Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields
Citizens Initiative Omega | 19.06.2003 20:13 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Health
Tribute to Neil Cherry - Hillel station - To bring to light the health fraud in the mobile telephony - Berkeley, California - Healthy sentence - Former Senator Max Cleland Blasts Bush's War - AIDS Vaccines Worse Than Useless?
Tribute to Neil Cherry (From Sarah Benson)
Following is the tribute that Senator Lyn Allison paid to Neil Cherry in the Australian Senate last night:
Senator ALLISON (Victoria) - I also wish to pay tribute to a New Zealand scientist, environmentalist and regional councillor, Dr Neil Cherry, who also died on 24 May this year. Dr Cherry was an Associate Professor of Environmental Health at Lincoln University and had a professional scientific background in physics, biophysics, meteorology, agricultural and human biometeorology, renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental epidemiology. He was involved in a wide variety of scientific and community projects. He developed international expertise in human biometeorology, air quality and the effects of natural and artificial electromagnetic radiation on people's health. He was frequently called upon to present his findings overseas. He cared passionately for the environment, for science and for public health.
Fellow councillors described Dr Cherry as a visionary-a man of tremendous intelligence and courage, including the courage to speak his views even when they were unpopular.
I met Dr Cherry when he visited Melbourne and Canberra-in fact, when he came to the parliament. He spoke publicly on the potentially damaging effects on human health of low-level microwave radiation from mobile phones and mobile phone antennas. His recent work was the review of thousands of papers on cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics, medicine and electromagnetic radiation. He concluded that the published scientific data showed that electromagnetic radiation, or EMR, was capable of causing cell damage and neurological problems.
In 2001 I chaired the Senate inquiry into this area, to which Dr Cherry made a submission, and he appeared before the committee via teleconference. It was an indication of Dr Cherry's effectiveness that he was attacked by the government because he dared to challenge the industry and the government line that said there was no evidence that EMR is not safe. He was actually in the gallery at the time that he was attacked and I think he was taken aback somewhat at the remarks that were made, but he was also accustomed to his critics being short on scientific argument and long on rhetoric.
Reading his work, one becomes aware of how little we really understand about electromagnetic radiation and how much further we need to go before the full ramifications of its impact on the human body and brain are understood.
One of Dr Cherry's many findings was that exposure to electromagnetic radiation could result in Alzheimer's disease, or dementia.
A report for Alzheimer's Australia by Access Economics last month says, and I quote: "The dementia epidemic has arrived and it should be made a national health priority".
There are 162,000 people with dementia in Australia, almost 7000 of which are as young as 37. According to this report it is now more common than skin cancer.
Dr Cherry also showed that arthritis was a possible health outcome. The number of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers in Australia is now 500,000 with some of these being children.
Now it may or may not be the case that EMR is implicated in all or even some of these but the findings of Dr Cherry should not be ignored just because they are unpalatable to the telecommunications sector.
Dr Cherry's standing and credibility was confirmed on 1 January 2002 by the award of a Royal Honour of Officer of New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM.). His award is for his services to Science, Education and Community, including his research and teaching work on Environmental Epidemiology and the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.
Neil was a man of strength, wisdom, compassion and humanity. One colleague describes him as "very straight - straight as a gun barrel."
I offer my sincere condolences to Neil's wife Gae. People like Dr Cherry are rare. He will be sadly missed, both as a scientist and as a human being.
Informant: Don Maisch
Hillel station - a lesson in statistics
16.6.2003 Maariv (by Galit Shafir) newspaper:
The health office report:
In Zoran there is a higher illness rate. The report [which was prepared for the science committee meeting on the 16.6 says]: the connection between the illness rate and the antennas is accidental.
According the report, the illness rate in Zoran is higher in 63% than the average illness rate in the rest of the country, for the last 3 years. According to the report, between 1999-2002, were 40 cancer cases in Zoran. The expected illness rate was 24.5. But there is no statistical significance and the link can be accidental.
