Electro-magnetic emissions enough to make some people sick
Citizens Initiative Omega | 24.06.2003 11:50 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Health | London | World
Tower Torture. Industry Canada Tower Review Commitee - Extening Cellphone Coverage to Rural Areas - Testimonial of Dalan MCaren - No military experiment at Midway - Dean: Investigate Bush Statements on Iraq - Gen. says White House pushed Saddam link without evidence - Reason to Deceive
Tower Torture.Industry Canada Tower Review Commitee
Klaus & Don If any one would like to join in,they are welcome to. The more the better.This has to come to a head!!! Send your complains direct if you wish to
(1) Robert, you can add my name to this list. Darlene Connolly, Houston, Texas 713- 464-9296 06/21/2003,
linda 604 322 8980
Irene 604 850 9079
Barb 250 838 7371
Dalana 604 536 2053
Marg 604 980 6272
Pat 604 796 92 38
Peter 604 853 0291
To The Tower Review Panel
By Industry Canada
From Robert Riedlinger
Mission BC Canada
Over the passed seven years,since having to leave my home that was situated near a broadcast tower,I have done extensive research on the subject of adverse health related radio waves,EMF,microwave radiation,and I have found that there are many people around the world that have become ill from the above soon after a cellphone tower was placed nearby. I have been told continually by Health Canada that my illness could not possibly be caused from living near a tower,and yet in a letter from Allan Rock dated July 25 /2001 He states that'(Quote- Scientists of the department continue to monitor research and the advances being made in understanding the EMF's).They are particularly looking forward to the completion of The World Health Organization's(WHO) International EMF Project,of which the goal is to verify reported biological effects from EMF and to characterize any associated.
While health effects from exposure to low level EMF are not scientifically substantiated Health Canada conciders this an important issue.Please be assured that the Department,conducts research, monitors the research efforts in this area around the world,and participates in the International EMF Project,coordinated by The World Health Organization to ensure that Canadians are well informed regarding any potential health risk associated with EMf.)-Unquote
In a letter dated Oct 3/2001 Mr Rock states-Quote- HC scientists are aware that certain individuals may experience health problems due to what is called "EMF sensitivity"Howerver, there is no scientific basis to link this condition to EMF exposure.Unquote.
The above information from Allan Rock leads me to believe that he and his department were uncertain of whether or not EMF could effect people's health,since they are still doing studies on the subject.I have yet to see a drug that is released for public health BEFORE substantial research had been done.Why is this different than drugs or food items? When it is a well known fact for half a century that EMF can be harmfull to health.In other words, why were cellphone,radio,TV towers allowed before the intensive research was done???
I also question how Mr Rock could possibly tell me that my illness was not related to EMF from a nearby tower,when he admits in his letter that his (Health Canada) Department did not understand EMF's?
If Mr Rock and his scientists are aware that certain people may be sensitive to EMF.Why is Health Canada Not doing intensive studies to verify one way or the other whether this is or is not the case?
At the time of moving from my home and knowing the adverse effects EMF had on my health,I made the statement, that our health services plan would not survive passed five years if the proliferation of cellphone towers continued. How Wrong Am I??
I believe that it is time for our government health authorities to remove the cellphone from their ear and start to listen to the many people here in Canada, that are unable to live comfortably,without pain,in their own homes, since cellphone towers have been built nearby.
Yours Truly Robert Riedlinger 30199 Silverhill Ave Mission B C Canada V4S 1H9/ Ph 604-826 6791
Tower Trauma
My wife and I thought we had the world in our hands when we bought a home in a resort area east of Vancouver B.C., Canada in the fall of 1995. We both enjoyed good health and planned to retire in our new home by a lovely lake and a nice quite village,but our world came crashing down soon after moving in.
First we heard a buzzing sound like bees in a distance and we started to feel strange symptoms one after the other, the longer we stayed there. I would awake at the same time every morning hearing the buzzing sound and after a short while I started to feel a pressure in my ears and my head would ache with so much pressure I thought it would explode. Severe pain in my neck and shoulders and all day long I would have continuos nausea.
