Alarmist warning over B17
Pat Rattigan | 13.04.2006 18:02 | Health
Alarmist warnings over B17, yet again. That same story has been resurfacing for decades - every time B17 gets popular. It's one of the most blatant examples of organized health fraud perpetuated by the vested interests via the dumb media.
Alarmist warnings over B17, yet again. (see full story below my
comments and a counterbalancing perspective from Pat Rattigan ND)
That same story has been resurfacing for decades - every time B17 gets popular. I wonder if the Hunzas, and other tribes who consume many apricot kernels at a time each day, and have the highest life-expectancy on the planet, and no cancer, will be altering their diet? :0)
It's one of the most blatant examples of organized health fraud
perpetuated by the vested interests via the dumb media.
And it's so sensationalist - 'killer' fruit; ''spokesperson says',
'received reports from overseas'; unqualified 'very serious health effects'- etc. They probably had a healing crisis and the doctor panicked. Or just had a stomach cramp. Or maybe it's all just invention. Who knows?
Same old same old.
Poison warning over apricot seeds
Daily Mail - 09:21am 12th April 2006
Apricot seeds which are sold for their health benefits could be
poisonous if
eaten in large quantities, the Food Standards Agency said today.
They can produce cyanide and could be fatal in high doses over a short
period of time, the Government's food watchdog warned.
A maximum of two bitter apricot kernels may be safely eaten in one day,
Natural food retailer Julian Graves pulled the seeds from shop shelves
it was found selling packs with a recommended daily dosage of up to 10
Bitter apricot kernels are thought to contain high levels of vitamin
known as laetrile, which has been described as an immune system-booster
even as a cancer treatment.
Julian Graves - which has 280 UK outlets - said in January that it was
country's first high street retailer to stock the "controversial"
The seeds are also available in the UK via specialist websites.
But Cancer Research UK's website reference to B17 says: "According to
made on the Internet, this substance found in apricot pips is a highly
active compound that can cure cancer.
"Unfortunately this is simply not true. The whole reason for the
of Cancer Research UK is to find cures for cancers. If simply eating
seeds could cure cancer, no one would be more delighted than us."
The FSA's warning follows the advice of its Committee on Toxicity
bitter apricot kernels.
A spokesman for the food watchdog said the kernels were a niche product
the UK, but added: "There have been reports from overseas of
consumption of
20 to 30 kernels by adults in a short period of time being associated
very serious health effects. They could potentially be lethal in high
Julian Graves spokeswoman Stephanie Goodman said the chain had started
selling bitter apricot kernels due to high customer demand.
"We advise people to do their own research and make their own minds up.
really don't go into the reasons why people are buying them because
have been absolutely no trials done on this product," she said.
The chain pulled them in line with FSA advice but would start selling
again with a revised dosage recommendation if the food watchdog gave it
permission to do so, she added.
Other shops and websites may still be selling the kernels without
accompanying advice about the correct maximum dosage, the FSA warned.
The watchdog will discuss possible EU action to protect consumers at a
meeting with the European Commission and other member states on April
The B17 Cover-Up by Pat Rattigan ND - see
In 1535 the French explorer Jacques Cartier and his expedition were
in the ice off the St. Lawrence river. 25 of the 110 crew were dead
scurvy and the rest were due to follow. At this point a friendly native
American came forward with a potion made from the needles and bark of
white pine, rich in ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This produced a
When Cartier returned to Europe and reported to the medical mandarins
were amused by the 'witch-doctor cures of ignorant savages' and went on
their search for mystery toxins and bugs lurking in the dark holds of
ships. 260 years later, after the British Navy alone had lost over a
men to scurvy, the practice of carrying oranges, lemons and limes on
ship led to the 'limeys' ruling the waves.
Scurvy - vitamin C; pellagra - vitamin B3; night-blindness - vitamin A;
rickets - vitamin D; beri beri - vitamin B1; pernicious anaemia -
B12. It should have needed no great intellectual leap to suspect that
another chronic, metabolic disease - cancer - might also be a
vitamin-specific deficiency disease.