In the last 12 years - there is excess illnes rate in Ein Vered. 52 cancer cases, while the expected was 42.1. In the years 1990-2002 in Zoran - 54 but the expected was 65.4. [the village exists from 1992. They made average from 1990]
The main cases are breast and brain cancer. "All our examinations do not support the suspicion that there is an excess in illness from the antennas".
This conclusion is supported by the facts:
There are mainly breast cancer cases and not leukemia which is expected from the radiation. The village exists for short time - not enough for developing cancer. Lack of excess in illness in the years 1999-2002. [this is the complete opposite from what they wrote in the begining: "between 1999-2002, 40 cancer cases in Zoran. The expected illness rate was 24.5"] "The findings do not support the decision to move the antennas" The report recommends to make another check within a year, and another one after 5 years. The head of the science committe- The parliment member Mali Polishuk said: "These data about Zoran and Ein Vered are amaizing, no doubt this report will be used for a basis for decision making about the antennas transmission"
The science committee decided: In Zoran are more cancer patients but not because of the antennas. The residents: We are not guinea pigs
Maariv (Arye Bander).
Professor Manfred Green, the head of the israeli disease control center who presented the report, claims there is no causal connection between the antennas and the disease. He says it can be from the pesticisdes in the agriculture areas.
Yossi Malka, head of the local council refused to accept the conclusions: "There are many statistical failures here and wrong data interpetations. I am not ready that they'll play with the residents health. I demand to close the antennas farm now. We are not guinea pigs and we don't want to be used as such because of the wrong research data."
The Health Office: Around Hillel station there is no more cancer than the usual
Haaretz (Ran Resnik, Yuval Dror)
Although the report indicates that the health office has no data on the exposure level in the 50 years of the station peration, it determines that the radiation was "for years" and "always" under the permitted level. The authors added that there is no data which is reliable and accepted in the world which links between radio radiation and cancer diseases.
In the years 1990-2002 the illness rate in Porat and Zoran is significanly lower than the israeli population, and in Ein Vered and Ein Sarid the ilness rate is according to the expected generally. In the years 1999-2002 the cancer rate was higher than expected but not significantly [double]. In these years there is excess breast and brain cancer rate.
Chair of local council, Yossi Malka critisized the findings. Malka wondered how was it higher rate in 1999-2002 and at the same time not linked to the radiation. He says that "The researchers indicate that since March 2002 the radiation level was low so it was not from that. This is rediculous. Is there anybody who thinks that cancer develops over night?
Until March 2002 the antennas radiated in huge power. [by the way- In May 2003 was measured there 40 V/m, in June 2003 - 70 V/m and 90 V/m in Zoran and Porat. It's still huge]
Why didn't the authors check former data?"
He says that the health office people had said they would consider the former data the final report. Malka added that part of the report data is not accurate. "In the report it says that the antennas are in a distance of 1 km from the village. Not true. Part of the antennas are 400 meters from the school and residents buildings.
In the world there are thousands of studies about the link between the EM radiation and cancer. Part of them says there is a link, some say not. The science world itself is controversial about this issue". Also the head of the science committee, Mali Polishuk said she went confused from the meeting. "Even the great experts stutter. On one hand they claim that they did not find a significant scientific connection. On the other hand, one of the professors told me that he wouldn't exclude anything. "I wouldn't send my children to the school in Zoran' he said."
According to Polishuk, Although the committee members don't want to create panic in the public, they decided to implement the decision to move the antennas, and that is by the principle of precaution. I don't mind them move 2 antenas a year, but that they will start already" she said.
The report was written by Dr. Micha Bar Hana, manager of cancer national registration administration in health ministry, together with Irena Lifshif and Sylvia Koton from health ministry. Professor Manfred Green consulted them.
It was considered in the report that Ein Vered exists since 1930, Porat and Sarid in the 50's, Zoran in the 90's. ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=304682&sw=%F6%E5%F8%EF+%F7%F8%E9%F0%E4
A continuing Failure of health ministry and enivironmental quality ministry radiation and the public/Ran Resnik, Haaretz 17.6.2003
The most important part of the health ministry report is what it does not have: During 50 years the antennas in Hillel station were emitting strong EMR, very near villages and no one from the health units in the country - and in the head the health ministry and environment quality-did not bother to check the radiation level and the effects on the residents. This is evidence of a continuing disrespect of the goernmental authorities in keeping the public health. In the 90's was a strong awareness for these things.