The longer we stayed the more symptoms appeared and the more I suffered. My ears would block up and any normal noise sounded like breaking glass. Even turning on a water tap or flushing the water closet would hurt my ears. It got so I couldn't use my telephone and I would have to ask people to repeat themselves when talking to me. I sat many hours under a cone of aluminum insulation to rest my nerves and I placed a solar blanket made of plastic clad with aluminum over my blanket which seemed to reflect some rays.
We became so ill by the time a year passed,that we had to move from our home and I am now hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields. I had to sleep in a shielded container for months until I regained some health.
I would advise any one that lives near a tower and starts to feel the following symptoms to move fast, before you become sensitive as I have. The symptoms started with a buzzing sound and developed into a high pitch sizzle sound in my head, pressure headaches, blocked ears, pain in neck shoulder and other joints, nausea, stress, burning eyes,fuzzy vision, memory loss imbalance and fatigue.
When ever I would travel to my acreage aprox thirty miles away I would feel normal and I would not hear the sounds,only to suffer the same effects every time I returned..
Our Health Ministries won't help us.They keep saying,it can't be the tower that caused my illness, but I know different. And I intend to do all I can in the future to advise others and to see that no one else ever gets burnt as I did. I often think of babies and older people that suffer and are helpless and can't move as we did. I would like to hear from any one that has had a similar experience.
In the mean time my marriage has been desolved,my retirement has been ruined,after working hard for over fifty years,and I am paying for a home that I can't live in, while the nearby tower spews out genotoxic microwaves onto my property,against my will,and no one in our government will listen to my plea.
Is That What Is Called Democracy???
Best Regards Robert Riedlinger 30199 Silverhill Ave Mission BC Canada
V4S 1H9
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Riedlinger
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:29 PM
To: Darlene Connolly
Subject: Towers of Torture
To Tower Review Pannel Industry Canada.Please Read.
From: Robert Riedlinger[SMTP:
Sent: October 15, 2001 5:11 PM
Subject: Extening Cellphone Coverage to Rural Areas (Telus Aplication)
Secretary General CRTC Oct 15th /2001
Dear Sir
In regards to Telus Corporation application to extend cellphone coverage to rural areas.
I understand that Telus Corporation has applied to the CRTC for extention of cellphone service into rural areas.
I wish to advise that there are many people, myself included, that are hypersensitive to EMF from cellphone towers and many are looking to move to rural areas in order to escape from EMF and to be able to live a normal life away from constant EMF exposure.
I would also advise that the CRTC take this fact into consideration and not to allow any more cellphone towers to be constructed untill such time as there is scientific proof that has proven that low level non-thermal EMF exposure is safe for human life . .
By admission of Health Canada and The FDA,USA, it has not been proven that non- thermal low level EMF dose not cause adverse health effects, I have experienced the adverse effects of EMF from living close to a cellphone TV tower for one year,in Harrison Hot Springs and I am now
hypersensitive to EMF. I have to keep away from cellphone towers in order to keep from suffering headaches,fatigue,ringing-buzzing ears and joint
pain.sleep disturbance,etc.
I have a list of people that claim they suffer likewise from living near towers and one in particular is very ill,and is having to sleep inside of a refrigerator shipping carton,which she has cladd with aluminum foil. This lady is a well educated lady,that has children and grand children and should not be subjected to such torture.
Joan can be reached at 1 250 494 7572. She is in desperate need of help. June 20/ 2003 (Joan has since died,(Jan 23rd 2002) after suicide attempts, found frozen at the rear of her home,leaving a suicide note behind).
The following is a list of phone numbers of other EMF hypersensitive victims,looking for a place to hide!!
linda 604 322 8980
Irene 604 850 9079
Barb 250 838 7371
Dalana 604 536 2053
Marg 604 980 6272
Steve 604 874 0825
Pat 604 796 92 38
Peter 604 853 0291
I am aware of many more,and I feel that we that are suffering EMF hypersensitivity, have the right to live a normal life,and that we must be considered, acknowleged and respected, ahead of any cellphones or towers.
There are many scientists that agree with the fact that there are adverse health effects related to EMF at low non thermal densities.