The use of certain fruit kernels in the treatment of cancer goes back
to the
Emperor herbalist Shen Nung in the 28th century BC. 'Bitter almond
features in the writings of the physicians of ancient Egypt, Arabia,
and Greece. Celsus, Galen, Scribonious Largus, Pliny the Elder,
Avicenna and
Marcellus Empiricus all used preparations based on the seeds of the
almond, apricot, peach etc.35
In 1952 the American biochemist Ernst Krebs PhD proposed that cancer
was a
deficiency disease: the deficiency being the factor linked for so long
cancer therapy. He identified the substance as part of the nitriloside
specifically, amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside first isolated, from
bitter almond, prunus amygdalus amara, in 1830 by the French chemists
Robiquet and Boutron-Charland. Its chemical structure is
D(1)-mandelonitrile-B-D-glucosido-6-6-B-glucoside, as recorded in the
Index, 1976.
Toxicologically, amygdalin falls between Class 1 and Class 2,36 which
it is virtually non-toxic. This compares with saccharin, between Class
3 and
Class 4 and most 'chemotherapy': Class 6 - super toxic.
The Hunzas, a cancer-free society in the Himalayas, consume up to forty
apricot kernels as an after-dinner snack. Coupled with the rest of
amygdalin-rich diet this constitutes an ingestion of 50 to 70
milligrams of
the substance per day. According to Krebs: 'There are many of us in the
western world who do not ingest this the course of an
Traditional Eskimos, the Hopi and Navajo tribes, the Abkhasians of the
Caucasus Mountains and other notably cancer-free groups have
After taking into account the required factors, Krebs allocated his
substance the next available number on the vitamin B index: 17. He
named his
concentrated amygdalin preparation, Laetrile.
As many of the world's cancer-free societies are outside of the
environment and distinctly advantaged in the quest to remain healthy, a
group of Americans began, in the 1950s, to test Krebs' theory:
'For over two decades there has been a steadily-growing group of people
have accepted the vitamin theory of cancer and who have altered their
accordingly. They represent all walks of life, all ages, both sexes,
reside in almost every advanced nation of the world. It is estimated
there are many thousands in the United States alone. It is significant,
therefore, that after starting and maintaining a diet rich in vitamin
none of these people have ever been known to contract cancer.'37 Dr.
Burk, then head of the NCI, said he had been contacted, during the
space of
12 months, by at least 750 people, including many MD physicians most of
were 'using it (B17) merely with prevention of development of cancer in
view.'38 One of the first doctors to use Laetrile in the control of
was Dr. Maurice Kowan. This landed him in court in Los Angeles. The
prosecutor told the jury: 'This is not a kindly old man. This is the
thoroughly evil person the imagination can concoct...This man has to be
stopped. He is very dangerous. The way to stop him is a guilty
Dr Kowan was heavily fined and, at the age of 70, sentenced to two
months in
The basis used by the cancer mafia for the attack on Dr. Kowan was a
falsified report produced by two doctors, Garland and MacDonald in
1953. The
two, who had ideal credentials by way of their being involved in
surgery and
radiation and in the promotion of cigarettes as a health measure,
produced a
report which stated that no evidence of anti-cancer changes were
observed by
the consultants using Laetrile: a report found, later, to be
fraudulent but which has been quoted religiously by vested cancer
Nemesis took her revenge in appropriate fashion on the two, one with
cancer and one in a fire suspected as being caused by a cigarette.
Dr. John A. Richardson began to use B17 in the summer of 1971. His
patient was the sister of one of his nurses: a case of advanced
melanoma of the arm. She had been given around six weeks to live with a
little longer if she had the arm amputated.
'Amygdalin was administered and almost immediately the lesions began to
heal. Within two months her arm had returned to normal.'39
The woman was also a diabetic who, after the treatment, controlled her
disease without insulin. When she returned to her original doctor he
wanted to amputate: she declined the offer.
Dr. Richardson's successes with B17, Laetrile, the vegan diet etc.
increasing numbers of patients. 'For the first time in my entire career
began to see "terminal" cancer patients abandon their stretchers and
wheelchairs and return to normal lives of health and vigor...word of my
successes with cancer patients...brought far more new patients than I
handle alone. I increased the staff...soon my little neighborhood
was converted into a busy cancer clinic with patients from many States.
inevitable finally happened at ten in the morning, June 2 1972.'
Four cars screeched to a halt outside of the clinic and disgorged ten
uniformed officers. Guns drawn, they burst into the clinic, flashed a
warrant as they passed a receptionist on their way into the clinic,
they pushed the doctor against the wall and searched him 'for concealed
Dr. Richardson and his two nurses were marched out past the
specially-invited television cameras and were arrested under the
'anti-quackery' laws.
