so-called "smoking" bans as pushed by the Corporatocracy are about what may be the biggest evasion of Corporate Liability of all time. The elements of truth, about harms of "smoking", hide information about WHY typical smoking products are so harmful, and how this involves Big Oil, Pharms, Pesticides, Chlorine, and so on.

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Vegan Festival London

18-06-2004 23:09

If you have not been before it is a great day with loads of great food, clothes, etc. good talks and lovely people. Hope to see you there.


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ICG-UK Position

15-06-2004 17:31

Press release

IGC-European Constitution
Assembly of European Regions deplores UK government decision to grant the Union exclusive competence in Health & Education Policy

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Twenty Four Things We Are Not Told About the Smoke Ban.

12-06-2004 22:10

Twenty-Four things about the fraudulent "smoking" ban situation that your media OR your public officials didn't,and won't tell you. Info here may be helpful to pub proprietors (and their counselors) in opposing any bans. This deal is NOT about our health or health of workers. Ironically, it's about protecting the Cigarette Cartel.

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Bike Week in Cambridge

09-06-2004 18:29

Next week is national bike week (12 - 20 June). And there are plenty of events in Cambridge.

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D DAY or Hiding from Reality

07-06-2004 18:46

Much ado about nothing?

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World Without Waves

31-05-2004 10:18

"World Without Waves" is about a man who develops a sudden and disabling allergy to EMF.

Wake up call for Americans

"World Without Waves" is about a man who develops a sudden and disabling allergy to EMF

We hope this film helps to serve as a cinematic start, a theatrical wake up call for Americans to consider our over dependency and overexposure to EMF.

* All those who wish to join us in Moscow which is one of the most happening, progressive cities on the planet, are encouraged to contact me at

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Critical Mass remembers Blackfriars Bridge cyclist's death

29-05-2004 09:58

People gather on Blackfriars Bridge
Around 700 cyclists attended London's monthly Critical Mass to pay their respects to Vicki McCreery who was crushed to death by a bus earlier this month while riding across a new cycle lane on one of London's busiest bridges.

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Interview: Cancer Dr.’s treatment suppressed 20yrs

24-05-2004 17:15

This year some 3,000 children will be diagnosed with brain cancer in America. This is a virtual death sentence for the children if treated with orthodox treatment, radiation therapy. My interview with Dr. Burzynski documents the FDA’s 20 some year suppression of his treatment Antineoplastons. It’s the same old story of the $$greeeeed$$ obsessed pharmaceutical companies controlling American medicine.

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Demonstration at Nestlé HQ to be joined by international visitors

15-05-2004 01:41

A new monitoring report exposing baby food marketing malpractice in 69 countries was launched at the House of Commons on Thursday. The results show Nestlé is still the worst of the baby food companies. There will be a demonstration outside Nestlé HQ, and the experts who compiled the report will be on hand to show, using Nestlé's own promotional materials, how the company's claims to do nothing wrong are simply untrue.

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Cult Stigmatises Psychological Distress.

12-05-2004 15:46

The Elan Vital organisation - considered by many observers to be a cult, is using the stigmatisation of psychological distress and mental ill health to denigrate its critics

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ME Trial Is 'Waste of Taxpayers' Money' (The Scotsman)

12-05-2004 14:22

A pressure group today called for a public inquiry into the setting up of a £2.5 million trial...

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Speak (for the animals) meeting

11-05-2004 15:05

SPEAK (for the animals) meeting Weds 12 May @ Friends Meeting House @ 7.30

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ME Awareness Week Kicks-Off in The Independent

11-05-2004 03:14

This week is M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) Awareness week, a week in which many in the ME community take part in projects to raise awareness of the illness and to try also to raise awareness of the continued injustices suffered by most in the ME community.

Below is a brilliant article written by Jerome Burne of The Independent which hopefully will help create a far greater awareness of some of the very serious concerns ME sufferers are hoping to highlight during the week.

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Cannabis March + Festie Postponed / Alternative Event on Sat

06-05-2004 10:48

Bloody british weather - events postponed til sat 5th june - which annoyingly now clashes with the Cambridge Strawberry Fair:

This saturday then why not go to the European Creative Forum day long event... and party in the evening (12 noon - 1am):

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Justice For Tenants - Fighting for working class people in Liverpool!

02-05-2004 13:48

A tenants' direct action campaign group!

The tenants in Liverpool and Merseyside are sick of the injustices. The councillors whether they're Labour or Liberal-Democrat simply don't care about throwing us out into the private sector they're not tenants themselves! Councillors are giving away our land, our homes, our streets, our neighbourhoods and our communities for 'FREE' to undemocratic and unaccountable private landlords it is 'our' public property not for them to give away through rigged ballots or no ballots at all.

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Report of Edinburgh May Day march and rally May 1st 2004

02-05-2004 12:48

Assembling in East Market street.
This is a report with photos of the march and rally in Edinburgh May 1st 2004.

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The conditions of Nurses and the Development of Psychiatry

29-04-2004 09:53

The Conditions for Nurses
The average working life of a nurse is 10 years. Many end their working life’s earlier than this due to family needs but other factors are at work for example back injuries.