It didn't bother to the housing minister then, Ariel Sharon, to erect in 1992 another village near the same antennas- Zoran- which was established as a part from the "7 stars" plan.
The report authors state the principle of precaution as a fundamental rule in keeping the public health. According to this rule, also if a link wasn't found, there is still responsibility on heath authorities. The authories in the world, it says, recommend to publish information on controversial issues about the health radiation effects and recomendations on dealing with the public perception by which such an exposure can threaten his life". That is why it is recommended to publish this report to public.
If this precationary principle will be part of israeli policy, then the residents can see in their struggle a big step forward against environmental obstacle.
A. This is abuse of the precautionary principle: Israeli authorities mock this principle, the health ministry said in the past that we have no problem erecting antennas on schools hospital and elderly houses, and indeed all these have so much antennas, specially on hospitlas. So why is it suddenly a fundamental rule? (Lately there is a new policy- putting antennas in hospitals as a policy)
So what happened that they took out the rabbit from the hat? (the principle)-because otherwise- what excuse can they use to show their sympathy for the residends without admitting the connection antennas- cancer? It is using the principle when it's convenient, not because they care about- what's this word? oh, ye, it's called - health.
B. They want to publish the report to the public to deal with our troublemaker perception. They must have read the booklet of the WHO - where it shows how to deal with the public perception- with no facts, just psychology (booklet of October 2002, can be downloaded from the WHO website)
Anyway- here they found a solution: They will publish that double cancer rate is not linked to the radiation. Imagine what will happen when it's 10 times cancer rate-this will be a conclusive evidence that there is no link.
What a magic-10 times, with no link to radiation. How strong bodies we have.
Message from Iris Atzmon
To bring to light the health fraud in the mobile telephony
- First one "To heat 1 degree a "Plastic Ball" model"
- the second "providing misleading information", to be used as an incorrect basis for safety and discussion drafts.
Health fraud: To heat 1 degree a "Plastic Ball" model.
This health fallacy was reported in Luxembourg to the European Commission and WHO in the meeting dealing with the Precautionary Principle (24 February 2003):
Dr. Robert Becker. New York. Twice Dr. Becker has been nominated for a Nobel Prize in Medicine. Published by Linda Moulton Howe in EARTHFILES London (May 2000).
? "This increase in temperature has been studied by physicists and engineers using artificial spherical models".
"They based their findings on the "spherical cow concept". The initial heating undergone by a cow's body as a result of microwave radiation WHICH WAS USED to establish a "safe level": the power of radiation is "10 times smaller"!.
"That level was applied for several decades to everything that concerned electromagnetic pollution. Of course, this is not correct."
Dr. Robert Becker also states: "So, the premise that was applied by the physicists and the engineers was erroneous from the start."
- Dimension plastic ball.....................?
- Composition................................?
- RADIATION EXPOSURE................ ?
- OFFICIAL "NORM"........................ ?
Informative fraud: Trial ball or trial balloon presented now as discussion draft by Dr. Repacholi to justify a world health experiment that is carried out with "thousand millions mobile phone users", and each brain is used as guinea pig to test the effects of microwave radiation.
Dr. Neil Cherry. (May 2000): "A cell phone against the head exposes the premier organ of the human body to serious interference with its processes and serious damage to its tissues and cells". (Remember Dr. Neil Cherry died 24 May 2003)
WHO Flip-Flops on EMFs,
Precautionary Principle Now Revoked
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003
From: Microwave News To: Roy Beavers
June 5, 2003 - The World Health Organization has decided not to invoke the precautionary principle for electromagnetic fields (EMFs), Dr. Michael Repacholi has told Microwave News.
Less than three months after the WHO EMF project told participants at its workshop on the precautionary principle that there is "sufficient evidence" to apply the principle to power-frequency EMFs and radiofrequency and microwave radiation, Repacholi, who runs the project, said that the earlier statement was only a trial balloon.