'At the time of the raid, a little girl about seven years old was in
examination room number three. She had just begun metabolic therapy for
advanced case of osteogenic sarcoma...Kerry had responded beautifully
terms of increased appetite, weight gain, freedom from pain and a
feeling of
well-being...Normally, Kerry would have received a massive injection of
vitamins including vitamin B17...not being sure what kind of legal
trouble I
would be in, I simply cleaned and dressed her lesions and sent her
home...the little girl - as well as her parents - were greatly upset by
threatening presence of police officers. The child died three days
later and
there is no doubt in my mind that this death could have been postponed
avoided altogether if it hadn't been for the raid.'
The concerted campaign, which was to last for years, to ruin Dr.
physically, mentally, financially, professionally and legally had
The authorities revoked his medical licence and he was ordered to
meetings 600 miles away in San Diego, with many of the hearings
cancelled at
the last minute; a procedure kept up at weekly intervals for six
The threat to the cancer business from effective therapies was taken
seriously from the beginning. By the 1940s the Syndicate had 300,000
on its 'quack' files. Vitamin B17, being a unique threat due to its
simplicity, attracted more concentrated attacks than all the other
treatments put together: fraudulent test reports; hired,
pickets outside clinics; rigged juries; newspaper character
dismissal of heretic employees, etc.
The FDA, orchestrating the onslaught, sent out 10,000 posters and
of thousands of leaflets warning about the dangers of the toxicity of
non-toxic substance. Earlier, a Congressional Accounting Office had
that 350 FDA employees had shares in, or had refused to declare an
in, the pharmaceutical industry.
After much searching, geographically and historically, the FDA came up
three alleged cases of deaths from Laetrile poisoning: this in a
where hundreds are killed daily by FDA-approved treatments.
Two were women who had swallowed vials of Laetrile which were for
only and one was an eleven month old baby girl, one of whose parents
taking the medicine for cancer.
According to the FDA the child had become ill after she had
ingested up to 5 (500mg) tablets of Laetrile'. This was doubted by many
including Dr Harold Manner:
'.I was lecturing in Buffalo, New York and...after I had made some
statements - a man stood up and said "Dr. Manner, how in the world can
make statements like that when the FDA is making these other
statements?" I
reiterated that the FDA statements were lies.
'He said, "Look at this little girl in upstate New York, she took her
father's Laetrile tablets and died of cyanide poisoning." Just then a
lady stood up:
'"Dr. Manner let me answer that question...I think I am entitled to
I am that little baby's mother."
'"That baby never touched her father's Laetrile tablets."
'The doctor...knowing the father was on Laetrile...marked down
cyanide poisoning". At the hospital they used a cyanide antidote and it
the antidote that killed the child. And yet that statement will
continue to
appear even though they know it is a lie.'40
The totally-fabricated stories of B17/Laetrile toxicity were eagerly
by the UK cancer combine. The 'Dept. of Health', aided by Gwyneth
MP and her hysterical outbursts about 'cyanide poisoning', had apricot
powder removed from the health food shop shelves.
In March 1984 the government brought in 'The Medicines (Cyanogenetic
Substances) Order 1984'. This Order meant that preparations which
presented for sale or supply under the name of, or as containing,
laetrile or vitamin B17 or...contain more than 0.1 percent by
weight...' of
the 'cyanide-producing substances' were to be under the control of the
Medicines Act and, therefore, out of easy reach of any cancer patient
preferred to exercise freedom of choice instead of opting for the
manslaughter on offer from the cancer hospitals.
The '0.1 percent' figure shows the extent to which the cancer cartel
prepared to go to stop amygdalin. Apricot and bitter almond kernels are
around 2 percent amygdalin and have long been found in British and
biscuits on supermarket shelves in the UK. The fact that the biscuits
not attracted any attention shows the non-toxicity of the substance and
confirms it is only a danger to the cancer racketeers and not to the
A much greater farce, of course, is the fact that all the billions of
within the apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, apples, pears etc., sold
fruiterers since March 1984, are all in contravention of the Order.
