UK Health Newswire Archive
Opening the Box: Sarah Shourd on Humane Release for Herman Wallace
20-07-2013 17:47

Please can anyone help Veggies at Peace News Camp
17-07-2013 12:35
Help lovingly appreciated at Peace News camp.Yes your chance to don a magical Veggies t shirt,not available in the shops!!:>)UG#653 -The Biopsychosocial Approach (The Growth Of Child Development Disorders)
11-07-2013 10:40

Summer Peace News Camp In-Line!
11-07-2013 10:34
How to jump dinner queues at Summer Peace News Camp!!UG#652 - Is Humanity In Its Right Mind? (The Rise and Rise Of The Left Brain)
07-07-2013 02:28

Peace News Summer Camp 2013 YES!!!
03-07-2013 09:43
Forget corporate Glastonbury and the rest!Last Call for Peace News Summer Camp 2013.Big Vegan Fair in Brum City Centre, Sat 6th July
26-06-2013 21:23

US Comic TV Satire Of Iowa Congressman Trying To Make Battery Hen Cages Smaller
24-06-2013 18:40

Why I Don't Eat Meat
13-06-2013 17:24
Owen Parrett MD describes his odyssey to a vegetarian diet and whyQantas, Virgin Airlines, 6 US Prison Systems, Join UK's Boo Boo in Pig Flesh Ban
07-06-2013 19:16

2 Airlines, 6 US State Prison Systems Ban Pig Flesh
Journal Of The AMA Reports 70,000 Person Study: Vegetarians & Vegans Live Longer
05-06-2013 23:46
A Loma Linda University study of 70,000 peopleover 6 years reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association released in June 2013 has found vegans and vegetarians live longer, as have a number of other studies.
Questioning the Medical Model of 'Psychosis'
03-06-2013 20:33

Smithfield, World's Biggest Pigkiller with Norwich Holdings, Acquired by Chinese
30-05-2013 18:14

been acquired for several billion dollars by a Chinese corporation. Chinese companies already kill 450 million pigs annually.
Hospital Campaign Song Heading For The Charts
20-05-2013 08:56

UG#636 - Bilking The Afflicted (Addiction, Drugs & Capitalism)
11-05-2013 15:33

American "Leftist" TV Show Promotes Pigeating
10-05-2013 20:58

one hour on publicly owned airwaves to promote the toxic disease, environmental devastation, animal agony, energy waste and expense of eating mammals.
Britain’s Poverty Addiction
09-05-2013 08:28
I was absolutely horrified to read that the UK Government may be underestimating the numbers of families in poverty, by up to an estimated 40%, according to academics at Edinburgh University.Residents rally at 6 PM at Trahorn Close E1 focuses on Tower Hamlets Council
07-05-2013 13:34
Tower Hamlets Council's transfer of Council housing stock was done under dubiouspromises. One promise Tower Hamlets Council made was that tenants, residents would enjoy the same rights when their homes were taken over by the "social landlords" as they had enjoyed under Council control.
This evening, Tuesday 07 May 2013, residents at the Trahorn Close, near Vallance Road, are rallying to question Tower Hamlets Council's pledge.
They have already petitioned the Borough’s “executive Mayor” Lutfur Rahman demanding action over the “social landlord” outfit’s behaviour.
Howard Lyman Continues To Expose Mad Cow Incidence In US And Elsewhere
02-05-2013 21:01

fraud regarding US testing for Mad Cow. Recent
outbreaks in Brazil, Denmark, Netherlands, Japan,
Switzerland and the US to name a few make silence
on this issue criminal.
Bayer Shareholder Meeting Speech by Valerie Williams
26-04-2013 21:29