UK Health Newswire Archive
A Radiant Day
23-07-2009 16:08
US Military & Mobile Phone Industry behind the false claims of ICNIRP and WHOwho tell us there is no harm or danger from Mobile Phones.
Sink or Swim? Save Our Community Swimming Pools!
22-07-2009 13:46

GMWatch launches new myth-busting website
22-07-2009 13:31
GMWatch has just launched its new myth-busting website:, which replaces the one forced off the web by 14 months of cyber attacks.cyclamax planning to build hazardous waste incinerator in spondon derby .
21-07-2009 21:54

Swine flu is nothing short of bio-terrorism to cause genocide.
21-07-2009 17:52
Jane Bürgermeister, an Austrian investigative reporter, has filed a law suit against, among other, President Barack Obama, Dr. Margaret Chan (World Health Organisation), Robert Parkinson (CEO, Baxter), Daniel Vassella (CEO, Novartis), Chris Viehbacher (CEO Sanofi Aventis), Andrew Witty (CEO, GSK), David De Rothschild and David Rockefeller for deliberate planning of a genocide using pandemic flu against the American people.Whistleblowers denied role in Sizewell nuclear leaks investigation
20-07-2009 12:28
Press statement from the Shut Down Sizewell Campaign about the 22 July Special Meeting of Sizewell A & B Stakeholders Group to investigate the Cooling Pond Leak at Sizewell A nuclear reactor on 7 January 2007.stop this incinerator being built spondon has high cancer rate now
17-07-2009 23:12

Bird Flu could be pretext for far worse to come.
16-07-2009 03:14
Blogger Jane Burgermeister alleges that the so-called Bird Flu/Swine Flu "pandemic" alert could be a pretext for much more than we think, including ultimately Marshall Law in Europe and the US.Swine Flu: Six Previously Healthy People On Life Support in Sydney Hospital
14-07-2009 04:47
Six young persons who do not have underlying health conditions are in a critical condition in the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney.Reunite Severine Gerard and her son, separated by French police
14-07-2009 04:14
Severine Gerard had her 2 year old son violently taken away from her by the French police while she was in France (She is Belgian), because she was bringing him up on a vegan diet. Please read the interview to read what the paediatrician said about veganism and children during the first court hearing. It's unbelievable, it sounds like these people are stuck in the stone age!!Alton Food Festival 2009
13-07-2009 12:56

Aspire (Leeds) - Chris has hanged himself
12-07-2009 08:13
Aspire (Leeds) - Chris is dead but will not be forgottenSHAC Diary Dates
08-07-2009 20:57

ADHD - Petition to increase NHS provisions and funding for Adults with ADHD
06-07-2009 17:53
We are asking the Prime Minister to ensure that NHS service provisions and funding arrangements for services for adults with ADHD are reviewed and revised urgently.Governor of Queensland incommunicado on judicial corruption claims
04-07-2009 22:37

Governor of Queensland in denial on judicial corruption claims
03-07-2009 16:52

Crackdown On Anti-Corporate Dissent: Animal Rights Movement
30-06-2009 19:23
During the past three years, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service have launched a new campaign against anti-corporate animal rights campaigns across the country. The crackdown has lead to the imprisonment of activists linked to Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) for a total of 50 years and the jailing of Sean Kirtley, who was linked to the Stop Sequani Animal Torture Campaign (SSAT), for four and a half years. The sentences, the charges and the nature of the prosecutions have all been political. Public opposition to the crackdown has been confounded by a media smokescreen thrown up by the press releases churned out by the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (NETCU), portraying activists as ‘extremists’ and disseminating misinformation. Many of those jailed have not committed any conventional crime but have been targeted by new legislation intended to counter the threat posed to the pharmaceutical industry by effective direct action.Nicaragua: Campaign against Grupo Pellas lacks scientific evidence
26-06-2009 16:47
CKD campaign against Grupo Pellas and Nicaragua Sugar Estates and Flor de Caña Boycott by ANAIRC and UITA lack scientific evidence. Informative article on chronic kidney failure disease, its causes, and lack of scientific evidence linking it to sugarcane growing.To President Hugo Chavez and the World: Coke Zero
19-06-2009 15:55
President Hugo Chavez has banned Coke Zero from Venezuela based on a health problem. He needs to know what the health problem is. Aspartame in Coke Zero is an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with other drugs and vaccines.Radioactive Tritium with your Tea? Yes, More Please say Sellafield Ltd
13-06-2009 12:44