Regards Robert Riedlinger Mission BC Canada, 604 826 6791
Testimonial of Dalan MCaren 22 Jan 2000
In September of 98,I moved into a 21 -storey government subsidized building for seniors. The apartment that was my placement is on the 20th floor.
I emmediately began experiencing symptoms of a dizzy-off -balanced feeling, headaches which were constant,sever insomnia,profuse nosebleeds, sweating and a feeling like I was cooking, I was't able to concentrate,I would often find myself throuhout the day feeling "out-of-it"not remembering. I felt drained out and more than half dead.I had anxiety attacks and breathlessness,felt agitated,restless and my joints hurt and my eyes were sore. I would awaken most often around 3 AM very suddenly feeling "cooked"anxious and like I had to go out.My chest felt pressured and I would either lay there untill morning with all these things going on,or often I just get up and walk the streets where I would feel refreshed,calm and clear headed.
At first I put it down to stress from a difficult year with a major move. But,in November of 98 ,my sister and her husband sent me a plane ticket to visit them for a month in Toronto area,I felt good there ...slept wonderfully,had lots of energy,was clear headed,focussed,no memory problems and felt normal,tranquil and very cheerful.
I returned in December and immediately the nosebleeds and all the symptoms returned.I continued suffering the above symptoms (plus many other ones) until I went away for 6 weeks in the summer to Vancouver Island to visit my father. Again I felt normal with lots of energy and focus inspite of it being a stressful time with my father being ill and in hospital.
I returned and again -all the symptoms.By this time I had become aware of the effects of microwave towers and telecomunications installations through a magazine articel and also through talking to a repairman from the cable(TV) provider.He had come because I was having a lot of interference with my TV.
I then began to pay attention to the fact that on the next floor but one-on the roof top of the building I am in, there are at least 25 telecomunications towers,transmitters microwave transmitters and the top of the building looks like a porcupine!
I myself was becoming increasingly more distressed now with occasional bouts of rage, feeling at times like I was going crazy and had lost control of my brain. I was having daily bouts of crying for no apparent reason and yet as soon as I would leave the apartment,I feel fine.
Then again this past 3 months I went away twice. Once for a month back east again and the last time from 10th Dec. 99 to the 06 Jan.2000.Upon
returning on the 06 Jan.,within moments of being on the upper 20th floor I felt dizzy-off- balance feeling and within 12 hrs I have suffered 2 profuse nose bleeds and couldn't sleep at all.
It is my opinion and experience that since Christmas the frequency of use of these transmitters has increased. It feels like the walls are buzzing and I have had very little sleep. I am having to walk the streets at night and visit other people's homes during the day in order to write letters or do anything that requires concentration.
Last week, I had 2 visitors on separate days. Both within a minute or so of being in my apartment said they felt blocked in their heads,began experiencing headaches that "dead feeling". They mentioned they felt agitated and restless and could hear the buzzing,high pitch vibration and had to leave before a half hour was up. I certainly confirmed that wasn't "just me"
Both telephoned me later and said that within 5 minutes of leaving they felt back to normal.
I would also like to note that my plants are becoming shrivelled looking and are not growing well. I happened to have a green thumb. For example, I think we are all familiar with Poinsettia's and that their leaves are largish. Well mine are all tiny-only about one half inch to one inch in length and they sort of keep their leaves pointing downward,not out.
I am truly exhausted of this. I only hope that first of all I can find another place to live that is affordable because I am on a disability
pension hence being in government housing-secondly that I can even" get-it- together"enough to pack up and move.
I hope my story helps in some way.
PS: I am a retired school teacher,a massage therapist and an exceptional artist. I haven't been able to do any art since I moved in to this place.
Yours Truly
Dalana MCaren
Mar 2/99 VIEW POINT Abbotsford BC Canada
By TRUDY BEYAK News Room Niche
Some people have osterized Bob Riedlinger.an elderly gentle-man who has suffered a number of unusual health symptoms.
But anyone who knows Bob will attest to his intelligence,sincerity,his former good health and the pain and anguish he has experienced. Bob is
acutely aware of the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation. Some day the naysayers may thank him for bringing his concerns and research to the open.
In the meantime,he's making a lot of waves behind the scenes.