Whilst the battle over B17 in the UK has remained mainly dormant, due
to the
lack of awareness on the part of most of the alternative health
the US has seen an ongoing, pitched battle; with the cancer
using any and all tactics to re-inforce the original Garland/MacDonald
fraud. Animal research has played a fundamental role:
' almost every case the "patients" tested...were mice (which do
have the same metabolism as humans)..the tumours were transplanted
(which do
not react the same as spontaneous tumours) all of the
cited, reduction of tumour size was the primary criterion for
results...there is nothing quite so easy to accomplish as failure.'39
success: depending on which animal you choose and whether he who
the research wants a positive or a negative result.
Other attempts to discredit Laetrile involved force-feeding large
amounts of
cyanide, extracted from amygdalin, directly into dogs' stomachs: in
therapy small doses are used and the cyanide component is released only
the cancer cell, in the presence of protective enzymes.
As the Laetrile/B17 suppression was demonstrably failing, with the ban
lifted in State after State, and as public pressure built up against
cancer fraudsters, the NCI were forced into a two-year, two hundred
trial of the medicine. The official verdict having been already
decided, it
was paramount that the trial was rigged to confirm the authorised
This was achieved by a multi-facetted approach.
'Phase IV' - dying - patients were selected. In normal synthetic drug
early stage patients are chosen. The NCI admitted, 'All patients had
cancer, beyond any hope of cure or therapy known to extend
Laetrile was not used: a Laetrile manufacture by-product was
The usual junk diet, including animal products, was allowed the
The injections were discontinued after 3 weeks, not three months. The
criterion applied to the test was of tumour reduction, not the
in well being, appetite, lack of pain etc.
Missouri and West Virginia legalised Laetrile after the verdict;
presumably, that if the American Medical Association, the FDA and the
American Cancer Society had tried to ban Laetrile, it must be of
considerable value in treating cancer. The Memorial Sloan Kettering
Institute sacked one its senior directors, Ralph Moss, for blowing the
whistle on the cover-up.
Basically, the results were coming out positive and we in public
were told to say the results were negative and this went on for three
years.' - Moss.
Dr. Dean Burk, head of cytochemistry at the NCI for 34 years, stated:
'Once any of the hierarchy so much as concede that Laetrile anti-tumour
efficiency was indeed once observed in NCI experimentation, a permanent
crack in the bureaucratic armor has taken place that can widen
by further appropriate experimentation.'
Together in Truth we can change the world!
comments and a counterbalancing perspective from Pat Rattigan ND)
That same story has been resurfacing for decades - every time B17 gets popular. I wonder if the Hunzas, and other tribes who consume many apricot kernels at a time each day, and have the highest life-expectancy on the planet, and no cancer, will be altering their diet? :0)
It's one of the most blatant examples of organized health fraud
perpetuated by the vested interests via the dumb media.
And it's so sensationalist - 'killer' fruit; ''spokesperson says',
'received reports from overseas'; unqualified 'very serious health effects'- etc. They probably had a healing crisis and the doctor panicked. Or just had a stomach cramp. Or maybe it's all just invention. Who knows?
Same old same old.
Poison warning over apricot seeds
Daily Mail - 09:21am 12th April 2006
Apricot seeds which are sold for their health benefits could be
poisonous if
eaten in large quantities, the Food Standards Agency said today.
They can produce cyanide and could be fatal in high doses over a short
period of time, the Government's food watchdog warned.
A maximum of two bitter apricot kernels may be safely eaten in one day,
Natural food retailer Julian Graves pulled the seeds from shop shelves
it was found selling packs with a recommended daily dosage of up to 10
Bitter apricot kernels are thought to contain high levels of vitamin
known as laetrile, which has been described as an immune system-booster
even as a cancer treatment.
Julian Graves - which has 280 UK outlets - said in January that it was
country's first high street retailer to stock the "controversial"
The seeds are also available in the UK via specialist websites.
But Cancer Research UK's website reference to B17 says: "According to
made on the Internet, this substance found in apricot pips is a highly
active compound that can cure cancer.
"Unfortunately this is simply not true. The whole reason for the
of Cancer Research UK is to find cures for cancers. If simply eating
seeds could cure cancer, no one would be more delighted than us."
The FSA's warning follows the advice of its Committee on Toxicity
bitter apricot kernels.