"The draft we submitted to the Luxembourg workshop was purely a discussion draft to provoke comment....It was very successful at that," Repacholi said.
The move took many of those who had attended the February workshop by surprise. We have full coverage --including reactions of those who went to Luxembourg-- in our May/June 2003 issue, which is now at the printer.
* In the U.K., Dr. David de Pomerai of the University of Nottingham has shown that very weak microwave radiation can change the shape of proteins, prompting them to clump together or form long strands called fibrils. De Pomerai argues that these changes in turn trigger the production of heat shock proteins, previously reported by his and other labs.
* A proposal from the IEEE's International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety to relax the limits for mobile phone radiation has come in for criticism.
* Exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields at work increased the risk prostate cancer among utility workers.
* The U.K. government has announced an $8 million long-term study of the possible health effects of radiation from TETRA digital radios, which police throughout the country will soon be using.
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor & Publisher
Informant: Dr. Miguel Muntan (excerpt from his message)
Here comes the day! Berkeley, California
Dear Fellows:
Here comes the day of our Public Hearing when we will face Sprint in the City Hall of Berkeley. We are trying to stop their antennas near a residential area, where there are two elementary schools and a day-care center in the vicinity.
The Public Hearing may not pan out as expected since the City Officials are trying to postpone it.
There is an article about the battle of neighbors and Sprint in a local college newspaper:
We will keep you posted of the proceedings of the Public Hearing.
And please keep chanting this:
he, he; ho. ho, Sprint has got to go!
he, he; ho. ho, Sprint has got to go!
Healthy sentence
For all that are interested in the fight against the electropollution.
We do not forget that if judges as the one that resolves in Patrols that "...towards to order the cease of an installation should be tested that the antennae turn out to be harmful for the health of the persons that surround by them .." or that "does not proceed to order the preventive paralysis of the activity when the City Hall and Telephone have set already a time limit for the closing of the installations. .."
If an installation does not have permission of activity it should be closed and if the administrative authorities do not do it and in flagrant cases as Patrols, what proceeds is criminal complaint against the Mayor, responsible Lieutenant of Mayor or Architects and technical of the City Hall ronde?o informing in any another sense.
It does not please us to read news of discouragement as that of that is not going to have mobilisations in Patrols to past the summer. It is unacceptable, since the affection, respect and proximity that joins with Patrols, that the towel be thrown. If the mobilisations should come from outside, ahead.
The examples to continue are Valladolid with the accusations to Mayor, Councilman and Architect; the complaint of them affected in León against their Mayor Amilivia or well any another penal accusation directly against the operators, our case in L' Scale.
It is unacceptable in Gij?n that to facilitate the cover themselves even by high all the infractions of the environmental, urban development, most various regulation, landscape, of protection of the old helmet... and they excuse the municipal authorities in an external report that is forgotten from all which are not interested to the cover.
Since the not acceptance, rage and refusal, we include a healthy Sentence and another that recalls that to leave that an installation function without license of activity is the same thing that to assume since a principle that the permission is being granted denied. Totally contrary thing to the doctrine jurisprudencial of the Most supreme Court. They reiterate previous Sentences and we recall a brief description referred to Montilla in which the same thing said a judge that a to seem knows slightly more than general principles of the Right and of preventive measures that that of Malaga that touched to the ronde?os.
A hug,
Association Against Harmful Radiation of L' Scale (Girona)
Fwd: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors - MICROWAVE PHONES-ARE THEY KILLING US? - EHS/EMR lawsuits
Gail Moss
Assemblywoman Bergs Office
As to your question on mind control, the people at this link should be interested and able to help with "your friend"
72: MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE ... From the non-fiction book by John Marks, based on 16,000 pages of Freedom of Information Act materials. This is a person who has been hypnotized to the extent that he/she is willing to perform atrocious crimes, such as assassinations, without fail, and against the "candidate's" own will.