The 65-year old Mission man has been deeply disturbed about the health effects of microwave towers since he moved to his dream home located about 400 feet from a tower more than 2 years ago.
He was forced to move claiming that the electro-magnetic emissions from the tower made life unbearable.
He said he heard a continual drone similar to buzzing bees and experienced intolerable pressure in his ears. he was sick beyond description. Restless sleep Insomnia,Pressure headaches, Fatigue,Tingling in sensitive areas of his body, aching bones,dry throat,and gas in his stomach.
Sounds were earily amplified in his house. Water running from a tap,for example,sounded like breaking glass.
Scientist David Lacey,at the Dominion Radio Astrophyssical Obsevatory in Penticton, found that Bob experiened total relief in an isolation booth lined with microwave- absorbent aluminumfoam rubber.
When Bob discovered that microwaves cannot penetrate aluminum or screens made of copper brass or bronze he became inventive.He nailed sheets of metal on the roof and walls of his house and built an aluminum box to cover his bed so he could sleep.He also spead aluminum foil sheet over himself to calm his nerves.
He found relief by taking these measures.
In reality, microwave frequencies above 15 MHz are known to be biologically active, meaning that changes to DNA molecular structure and neurological effects have been identified in certain scientific studies.
In Austalia Dr.Andrew Davidson also note a 50 per cent increase in the incidence of brain tumors which he says may be linked to cellphones.
A shortwave transmitter was shut down in Switzerland in 1998 for example, after an epidemiological study found that residence living in the area suffered insomnia, headaches, weakness,nervousness, jointand limb pain and
disturbed concentration.
The number of cellular towers are proliferating around Abbotsford and Mission. Before we embrace any more, health afficials and politicians should pay attention to recent scientific literature and a court case won last week in Texas. A jury in Harris County awarded $1.2 million to a couple in Bunker Hill Village,Texas, who claimed that a 100- foot cellular tower created a nuisance and invaded their privacy.
Recently the City of Boca Raton, Florida,banned cell towers from residential areas and public schools. The public has every right to be wary of risks.
It is clear that objective,publicly funded studies must thoroughly probe the health impacts of electromagnetic radiation, before others like Bob are forced to build aluminum boxes to escape.
Informant: Robert Riedlinger
Re: Court Cases - New Zealanders to be Lucent guinea pigs
The guinea pig syndrome is not limited to the likes of the Lucent company, a good place to begin, but the governments are involved big time with the cancer industry.
No military experiment at Midway (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting public comment on a proposal to allow the U.S. Navy to test radio tracking equipment in conjunction with a missile launch. The Navy wants to test Mobile Range Safety System (MRSS) from Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) for nine days in August 2003.
The Navy plans to mobilize and test the infamous "Star Wars" missile. The Mobile Range Safety System is designed to "electronically interface" or track a military flight test along its prescribed trajectory. A long-range air-launch target (LRALT) test involves a missile being dropped out of a C-17 airplane about 200 miles south of Midway. The missile's rocket motor would then propel it toward Kwajalein.
For 9 days in late August, the Refuge would serve as the MRSS logistical support center and tracking site for the system test.
We do not feel that the proposed military activity at this most sensitive Refuge (Midway Atoll) is a compatible with the provisions and mandates of the National Refuge System Act. The risk to the ecosystem as a result of a misfire or malfunction of this ill- conceived experiment is tremendous and irreversible.
Under the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is authorized to permit the use of any area within the system provided such uses are compatible with the major purposes of the Refuge and with the National Wildlife Refuge System mandate, which is to conserve and protect fish and wildlife resources and habitat.
The following additional purposes were included in 1996, when the Navy transferred jurisdiction of the Refuge back to the Department of Interior:
1. Maintaining and restoring natural biological diversity within the refuge;
2. Providing for the conservation and management of fish and wildlife and their habitats within the refuge;
3. Fulfilling the international treaty obligations of the United States with respect to fish and wildlife;
4. Providing opportunities for scientific research, environmental education, and compatible wildlife-dependent recreational activities;
The Mobile Range Safety System is not compatible with the purposes specified for our National Wildlife Refuges.