A spokesman for the food watchdog said the kernels were a niche product
the UK, but added: "There have been reports from overseas of
consumption of
20 to 30 kernels by adults in a short period of time being associated
very serious health effects. They could potentially be lethal in high
Julian Graves spokeswoman Stephanie Goodman said the chain had started
selling bitter apricot kernels due to high customer demand.
"We advise people to do their own research and make their own minds up.
really don't go into the reasons why people are buying them because
have been absolutely no trials done on this product," she said.
The chain pulled them in line with FSA advice but would start selling
again with a revised dosage recommendation if the food watchdog gave it
permission to do so, she added.
Other shops and websites may still be selling the kernels without
accompanying advice about the correct maximum dosage, the FSA warned.
The watchdog will discuss possible EU action to protect consumers at a
meeting with the European Commission and other member states on April
The B17 Cover-Up by Pat Rattigan ND - see

In 1535 the French explorer Jacques Cartier and his expedition were
in the ice off the St. Lawrence river. 25 of the 110 crew were dead
scurvy and the rest were due to follow. At this point a friendly native
American came forward with a potion made from the needles and bark of
white pine, rich in ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This produced a
When Cartier returned to Europe and reported to the medical mandarins
were amused by the 'witch-doctor cures of ignorant savages' and went on
their search for mystery toxins and bugs lurking in the dark holds of
ships. 260 years later, after the British Navy alone had lost over a
men to scurvy, the practice of carrying oranges, lemons and limes on
ship led to the 'limeys' ruling the waves.
Scurvy - vitamin C; pellagra - vitamin B3; night-blindness - vitamin A;
rickets - vitamin D; beri beri - vitamin B1; pernicious anaemia -
B12. It should have needed no great intellectual leap to suspect that
another chronic, metabolic disease - cancer - might also be a
vitamin-specific deficiency disease.
The use of certain fruit kernels in the treatment of cancer goes back
to the
Emperor herbalist Shen Nung in the 28th century BC. 'Bitter almond
features in the writings of the physicians of ancient Egypt, Arabia,
and Greece. Celsus, Galen, Scribonious Largus, Pliny the Elder,
Avicenna and
Marcellus Empiricus all used preparations based on the seeds of the
almond, apricot, peach etc.35
In 1952 the American biochemist Ernst Krebs PhD proposed that cancer
was a
deficiency disease: the deficiency being the factor linked for so long
cancer therapy. He identified the substance as part of the nitriloside
specifically, amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside first isolated, from
bitter almond, prunus amygdalus amara, in 1830 by the French chemists
Robiquet and Boutron-Charland. Its chemical structure is
D(1)-mandelonitrile-B-D-glucosido-6-6-B-glucoside, as recorded in the
Index, 1976.
Toxicologically, amygdalin falls between Class 1 and Class 2,36 which
it is virtually non-toxic. This compares with saccharin, between Class
3 and
Class 4 and most 'chemotherapy': Class 6 - super toxic.
The Hunzas, a cancer-free society in the Himalayas, consume up to forty
apricot kernels as an after-dinner snack. Coupled with the rest of
amygdalin-rich diet this constitutes an ingestion of 50 to 70
milligrams of
the substance per day. According to Krebs: 'There are many of us in the
western world who do not ingest this the course of an
Traditional Eskimos, the Hopi and Navajo tribes, the Abkhasians of the
Caucasus Mountains and other notably cancer-free groups have
After taking into account the required factors, Krebs allocated his
substance the next available number on the vitamin B index: 17. He
named his
concentrated amygdalin preparation, Laetrile.
As many of the world's cancer-free societies are outside of the
environment and distinctly advantaged in the quest to remain healthy, a
group of Americans began, in the 1950s, to test Krebs' theory:
'For over two decades there has been a steadily-growing group of people
have accepted the vitamin theory of cancer and who have altered their
accordingly. They represent all walks of life, all ages, both sexes,
reside in almost every advanced nation of the world. It is estimated
there are many thousands in the United States alone. It is significant,
therefore, that after starting and maintaining a diet rich in vitamin
none of these people have ever been known to contract cancer.'37 Dr.