Manchurian Candidates are set into motion by "trigger" phrases, hand signals, tone combinations or sequences. The programming is thus "passworded". The programming also self destructs upon completion of the triggered task. manchcan.htm
This fwd is also of interest on this subject.
Best regards,
Tom Krohmer
Former Senator Max Cleland Blasts Bush's War
AIDS Vaccines Worse Than Useless?
Following is the tribute that Senator Lyn Allison paid to Neil Cherry in the Australian Senate last night:
Senator ALLISON (Victoria) - I also wish to pay tribute to a New Zealand scientist, environmentalist and regional councillor, Dr Neil Cherry, who also died on 24 May this year. Dr Cherry was an Associate Professor of Environmental Health at Lincoln University and had a professional scientific background in physics, biophysics, meteorology, agricultural and human biometeorology, renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental epidemiology. He was involved in a wide variety of scientific and community projects. He developed international expertise in human biometeorology, air quality and the effects of natural and artificial electromagnetic radiation on people's health. He was frequently called upon to present his findings overseas. He cared passionately for the environment, for science and for public health.
Fellow councillors described Dr Cherry as a visionary-a man of tremendous intelligence and courage, including the courage to speak his views even when they were unpopular.
I met Dr Cherry when he visited Melbourne and Canberra-in fact, when he came to the parliament. He spoke publicly on the potentially damaging effects on human health of low-level microwave radiation from mobile phones and mobile phone antennas. His recent work was the review of thousands of papers on cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics, medicine and electromagnetic radiation. He concluded that the published scientific data showed that electromagnetic radiation, or EMR, was capable of causing cell damage and neurological problems.
In 2001 I chaired the Senate inquiry into this area, to which Dr Cherry made a submission, and he appeared before the committee via teleconference. It was an indication of Dr Cherry's effectiveness that he was attacked by the government because he dared to challenge the industry and the government line that said there was no evidence that EMR is not safe. He was actually in the gallery at the time that he was attacked and I think he was taken aback somewhat at the remarks that were made, but he was also accustomed to his critics being short on scientific argument and long on rhetoric.
Reading his work, one becomes aware of how little we really understand about electromagnetic radiation and how much further we need to go before the full ramifications of its impact on the human body and brain are understood.
One of Dr Cherry's many findings was that exposure to electromagnetic radiation could result in Alzheimer's disease, or dementia.
A report for Alzheimer's Australia by Access Economics last month says, and I quote: "The dementia epidemic has arrived and it should be made a national health priority".
There are 162,000 people with dementia in Australia, almost 7000 of which are as young as 37. According to this report it is now more common than skin cancer.
Dr Cherry also showed that arthritis was a possible health outcome. The number of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers in Australia is now 500,000 with some of these being children.
Now it may or may not be the case that EMR is implicated in all or even some of these but the findings of Dr Cherry should not be ignored just because they are unpalatable to the telecommunications sector.
Dr Cherry's standing and credibility was confirmed on 1 January 2002 by the award of a Royal Honour of Officer of New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM.). His award is for his services to Science, Education and Community, including his research and teaching work on Environmental Epidemiology and the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.
Neil was a man of strength, wisdom, compassion and humanity. One colleague describes him as "very straight - straight as a gun barrel."
I offer my sincere condolences to Neil's wife Gae. People like Dr Cherry are rare. He will be sadly missed, both as a scientist and as a human being.
Informant: Don Maisch
Hillel station - a lesson in statistics
16.6.2003 Maariv (by Galit Shafir) newspaper:
The health office report:
In Zoran there is a higher illness rate. The report [which was prepared for the science committee meeting on the 16.6 says]: the connection between the illness rate and the antennas is accidental.
According the report, the illness rate in Zoran is higher in 63% than the average illness rate in the rest of the country, for the last 3 years. According to the report, between 1999-2002, were 40 cancer cases in Zoran. The expected illness rate was 24.5. But there is no statistical significance and the link can be accidental.
In the last 12 years - there is excess illnes rate in Ein Vered. 52 cancer cases, while the expected was 42.1. In the years 1990-2002 in Zoran - 54 but the expected was 65.4. [the village exists from 1992. They made average from 1990]
The main cases are breast and brain cancer. "All our examinations do not support the suspicion that there is an excess in illness from the antennas".