KAHEA (The Hawaiin Environmental Alliance)
Kerry says Bush misled Americans on war
Dean: Investigate Bush Statements on Iraq
http://www.newsday.com/news/politics/wire/sns-ap-dean-iraqi- weapons,0,4678761.story
Antiwar groups turn their focus to Bush
http://www.globe.com/dailyglobe2/171/nation/ Antiwar_groups_turn_their_focus_to_Bush+.shtml
Gen. says White House pushed Saddam link without evidence
Reason to Deceive
Finns in shock as "Iraqgate" topples Jaeaetteenmaeki
Klaus & Don If any one would like to join in,they are welcome to. The more the better.This has to come to a head!!! Send your complains direct if you wish to
(1) Robert, you can add my name to this list. Darlene Connolly, Houston, Texas 713- 464-9296 06/21/2003,

linda 604 322 8980
Irene 604 850 9079
Barb 250 838 7371
Dalana 604 536 2053
Marg 604 980 6272
Pat 604 796 92 38
Peter 604 853 0291
To The Tower Review Panel
By Industry Canada
From Robert Riedlinger
Mission BC Canada
Over the passed seven years,since having to leave my home that was situated near a broadcast tower,I have done extensive research on the subject of adverse health related radio waves,EMF,microwave radiation,and I have found that there are many people around the world that have become ill from the above soon after a cellphone tower was placed nearby. I have been told continually by Health Canada that my illness could not possibly be caused from living near a tower,and yet in a letter from Allan Rock dated July 25 /2001 He states that'(Quote- Scientists of the department continue to monitor research and the advances being made in understanding the EMF's).They are particularly looking forward to the completion of The World Health Organization's(WHO) International EMF Project,of which the goal is to verify reported biological effects from EMF and to characterize any associated.
While health effects from exposure to low level EMF are not scientifically substantiated Health Canada conciders this an important issue.Please be assured that the Department,conducts research, monitors the research efforts in this area around the world,and participates in the International EMF Project,coordinated by The World Health Organization to ensure that Canadians are well informed regarding any potential health risk associated with EMf.)-Unquote
In a letter dated Oct 3/2001 Mr Rock states-Quote- HC scientists are aware that certain individuals may experience health problems due to what is called "EMF sensitivity"Howerver, there is no scientific basis to link this condition to EMF exposure.Unquote.
The above information from Allan Rock leads me to believe that he and his department were uncertain of whether or not EMF could effect people's health,since they are still doing studies on the subject.I have yet to see a drug that is released for public health BEFORE substantial research had been done.Why is this different than drugs or food items? When it is a well known fact for half a century that EMF can be harmfull to health.In other words, why were cellphone,radio,TV towers allowed before the intensive research was done???
I also question how Mr Rock could possibly tell me that my illness was not related to EMF from a nearby tower,when he admits in his letter that his (Health Canada) Department did not understand EMF's?
If Mr Rock and his scientists are aware that certain people may be sensitive to EMF.Why is Health Canada Not doing intensive studies to verify one way or the other whether this is or is not the case?
At the time of moving from my home and knowing the adverse effects EMF had on my health,I made the statement, that our health services plan would not survive passed five years if the proliferation of cellphone towers continued. How Wrong Am I??
I believe that it is time for our government health authorities to remove the cellphone from their ear and start to listen to the many people here in Canada, that are unable to live comfortably,without pain,in their own homes, since cellphone towers have been built nearby.
Yours Truly Robert Riedlinger 30199 Silverhill Ave Mission B C Canada V4S 1H9/ Ph 604-826 6791
Tower Trauma
My wife and I thought we had the world in our hands when we bought a home in a resort area east of Vancouver B.C., Canada in the fall of 1995. We both enjoyed good health and planned to retire in our new home by a lovely lake and a nice quite village,but our world came crashing down soon after moving in.
First we heard a buzzing sound like bees in a distance and we started to feel strange symptoms one after the other, the longer we stayed there. I would awake at the same time every morning hearing the buzzing sound and after a short while I started to feel a pressure in my ears and my head would ache with so much pressure I thought it would explode. Severe pain in my neck and shoulders and all day long I would have continuos nausea.