Burk, then head of the NCI, said he had been contacted, during the
space of
12 months, by at least 750 people, including many MD physicians most of
were 'using it (B17) merely with prevention of development of cancer in
view.'38 One of the first doctors to use Laetrile in the control of
was Dr. Maurice Kowan. This landed him in court in Los Angeles. The
prosecutor told the jury: 'This is not a kindly old man. This is the
thoroughly evil person the imagination can concoct...This man has to be
stopped. He is very dangerous. The way to stop him is a guilty
Dr Kowan was heavily fined and, at the age of 70, sentenced to two
months in
The basis used by the cancer mafia for the attack on Dr. Kowan was a
falsified report produced by two doctors, Garland and MacDonald in
1953. The
two, who had ideal credentials by way of their being involved in
surgery and
radiation and in the promotion of cigarettes as a health measure,
produced a
report which stated that no evidence of anti-cancer changes were
observed by
the consultants using Laetrile: a report found, later, to be
fraudulent but which has been quoted religiously by vested cancer
Nemesis took her revenge in appropriate fashion on the two, one with
cancer and one in a fire suspected as being caused by a cigarette.
Dr. John A. Richardson began to use B17 in the summer of 1971. His
patient was the sister of one of his nurses: a case of advanced
melanoma of the arm. She had been given around six weeks to live with a
little longer if she had the arm amputated.
'Amygdalin was administered and almost immediately the lesions began to
heal. Within two months her arm had returned to normal.'39
The woman was also a diabetic who, after the treatment, controlled her
disease without insulin. When she returned to her original doctor he
wanted to amputate: she declined the offer.
Dr. Richardson's successes with B17, Laetrile, the vegan diet etc.
increasing numbers of patients. 'For the first time in my entire career
began to see "terminal" cancer patients abandon their stretchers and
wheelchairs and return to normal lives of health and vigor...word of my
successes with cancer patients...brought far more new patients than I
handle alone. I increased the staff...soon my little neighborhood
was converted into a busy cancer clinic with patients from many States.
inevitable finally happened at ten in the morning, June 2 1972.'
Four cars screeched to a halt outside of the clinic and disgorged ten
uniformed officers. Guns drawn, they burst into the clinic, flashed a
warrant as they passed a receptionist on their way into the clinic,
they pushed the doctor against the wall and searched him 'for concealed
Dr. Richardson and his two nurses were marched out past the
specially-invited television cameras and were arrested under the
'anti-quackery' laws.
'At the time of the raid, a little girl about seven years old was in
examination room number three. She had just begun metabolic therapy for
advanced case of osteogenic sarcoma...Kerry had responded beautifully
terms of increased appetite, weight gain, freedom from pain and a
feeling of
well-being...Normally, Kerry would have received a massive injection of
vitamins including vitamin B17...not being sure what kind of legal
trouble I
would be in, I simply cleaned and dressed her lesions and sent her
home...the little girl - as well as her parents - were greatly upset by
threatening presence of police officers. The child died three days
later and
there is no doubt in my mind that this death could have been postponed
avoided altogether if it hadn't been for the raid.'
The concerted campaign, which was to last for years, to ruin Dr.
physically, mentally, financially, professionally and legally had
The authorities revoked his medical licence and he was ordered to
meetings 600 miles away in San Diego, with many of the hearings
cancelled at
the last minute; a procedure kept up at weekly intervals for six
The threat to the cancer business from effective therapies was taken
seriously from the beginning. By the 1940s the Syndicate had 300,000
on its 'quack' files. Vitamin B17, being a unique threat due to its
simplicity, attracted more concentrated attacks than all the other
treatments put together: fraudulent test reports; hired,
pickets outside clinics; rigged juries; newspaper character
dismissal of heretic employees, etc.
The FDA, orchestrating the onslaught, sent out 10,000 posters and
of thousands of leaflets warning about the dangers of the toxicity of
non-toxic substance. Earlier, a Congressional Accounting Office had
that 350 FDA employees had shares in, or had refused to declare an
in, the pharmaceutical industry.
After much searching, geographically and historically, the FDA came up
three alleged cases of deaths from Laetrile poisoning: this in a
where hundreds are killed daily by FDA-approved treatments.
Two were women who had swallowed vials of Laetrile which were for
only and one was an eleven month old baby girl, one of whose parents
taking the medicine for cancer.
According to the FDA the child had become ill after she had
ingested up to 5 (500mg) tablets of Laetrile'. This was doubted by many
including Dr Harold Manner:
'.I was lecturing in Buffalo, New York and...after I had made some
statements - a man stood up and said "Dr. Manner, how in the world can
make statements like that when the FDA is making these other
statements?" I
reiterated that the FDA statements were lies.