This conclusion is supported by the facts:
There are mainly breast cancer cases and not leukemia which is expected from the radiation. The village exists for short time - not enough for developing cancer. Lack of excess in illness in the years 1999-2002. [this is the complete opposite from what they wrote in the begining: "between 1999-2002, 40 cancer cases in Zoran. The expected illness rate was 24.5"] "The findings do not support the decision to move the antennas" The report recommends to make another check within a year, and another one after 5 years. The head of the science committe- The parliment member Mali Polishuk said: "These data about Zoran and Ein Vered are amaizing, no doubt this report will be used for a basis for decision making about the antennas transmission"

The science committee decided: In Zoran are more cancer patients but not because of the antennas. The residents: We are not guinea pigs
Maariv (Arye Bander).
Professor Manfred Green, the head of the israeli disease control center who presented the report, claims there is no causal connection between the antennas and the disease. He says it can be from the pesticisdes in the agriculture areas.
Yossi Malka, head of the local council refused to accept the conclusions: "There are many statistical failures here and wrong data interpetations. I am not ready that they'll play with the residents health. I demand to close the antennas farm now. We are not guinea pigs and we don't want to be used as such because of the wrong research data."

The Health Office: Around Hillel station there is no more cancer than the usual
Haaretz (Ran Resnik, Yuval Dror)
Although the report indicates that the health office has no data on the exposure level in the 50 years of the station peration, it determines that the radiation was "for years" and "always" under the permitted level. The authors added that there is no data which is reliable and accepted in the world which links between radio radiation and cancer diseases.
In the years 1990-2002 the illness rate in Porat and Zoran is significanly lower than the israeli population, and in Ein Vered and Ein Sarid the ilness rate is according to the expected generally. In the years 1999-2002 the cancer rate was higher than expected but not significantly [double]. In these years there is excess breast and brain cancer rate.
Chair of local council, Yossi Malka critisized the findings. Malka wondered how was it higher rate in 1999-2002 and at the same time not linked to the radiation. He says that "The researchers indicate that since March 2002 the radiation level was low so it was not from that. This is rediculous. Is there anybody who thinks that cancer develops over night?
Until March 2002 the antennas radiated in huge power. [by the way- In May 2003 was measured there 40 V/m, in June 2003 - 70 V/m and 90 V/m in Zoran and Porat. It's still huge]
Why didn't the authors check former data?"
He says that the health office people had said they would consider the former data the final report. Malka added that part of the report data is not accurate. "In the report it says that the antennas are in a distance of 1 km from the village. Not true. Part of the antennas are 400 meters from the school and residents buildings.
In the world there are thousands of studies about the link between the EM radiation and cancer. Part of them says there is a link, some say not. The science world itself is controversial about this issue". Also the head of the science committee, Mali Polishuk said she went confused from the meeting. "Even the great experts stutter. On one hand they claim that they did not find a significant scientific connection. On the other hand, one of the professors told me that he wouldn't exclude anything. "I wouldn't send my children to the school in Zoran' he said."
According to Polishuk, Although the committee members don't want to create panic in the public, they decided to implement the decision to move the antennas, and that is by the principle of precaution. I don't mind them move 2 antenas a year, but that they will start already" she said.
The report was written by Dr. Micha Bar Hana, manager of cancer national registration administration in health ministry, together with Irena Lifshif and Sylvia Koton from health ministry. Professor Manfred Green consulted them.
It was considered in the report that Ein Vered exists since 1930, Porat and Sarid in the 50's, Zoran in the 90's.

A continuing Failure of health ministry and enivironmental quality ministry radiation and the public/Ran Resnik, Haaretz 17.6.2003
The most important part of the health ministry report is what it does not have: During 50 years the antennas in Hillel station were emitting strong EMR, very near villages and no one from the health units in the country - and in the head the health ministry and environment quality-did not bother to check the radiation level and the effects on the residents. This is evidence of a continuing disrespect of the goernmental authorities in keeping the public health. In the 90's was a strong awareness for these things.