The longer we stayed the more symptoms appeared and the more I suffered. My ears would block up and any normal noise sounded like breaking glass. Even turning on a water tap or flushing the water closet would hurt my ears. It got so I couldn't use my telephone and I would have to ask people to repeat themselves when talking to me. I sat many hours under a cone of aluminum insulation to rest my nerves and I placed a solar blanket made of plastic clad with aluminum over my blanket which seemed to reflect some rays.
We became so ill by the time a year passed,that we had to move from our home and I am now hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields. I had to sleep in a shielded container for months until I regained some health.
I would advise any one that lives near a tower and starts to feel the following symptoms to move fast, before you become sensitive as I have. The symptoms started with a buzzing sound and developed into a high pitch sizzle sound in my head, pressure headaches, blocked ears, pain in neck shoulder and other joints, nausea, stress, burning eyes,fuzzy vision, memory loss imbalance and fatigue.
When ever I would travel to my acreage aprox thirty miles away I would feel normal and I would not hear the sounds,only to suffer the same effects every time I returned..
Our Health Ministries won't help us.They keep saying,it can't be the tower that caused my illness, but I know different. And I intend to do all I can in the future to advise others and to see that no one else ever gets burnt as I did. I often think of babies and older people that suffer and are helpless and can't move as we did. I would like to hear from any one that has had a similar experience.
In the mean time my marriage has been desolved,my retirement has been ruined,after working hard for over fifty years,and I am paying for a home that I can't live in, while the nearby tower spews out genotoxic microwaves onto my property,against my will,and no one in our government will listen to my plea.
Is That What Is Called Democracy???
Best Regards Robert Riedlinger 30199 Silverhill Ave Mission BC Canada
V4S 1H9
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Riedlinger
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:29 PM
To: Darlene Connolly
Subject: Towers of Torture
To Tower Review Pannel Industry Canada.Please Read.
From: Robert Riedlinger[SMTP:

Sent: October 15, 2001 5:11 PM

Subject: Extening Cellphone Coverage to Rural Areas (Telus Aplication)
Secretary General CRTC Oct 15th /2001
Dear Sir
In regards to Telus Corporation application to extend cellphone coverage to rural areas.
I understand that Telus Corporation has applied to the CRTC for extention of cellphone service into rural areas.
I wish to advise that there are many people, myself included, that are hypersensitive to EMF from cellphone towers and many are looking to move to rural areas in order to escape from EMF and to be able to live a normal life away from constant EMF exposure.
I would also advise that the CRTC take this fact into consideration and not to allow any more cellphone towers to be constructed untill such time as there is scientific proof that has proven that low level non-thermal EMF exposure is safe for human life . .
By admission of Health Canada and The FDA,USA, it has not been proven that non- thermal low level EMF dose not cause adverse health effects, I have experienced the adverse effects of EMF from living close to a cellphone TV tower for one year,in Harrison Hot Springs and I am now
hypersensitive to EMF. I have to keep away from cellphone towers in order to keep from suffering headaches,fatigue,ringing-buzzing ears and joint
pain.sleep disturbance,etc.
I have a list of people that claim they suffer likewise from living near towers and one in particular is very ill,and is having to sleep inside of a refrigerator shipping carton,which she has cladd with aluminum foil. This lady is a well educated lady,that has children and grand children and should not be subjected to such torture.
Joan can be reached at 1 250 494 7572. She is in desperate need of help. June 20/ 2003 (Joan has since died,(Jan 23rd 2002) after suicide attempts, found frozen at the rear of her home,leaving a suicide note behind).
The following is a list of phone numbers of other EMF hypersensitive victims,looking for a place to hide!!
linda 604 322 8980
Irene 604 850 9079
Barb 250 838 7371
Dalana 604 536 2053
Marg 604 980 6272
Steve 604 874 0825
Pat 604 796 92 38
Peter 604 853 0291
I am aware of many more,and I feel that we that are suffering EMF hypersensitivity, have the right to live a normal life,and that we must be considered, acknowleged and respected, ahead of any cellphones or towers.
There are many scientists that agree with the fact that there are adverse health effects related to EMF at low non thermal densities.