'He said, "Look at this little girl in upstate New York, she took her
father's Laetrile tablets and died of cyanide poisoning." Just then a
lady stood up:
'"Dr. Manner let me answer that question...I think I am entitled to
I am that little baby's mother."
'"That baby never touched her father's Laetrile tablets."
'The doctor...knowing the father was on Laetrile...marked down
cyanide poisoning". At the hospital they used a cyanide antidote and it
the antidote that killed the child. And yet that statement will
continue to
appear even though they know it is a lie.'40
The totally-fabricated stories of B17/Laetrile toxicity were eagerly
by the UK cancer combine. The 'Dept. of Health', aided by Gwyneth
MP and her hysterical outbursts about 'cyanide poisoning', had apricot
powder removed from the health food shop shelves.
In March 1984 the government brought in 'The Medicines (Cyanogenetic
Substances) Order 1984'. This Order meant that preparations which
presented for sale or supply under the name of, or as containing,
laetrile or vitamin B17 or...contain more than 0.1 percent by
weight...' of
the 'cyanide-producing substances' were to be under the control of the
Medicines Act and, therefore, out of easy reach of any cancer patient
preferred to exercise freedom of choice instead of opting for the
manslaughter on offer from the cancer hospitals.
The '0.1 percent' figure shows the extent to which the cancer cartel
prepared to go to stop amygdalin. Apricot and bitter almond kernels are
around 2 percent amygdalin and have long been found in British and
biscuits on supermarket shelves in the UK. The fact that the biscuits
not attracted any attention shows the non-toxicity of the substance and
confirms it is only a danger to the cancer racketeers and not to the
A much greater farce, of course, is the fact that all the billions of
within the apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, apples, pears etc., sold
fruiterers since March 1984, are all in contravention of the Order.
Whilst the battle over B17 in the UK has remained mainly dormant, due
to the
lack of awareness on the part of most of the alternative health
the US has seen an ongoing, pitched battle; with the cancer
using any and all tactics to re-inforce the original Garland/MacDonald
fraud. Animal research has played a fundamental role:
' almost every case the "patients" tested...were mice (which do
have the same metabolism as humans)..the tumours were transplanted
(which do
not react the same as spontaneous tumours) all of the
cited, reduction of tumour size was the primary criterion for
results...there is nothing quite so easy to accomplish as failure.'39
success: depending on which animal you choose and whether he who
the research wants a positive or a negative result.
Other attempts to discredit Laetrile involved force-feeding large
amounts of
cyanide, extracted from amygdalin, directly into dogs' stomachs: in
therapy small doses are used and the cyanide component is released only
the cancer cell, in the presence of protective enzymes.
As the Laetrile/B17 suppression was demonstrably failing, with the ban
lifted in State after State, and as public pressure built up against
cancer fraudsters, the NCI were forced into a two-year, two hundred
trial of the medicine. The official verdict having been already
decided, it
was paramount that the trial was rigged to confirm the authorised
This was achieved by a multi-facetted approach.
'Phase IV' - dying - patients were selected. In normal synthetic drug
early stage patients are chosen. The NCI admitted, 'All patients had
cancer, beyond any hope of cure or therapy known to extend
Laetrile was not used: a Laetrile manufacture by-product was
The usual junk diet, including animal products, was allowed the
The injections were discontinued after 3 weeks, not three months. The
criterion applied to the test was of tumour reduction, not the
in well being, appetite, lack of pain etc.
Missouri and West Virginia legalised Laetrile after the verdict;
presumably, that if the American Medical Association, the FDA and the
American Cancer Society had tried to ban Laetrile, it must be of
considerable value in treating cancer. The Memorial Sloan Kettering
Institute sacked one its senior directors, Ralph Moss, for blowing the
whistle on the cover-up.
Basically, the results were coming out positive and we in public
were told to say the results were negative and this went on for three
years.' - Moss.
Dr. Dean Burk, head of cytochemistry at the NCI for 34 years, stated:
'Once any of the hierarchy so much as concede that Laetrile anti-tumour
efficiency was indeed once observed in NCI experimentation, a permanent
crack in the bureaucratic armor has taken place that can widen
by further appropriate experimentation.'
Together in Truth we can change the world!
Pat Rattigan
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