UK Health Newswire Archive
Victoria Slumlord Kimpton slammed in media (New Palestine/The Hood/Fernwood)
14-11-2003 16:16
Missing beams, leaking sewer gas, no fire escapes, missing smoke alarms, debris falling from ceiling. Tenants make the landlords rich whilethey risk their lives.
'OBFUSCATION, PREVARICATION - AND LIES' (letter to MP - M.E./Gulf War Syndrome)
14-11-2003 04:05
Victims of chemical/radiological poisoning are referred to the psychiatrist because the National Poisons Unit has stated "pollution does not exist"What is the MEATrix Neo?
12-11-2003 03:41

Factory Farming method's cruelty and health risks.

"The Bitter Drink" - Profits before People in the State of Kerala, India
09-11-2003 22:40
Screening and discussions in Oxford.Greenpeace activists urge Sainsbury shoppers to take back GM milk
08-11-2003 17:30

Anti Mcdonalds action 13/11/03
07-11-2003 13:55
Weekly demo's outside Mcd's in Leicester SqHartlepool residents court case to stop the toxic "ghost ships"
05-11-2003 12:39
~Support of Smoking Bans is Support of Cigarette Cartel!
03-11-2003 23:06
Many of those who are enjoying the "Smoking Bans" may not realize that they are being tricked into simultaneously supporting the CIG Industry, the supposed enemy. Big Cig is not just about tobacco plants but also: Big Oil, pesticides, pharms, chlorine, ag biz, radiation (!), waste materials, insurance industry, and corporate corruption of government on a broad scale.Clear evidence of considered deception
02-11-2003 23:29

Also read the sshocking facts of "Grannies Gone Wild".
Radical Body Politics for Women
01-11-2003 17:21
Women's Body Esteem is big business. Billions of dollars are spent on the "weight loss industry" yearly. That industry is solely dependent on women's self-hatred. Women are reduced to size, told to be less, told to shed big chunks of themselves for acceptance. Rob the beauty industry of your body hatred dollars!DAN Calls Time on Charities
26-10-2003 02:19
Who represents disabled people?DAN calls time on charities
Globilisation - A Perverse Manipulation of the Mind
26-10-2003 01:55

The BPO Specialists (Accountants) Have changed the Dynamic in the Workplace & Community!
A Proactive Call for ACTION
Rat brain damage after one cell phone call
24-10-2003 18:13
Cell phones may be the modern day equivalent of Rome's lead goblets, which damaged the brains of their users.INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST MC'DONALDS VIDEO
22-10-2003 16:06

Of the restaurants currently open in Ireland, 50% are owned and operated by franchisees.
Video - Food Co-ops are the way to go!
22-10-2003 12:43

Mad Pride at the anarchist bookfair
21-10-2003 20:31

No Insurance for GM.
20-10-2003 17:31
Article from the Daily Mail's Genetic Food watch campaign. Not sure exactly which date it was published - sometime between the 6th and 10 October.McDonalds Empire collapses - Manchester evidence
18-10-2003 00:28
NotDonald's Street Cafe opened outside a branch of everybodies least favourite 'food' outlet on Oxford Road, Manchester today.