Regards Robert Riedlinger Mission BC Canada, 604 826 6791
Testimonial of Dalan MCaren 22 Jan 2000
In September of 98,I moved into a 21 -storey government subsidized building for seniors. The apartment that was my placement is on the 20th floor.
I emmediately began experiencing symptoms of a dizzy-off -balanced feeling, headaches which were constant,sever insomnia,profuse nosebleeds, sweating and a feeling like I was cooking, I was't able to concentrate,I would often find myself throuhout the day feeling "out-of-it"not remembering. I felt drained out and more than half dead.I had anxiety attacks and breathlessness,felt agitated,restless and my joints hurt and my eyes were sore. I would awaken most often around 3 AM very suddenly feeling "cooked"anxious and like I had to go out.My chest felt pressured and I would either lay there untill morning with all these things going on,or often I just get up and walk the streets where I would feel refreshed,calm and clear headed.
At first I put it down to stress from a difficult year with a major move. But,in November of 98 ,my sister and her husband sent me a plane ticket to visit them for a month in Toronto area,I felt good there ...slept wonderfully,had lots of energy,was clear headed,focussed,no memory problems and felt normal,tranquil and very cheerful.
I returned in December and immediately the nosebleeds and all the symptoms returned.I continued suffering the above symptoms (plus many other ones) until I went away for 6 weeks in the summer to Vancouver Island to visit my father. Again I felt normal with lots of energy and focus inspite of it being a stressful time with my father being ill and in hospital.
I returned and again -all the symptoms.By this time I had become aware of the effects of microwave towers and telecomunications installations through a magazine articel and also through talking to a repairman from the cable(TV) provider.He had come because I was having a lot of interference with my TV.
I then began to pay attention to the fact that on the next floor but one-on the roof top of the building I am in, there are at least 25 telecomunications towers,transmitters microwave transmitters and the top of the building looks like a porcupine!
I myself was becoming increasingly more distressed now with occasional bouts of rage, feeling at times like I was going crazy and had lost control of my brain. I was having daily bouts of crying for no apparent reason and yet as soon as I would leave the apartment,I feel fine.
Then again this past 3 months I went away twice. Once for a month back east again and the last time from 10th Dec. 99 to the 06 Jan.2000.Upon
returning on the 06 Jan.,within moments of being on the upper 20th floor I felt dizzy-off- balance feeling and within 12 hrs I have suffered 2 profuse nose bleeds and couldn't sleep at all.
It is my opinion and experience that since Christmas the frequency of use of these transmitters has increased. It feels like the walls are buzzing and I have had very little sleep. I am having to walk the streets at night and visit other people's homes during the day in order to write letters or do anything that requires concentration.
Last week, I had 2 visitors on separate days. Both within a minute or so of being in my apartment said they felt blocked in their heads,began experiencing headaches that "dead feeling". They mentioned they felt agitated and restless and could hear the buzzing,high pitch vibration and had to leave before a half hour was up. I certainly confirmed that wasn't "just me"
Both telephoned me later and said that within 5 minutes of leaving they felt back to normal.
I would also like to note that my plants are becoming shrivelled looking and are not growing well. I happened to have a green thumb. For example, I think we are all familiar with Poinsettia's and that their leaves are largish. Well mine are all tiny-only about one half inch to one inch in length and they sort of keep their leaves pointing downward,not out.
I am truly exhausted of this. I only hope that first of all I can find another place to live that is affordable because I am on a disability
pension hence being in government housing-secondly that I can even" get-it- together"enough to pack up and move.
I hope my story helps in some way.
PS: I am a retired school teacher,a massage therapist and an exceptional artist. I haven't been able to do any art since I moved in to this place.
Yours Truly
Dalana MCaren

Mar 2/99 VIEW POINT Abbotsford BC Canada
By TRUDY BEYAK News Room Niche
Some people have osterized Bob Riedlinger.an elderly gentle-man who has suffered a number of unusual health symptoms.
But anyone who knows Bob will attest to his intelligence,sincerity,his former good health and the pain and anguish he has experienced. Bob is
acutely aware of the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation. Some day the naysayers may thank him for bringing his concerns and research to the open.
In the meantime,he's making a lot of waves behind the scenes.
