UK Health Newswire Archive
media featuring a garden work health project ignore ill-treatment there.
22-04-2013 15:54
Why has Indymedia Scotland not made publicly available, any more than a Sunday paper there has, an exposee of hidden abuse, at a social work backed health project in Edinburgh? Redhall Walled Garden, after that Sunday paper did a positive story on it? These facts are backed up by the record of a complaint process.Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF, Dow: Biggest Bee Killers
19-04-2013 20:52

Hero, Actor James Cromwell, Arrested In Animal Rights Action
16-04-2013 20:07

arrested at the University of Wisconsin for speaking out against cat torture there.
The University of Wisconsin has also been involved in primate torture, tasering of pigs for the US Justice Department, and furthering the enslaving of cows for their milk.
The roll-out of tasers will make minority groups targets once again
15-04-2013 23:17
PUBLIC MEETING: to discuss new 24hr Taser patrols in every London borough. There has been no consultation and evidence shows they are disproportionately used against ethnic minorities, people with mental ill health and young people. Join us at 7pm on April 22, at Chats Palace, 42-44 Brooksby Walk, Homerton, E9 6DFBAYER Shareholder Meeting on April 26 in Cologne: Coalition introduces Countermo
11-04-2013 22:03

The Coalition against BAYER Dangers has introduced countermotions to BAYER´s Annual Shareholder Meeting on April 26. Environmental and social justice organizations announced to discuss the proposals within the meeting in Cologne. About 4,000 shareholders are expected to attend.
US Governors Shred Freedom Of Speech Re Filming Animal Slaughter
10-04-2013 18:28

Mad Cow In Brazil, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, US, Canada Etc.
30-03-2013 20:29
The mammon-controlled major media continue to muzzle the truth about Mad Cow, Mad Pig, Mad Chicken etc.
Unhealthy influence: The rise of the NHS Partners Network
30-03-2013 09:39
The transformation of a small private healthcare trade association into a powerful and influential lobby group provides a clear indication of the direction the NHS has taken. Today the NHS Partners Network has some of the most powerful private healthcare companies as members and is a trustee on the NHS Confederation board. Social Investigations examines the development of one of the best-connected and most persuasive privatisation cheerleaders.#OperationPaperwork
29-03-2013 14:43
We are calling on all #Anons and activists to flood the DWP with Freedom of Information requests, it's quite simple.150th anniversary / Countermotions to shareholder meeting BAYER: Company History
21-03-2013 18:15

The Coalition against Bayer Dangers has introduced countermotions to the upcoming Bayer shareholder meeting to highlight the dark side of BAYER’s past
Whittington board plans rejected by thousands
17-03-2013 19:09

Food Lovers set to besiege Vale of Evesham Vegan Fair, Sat 23 March
07-03-2013 13:28

At Evesham Town Hall, 10.30am - 4pm. FREE admission, all welcome!

India: “Bayer’s Tonic“ still on the Market
05-03-2013 17:14

The company BAYER continues to sell its disputed strengthener “Bayer’s Tonic” in India. The tonic contains a mixture of liver fraction, yeast extract, flavoured syrup and 10% alcohol.This has been proven by test purchases conducted by the Coalition against Bayer Dangers.
OSARCC is recruitment helpline and email support volunteers
05-03-2013 15:07

Tuberculosis Outbreak U.S. Civil Detention Plan No Longer Secret
05-03-2013 06:29

Corporate America McDonald's fast-food coupons are even budgeted by the government into Tuberculosis patient diets while being housed in these 'correctional housing units'.
UG#620 - Sex And Drugs And Mental Health (Sex 'Addiction' and Broken Brains)
03-03-2013 05:35

The WREXHAM-STAR.......... Phoenix from the Ashes !
02-03-2013 10:58
Established 1934 ~ Re-established 2013Packed meeting calls for a halt to Whittington sell off
14-02-2013 17:58

UG#613 - Economic Disposal of The Worthless (Hidden History of Eugenics in USA)
11-02-2013 02:56