It didn't bother to the housing minister then, Ariel Sharon, to erect in 1992 another village near the same antennas- Zoran- which was established as a part from the "7 stars" plan.
The report authors state the principle of precaution as a fundamental rule in keeping the public health. According to this rule, also if a link wasn't found, there is still responsibility on heath authorities. The authories in the world, it says, recommend to publish information on controversial issues about the health radiation effects and recomendations on dealing with the public perception by which such an exposure can threaten his life". That is why it is recommended to publish this report to public.
If this precationary principle will be part of israeli policy, then the residents can see in their struggle a big step forward against environmental obstacle.
A. This is abuse of the precautionary principle: Israeli authorities mock this principle, the health ministry said in the past that we have no problem erecting antennas on schools hospital and elderly houses, and indeed all these have so much antennas, specially on hospitlas. So why is it suddenly a fundamental rule? (Lately there is a new policy- putting antennas in hospitals as a policy)
So what happened that they took out the rabbit from the hat? (the principle)-because otherwise- what excuse can they use to show their sympathy for the residends without admitting the connection antennas- cancer? It is using the principle when it's convenient, not because they care about- what's this word? oh, ye, it's called - health.
B. They want to publish the report to the public to deal with our troublemaker perception. They must have read the booklet of the WHO - where it shows how to deal with the public perception- with no facts, just psychology (booklet of October 2002, can be downloaded from the WHO website)
Anyway- here they found a solution: They will publish that double cancer rate is not linked to the radiation. Imagine what will happen when it's 10 times cancer rate-this will be a conclusive evidence that there is no link.
What a magic-10 times, with no link to radiation. How strong bodies we have.
Message from Iris Atzmon
To bring to light the health fraud in the mobile telephony
- First one "To heat 1 degree a "Plastic Ball" model"
- the second "providing misleading information", to be used as an incorrect basis for safety and discussion drafts.
Health fraud: To heat 1 degree a "Plastic Ball" model.
This health fallacy was reported in Luxembourg to the European Commission and WHO in the meeting dealing with the Precautionary Principle (24 February 2003):
Dr. Robert Becker. New York. Twice Dr. Becker has been nominated for a Nobel Prize in Medicine. Published by Linda Moulton Howe in EARTHFILES London (May 2000).
? "This increase in temperature has been studied by physicists and engineers using artificial spherical models".
"They based their findings on the "spherical cow concept". The initial heating undergone by a cow's body as a result of microwave radiation WHICH WAS USED to establish a "safe level": the power of radiation is "10 times smaller"!.
"That level was applied for several decades to everything that concerned electromagnetic pollution. Of course, this is not correct."
Dr. Robert Becker also states: "So, the premise that was applied by the physicists and the engineers was erroneous from the start."
- Dimension plastic ball.....................?
- Composition................................?
- RADIATION EXPOSURE................ ?
- OFFICIAL "NORM"........................ ?
Informative fraud: Trial ball or trial balloon presented now as discussion draft by Dr. Repacholi to justify a world health experiment that is carried out with "thousand millions mobile phone users", and each brain is used as guinea pig to test the effects of microwave radiation.
Dr. Neil Cherry. (May 2000): "A cell phone against the head exposes the premier organ of the human body to serious interference with its processes and serious damage to its tissues and cells". (Remember Dr. Neil Cherry died 24 May 2003)
WHO Flip-Flops on EMFs,
Precautionary Principle Now Revoked
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003
From: Microwave News To: Roy Beavers
June 5, 2003 - The World Health Organization has decided not to invoke the precautionary principle for electromagnetic fields (EMFs), Dr. Michael Repacholi has told Microwave News.
Less than three months after the WHO EMF project told participants at its workshop on the precautionary principle that there is "sufficient evidence" to apply the principle to power-frequency EMFs and radiofrequency and microwave radiation, Repacholi, who runs the project, said that the earlier statement was only a trial balloon.
"The draft we submitted to the Luxembourg workshop was purely a discussion draft to provoke comment....It was very successful at that," Repacholi said.