The 65-year old Mission man has been deeply disturbed about the health effects of microwave towers since he moved to his dream home located about 400 feet from a tower more than 2 years ago.
He was forced to move claiming that the electro-magnetic emissions from the tower made life unbearable.
He said he heard a continual drone similar to buzzing bees and experienced intolerable pressure in his ears. he was sick beyond description. Restless sleep Insomnia,Pressure headaches, Fatigue,Tingling in sensitive areas of his body, aching bones,dry throat,and gas in his stomach.
Sounds were earily amplified in his house. Water running from a tap,for example,sounded like breaking glass.
Scientist David Lacey,at the Dominion Radio Astrophyssical Obsevatory in Penticton, found that Bob experiened total relief in an isolation booth lined with microwave- absorbent aluminumfoam rubber.
When Bob discovered that microwaves cannot penetrate aluminum or screens made of copper brass or bronze he became inventive.He nailed sheets of metal on the roof and walls of his house and built an aluminum box to cover his bed so he could sleep.He also spead aluminum foil sheet over himself to calm his nerves.
He found relief by taking these measures.
In reality, microwave frequencies above 15 MHz are known to be biologically active, meaning that changes to DNA molecular structure and neurological effects have been identified in certain scientific studies.
In Austalia Dr.Andrew Davidson also note a 50 per cent increase in the incidence of brain tumors which he says may be linked to cellphones.
A shortwave transmitter was shut down in Switzerland in 1998 for example, after an epidemiological study found that residence living in the area suffered insomnia, headaches, weakness,nervousness, jointand limb pain and
disturbed concentration.
The number of cellular towers are proliferating around Abbotsford and Mission. Before we embrace any more, health afficials and politicians should pay attention to recent scientific literature and a court case won last week in Texas. A jury in Harris County awarded $1.2 million to a couple in Bunker Hill Village,Texas, who claimed that a 100- foot cellular tower created a nuisance and invaded their privacy.
Recently the City of Boca Raton, Florida,banned cell towers from residential areas and public schools. The public has every right to be wary of risks.
It is clear that objective,publicly funded studies must thoroughly probe the health impacts of electromagnetic radiation, before others like Bob are forced to build aluminum boxes to escape.

Informant: Robert Riedlinger
Re: Court Cases - New Zealanders to be Lucent guinea pigs
The guinea pig syndrome is not limited to the likes of the Lucent company, a good place to begin, but the governments are involved big time with the cancer industry.
No military experiment at Midway (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting public comment on a proposal to allow the U.S. Navy to test radio tracking equipment in conjunction with a missile launch. The Navy wants to test Mobile Range Safety System (MRSS) from Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) for nine days in August 2003.
The Navy plans to mobilize and test the infamous "Star Wars" missile. The Mobile Range Safety System is designed to "electronically interface" or track a military flight test along its prescribed trajectory. A long-range air-launch target (LRALT) test involves a missile being dropped out of a C-17 airplane about 200 miles south of Midway. The missile's rocket motor would then propel it toward Kwajalein.
For 9 days in late August, the Refuge would serve as the MRSS logistical support center and tracking site for the system test.
We do not feel that the proposed military activity at this most sensitive Refuge (Midway Atoll) is a compatible with the provisions and mandates of the National Refuge System Act. The risk to the ecosystem as a result of a misfire or malfunction of this ill- conceived experiment is tremendous and irreversible.
Under the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is authorized to permit the use of any area within the system provided such uses are compatible with the major purposes of the Refuge and with the National Wildlife Refuge System mandate, which is to conserve and protect fish and wildlife resources and habitat.
The following additional purposes were included in 1996, when the Navy transferred jurisdiction of the Refuge back to the Department of Interior:
1. Maintaining and restoring natural biological diversity within the refuge;
2. Providing for the conservation and management of fish and wildlife and their habitats within the refuge;
3. Fulfilling the international treaty obligations of the United States with respect to fish and wildlife;
4. Providing opportunities for scientific research, environmental education, and compatible wildlife-dependent recreational activities;
The Mobile Range Safety System is not compatible with the purposes specified for our National Wildlife Refuges.
KAHEA (The Hawaiin Environmental Alliance)
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