UK Health Newswire Archive
Cambridge Not For Sale - March
30-04-2006 12:27

International Workers Memorial Day
28-04-2006 17:34

thc @ 10: medical cannabis demo Parliament Sq
28-04-2006 01:09

HBOS Plc AGM - Directors Receive An Appeal for Help From Evicted Boatman
26-04-2006 19:45

Asbestos deaths- please, can you spare a minute to email a message of support
26-04-2006 09:25

The United Nations International Labour Organisation estimate current asbestos related deaths are 100,000 pa.
This Friday on Workers Memorial Day there is a united call for an worldwide ban on asbestos...
Stoke March Against the NHS Job Cuts: Saturday April 29th!
25-04-2006 13:01
Recent figures released by the Royal College of Nursing have estimated 13,000 nursing jobs could be lost as Primary Care Trusts and hospital executives seek to reduce the deficits. We say you cannot balance the books by risking patient’s lives!UK Forestry Minister: “Rochdale people are missing out on benefits of woodlands”
25-04-2006 10:31

Intrigue on streets / common of Southampton
24-04-2006 00:33
Pst, Psst..Huddle closer, wink wink! I've even heard that one notorious spy (non other than 'XtincTv') who went to earwig on the above goings on in the park, heavy in disguise (and peer over papers in the process) was near apprehended by two local police constables on the plod whilst on their loop(y) walk.LINSEED OIL as antioxidant: is it Science Fraud?
21-04-2006 10:41
In studies of laboratory animals, flaxseed has shown both estrogen-like and anti-estrogenic effects. Although one small pilot study of breast-feeding women showed no adverse effects in infants whose breast-feeding mothers took flaxseed oil, pregnant and breast-feeding women are not advised to use flaxseed or flaxseed oil. Potentially, the unpredictable estrogenic or anti-estrogenic effects may affect developing fetuses and infants. In addition, the possible effects of flaxseed or flaxseed oil on young children have not been studied, so they are not recommended for children under 12 years of age.Women with hormone-dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or cancers of the breast, ovaries, or uterus should not take flaxseed products due to possible estrogenic effects. Men with prostate cancer should also avoid taking flaxseed products.
Flaxseed can block the esophagus or parts of the intestinal tract. Therefore individuals who have had esophageal or intestinal blockages should not use flaxseed.
Dr Janez Dmov'ek, President of Slovenia, on being a vegan.
20-04-2006 14:44
Dr Janez Dmov'ek on the ethics of a vegan diet and the foolishness of the EU in subsidising the meat industry.The People's Petition
20-04-2006 13:30
The People's Petition is a web petition for those in favour of medical research using animals to register their support. A spin-off from the Coalition for Medical Progress, it's an excellent way for people to show that they oppose the anti-vivisectionists who monopolise the discussion on animal experimentation.Immigration Policy: Send Us Your Poor, They Will Wind Up in Iraq
17-04-2006 19:42
They are coming by the millions from allover the world. Let them come here. Let
them find that there are not enough jobs.
They will find the military to be the last
resort when their welfare is cut off. And
let them acquire Gulf War Syndrom
(radiation sickness from uranium
munitions).! It works just fine in the
minds of the neo-cons.
'Sell-off' looms for sheltered housing
14-04-2006 14:46
On Thursday 20 April Cambridge City Council will vote on the future of three sheltered housing schemes. It's almost inevitable that Simon's House and Seymour Court will be handed over to private social housing companies for nought or at most a nominal fee, and that Tiverton House will be sold off, prior to being razed and rebuilt.Crest Nicholson Evicted Houseboat Family Good Friday Open Letter of Appeal
14-04-2006 14:45
So it 'comes to pass' that people change places and the companies change owners and names, but the fruits of their work continues. The Shalom Family evicted by Crest from their own Home, issues a second, Good Friday Open Appeal, to Crest Nicholson Directors. It's reproduced here.Bogus Aspartame Study Exposed by Experts
14-04-2006 04:43
They tried to pass off a multifood form a decade ago with one reference to aspartame in coffee or tea as an aspartame cancer study. They were trying to rebut the impeccable Ramazzini Study which showed once and for all aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen.Alarmist warning over B17
13-04-2006 18:02
Alarmist warnings over B17, yet again. That same story has been resurfacing for decades - every time B17 gets popular. It's one of the most blatant examples of organized health fraud perpetuated by the vested interests via the dumb media.Enviroment Agency in Cancer Cover up
13-04-2006 16:39

Southcoast Vine and Fig Planter gets muddied hands in Sweden
13-04-2006 16:33
Hoppestubbe Mor goes to deepest Sweden to infiltrate the Swedish Peace movement / and a weapons factory at Borfors (SAAB/BaE etc).Much intrigue ensues better than any TV (get involved and TV will only bore you). Wink wink.
Anti M1 widening group visit Selston
13-04-2006 06:37

NAIL Public Debate - [Nottm Against Incineration and Landfill]
12-04-2006 21:52

This is the recording I made, of the disussions.
NAIL Public Debate - 1hr 20mins [32kbs, 19Mb]