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UK Health Newswire Archive

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Officer friendly?

03-07-2003 21:21

The lives and health of residents, workers and school children could be gravely threatened by the installation of a new TETRA radio communications mast on top of a High St police station, all thanks to neo-labore's ongoing love affair with the Public Finance Intiative.

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peat action, Manc.

03-07-2003 12:43

simple peat action - DIY at your local DIY - while we can still breathe...

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Poisoned Water on Tap Paid for by Us

03-07-2003 04:42

Democratic Mass Medication?!! Fluoride, more poisonous than lead, bone cancer, brittle bones and low I.Q are just a few of the effects! There are no benefits. Protest while you can, let your MP's know, they mustn't get away with this human rights abuse.

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Human Rights Abuses under Mental Health Act

28-06-2003 10:46

London artist and media activist beaten up, sexually assaulted and detained in hospital in Lambeth under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act since 4th June.

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Safe Injection Site Safe Injection Site

27-06-2003 23:49

WHAT'S HAPPENING? Site Expected to Open by Labour Day, Provided Provincial Funding Secured

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Electro-magnetic emissions enough to make some people sick

24-06-2003 11:50

Tower Torture. Industry Canada Tower Review Commitee - Extening Cellphone Coverage to Rural Areas - Testimonial of Dalan MCaren - No military experiment at Midway - Dean: Investigate Bush Statements on Iraq - Gen. says White House pushed Saddam link without evidence - Reason to Deceive

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24-06-2003 10:26

A British Medical Association report revealed managers regularly block access to medical training and hinder career progression for those from ethnic backgrounds.

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City of Vancouver is downplaying rights abuses in DTES [Human Rights Watch]

24-06-2003 02:26

The city of Vancouver’s attempt to discredit Human Rights Watch only highlights the city’s failure to address concerns about an anti-drug crackdown in its Downtown Eastside, Human Rights Watch said today.

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Health and the Fluid Genome

23-06-2003 11:29

n depth article on the Fluid Genome

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Moratorium on cell towers near schools

22-06-2003 13:51

Plug pulled on Sullivan Heights cell tower - Court Cases - School Antenna Ban-BC Canada EHS sufferers: in own case - Cell Slayer Home - Save America's Redrock Wilderness - Weapons of Mass Deception

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Electromagnetic Mindcontrol

21-06-2003 17:28

Decision of Austrian High Court - Campaign at a glance - The stage is set for our defeat -International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System - Brain Implants - Man- Made Earthquakes? - EMR and human rights abuse - Special forces 'prepare for Iran attack'- Empire of Lies

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Childhood Leukemia: Electric and Magnetic Fields as Possible Risk Factors

20-06-2003 20:30

Intermittent extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage in a dose-dependent way - Low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage - Evaluation of rat thyroid gland - Childhood Leukemia - Mechanism - Court Cases - White House "Hyped" Iraq War - The War Built on a Lie - Secret war pact, claims Short

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The politics of hedonism (alice nutter)

20-06-2003 12:39

The constant tension between drug culture and radical politics and the moments when the two seemingly opposite poles feed and rejuvenate each other.

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GM Crops 'May Push Poorest Farmers Into Debt'

20-06-2003 09:14

Genetically modified crops will not tackle world hunger and could threaten the livelihoods of Third World farmers, a new study has said.
The report is published today by the charity ActionAid, before the start of the Government's long-awaited debate on GM next week.

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Genetically Matched Birth Sparks Ethical Deba

20-06-2003 09:02

A British woman has given birth to a son after receiving fertility treatment in the United States to ensure the baby was genetically matched to help cure an older brother who suffers from a rare form of anemia.

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Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields

19-06-2003 20:13

Tribute to Neil Cherry - Hillel station - To bring to light the health fraud in the mobile telephony - Berkeley, California - Healthy sentence - Former Senator Max Cleland Blasts Bush's War - AIDS Vaccines Worse Than Useless?

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Corona virus genetic engineering and the origin of SARS

27-04-2003 03:15

None of the early reports have acknowledged the large body of reports on the genetic manipulation of Corona viruses in the laboratory nor have they considered the possibility that the unique virus arose as a laboratory accident or purposeful experiment. I have searched out a number of studies on the genetic manipulation of Corona viruses and describe a few such studies below.

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Antibiotic Resistance Is Fertile

30-08-2002 20:31

Video of the attempt to decontaminate an illegal crop of antibiotic resistant GM oilseed rape from a field in Dorset on 18th August.

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Bayer in GM Crop Contamination Scandals

26-08-2002 13:28

On 15th August it emerged that Bayer's new agricultural wing, Bayer CropScience (1), was responsible for the illegal planting of genetically modified (GM) oil seed rape.
GM seed, planted at more than 20 farm scale trial sites in the UK since 1999, was contaminated with substantial quantities (up to 2.8%) of an unauthorised variety of