The move took many of those who had attended the February workshop by surprise. We have full coverage --including reactions of those who went to Luxembourg-- in our May/June 2003 issue, which is now at the printer.
* In the U.K., Dr. David de Pomerai of the University of Nottingham has shown that very weak microwave radiation can change the shape of proteins, prompting them to clump together or form long strands called fibrils. De Pomerai argues that these changes in turn trigger the production of heat shock proteins, previously reported by his and other labs.
* A proposal from the IEEE's International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety to relax the limits for mobile phone radiation has come in for criticism.
* Exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields at work increased the risk prostate cancer among utility workers.
* The U.K. government has announced an $8 million long-term study of the possible health effects of radiation from TETRA digital radios, which police throughout the country will soon be using.
Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor & Publisher

Informant: Dr. Miguel Muntan (excerpt from his message)
Here comes the day! Berkeley, California
Dear Fellows:
Here comes the day of our Public Hearing when we will face Sprint in the City Hall of Berkeley. We are trying to stop their antennas near a residential area, where there are two elementary schools and a day-care center in the vicinity.
The Public Hearing may not pan out as expected since the City Officials are trying to postpone it.
There is an article about the battle of neighbors and Sprint in a local college newspaper:

We will keep you posted of the proceedings of the Public Hearing.
And please keep chanting this:
he, he; ho. ho, Sprint has got to go!
he, he; ho. ho, Sprint has got to go!
Healthy sentence
For all that are interested in the fight against the electropollution.
We do not forget that if judges as the one that resolves in Patrols that "...towards to order the cease of an installation should be tested that the antennae turn out to be harmful for the health of the persons that surround by them .." or that "does not proceed to order the preventive paralysis of the activity when the City Hall and Telephone have set already a time limit for the closing of the installations. .."
If an installation does not have permission of activity it should be closed and if the administrative authorities do not do it and in flagrant cases as Patrols, what proceeds is criminal complaint against the Mayor, responsible Lieutenant of Mayor or Architects and technical of the City Hall ronde?o informing in any another sense.
It does not please us to read news of discouragement as that of that is not going to have mobilisations in Patrols to past the summer. It is unacceptable, since the affection, respect and proximity that joins with Patrols, that the towel be thrown. If the mobilisations should come from outside, ahead.
The examples to continue are Valladolid with the accusations to Mayor, Councilman and Architect; the complaint of them affected in León against their Mayor Amilivia or well any another penal accusation directly against the operators, our case in L' Scale.
It is unacceptable in Gij?n that to facilitate the cover themselves even by high all the infractions of the environmental, urban development, most various regulation, landscape, of protection of the old helmet... and they excuse the municipal authorities in an external report that is forgotten from all which are not interested to the cover.
Since the not acceptance, rage and refusal, we include a healthy Sentence and another that recalls that to leave that an installation function without license of activity is the same thing that to assume since a principle that the permission is being granted denied. Totally contrary thing to the doctrine jurisprudencial of the Most supreme Court. They reiterate previous Sentences and we recall a brief description referred to Montilla in which the same thing said a judge that a to seem knows slightly more than general principles of the Right and of preventive measures that that of Malaga that touched to the ronde?os.
A hug,
Association Against Harmful Radiation of L' Scale (Girona)
Fwd: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors - MICROWAVE PHONES-ARE THEY KILLING US? - EHS/EMR lawsuits
Gail Moss
Assemblywoman Bergs Office
As to your question on mind control, the people at this link should be interested and able to help with "your friend"
72: MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE ... From the non-fiction book by John Marks, based on 16,000 pages of Freedom of Information Act materials. This is a person who has been hypnotized to the extent that he/she is willing to perform atrocious crimes, such as assassinations, without fail, and against the "candidate's" own will.
Manchurian Candidates are set into motion by "trigger" phrases, hand signals, tone combinations or sequences. The programming is thus "passworded". The programming also self destructs upon completion of the triggered task.

This fwd is also of interest on this subject.
Best regards,
Tom Krohmer
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Citizens Initiative Omega