Dioxin Dowels---a New Weapon of War?
Watchdog | 22.09.2006 00:27 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Health
A study from the UK reported, in effect, that smoke from one specific natural plant speeds progression of HIV/AIDS. Researchers forgot to notice that industrial adulterants of that plant (tobacco, of course, the alleged cause of virtually every disease) are already well known to cause immune system damage, and harm to AIDS victims. Blaming nature and blaming the victims. Business Uber Alles.
A New Weapon of War?
Smoke from the tobacco plant must be the most deadly
substance on earth. Why it isn't used against U.S.
enemies on the battlefield is a mystery only
explained by the humane, compassionate nature of the
Today's entry into the expanding "[fill-in-the-blank] linked to smoking" folder is this news item, about "smoking" being linked to HIV AIDS.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060921/hl_nm/aids_smoking_dc (Same story at Scientific American site.)
This news report, says that the problem is "tobacco smoke". It does not say smoke from chlorine-contaminated, dioxin-delivering smoking products. One could also say that a dental problem was caused by a "sandwich" even though the sandwich may contain chunks of concrete.
http://www.ejnet.org/rachel/rehw414.htm About dioxin and immune system.)
That point is vital and integral because, as chomping on concrete is known to cause broken teeth, dioxin is known to damage the human immune system. That's just one reason the USA, the UK, and over 100 other countries agreed to phase dioxin (a by-product of man-made chlorine) off the earth. That this known carcinogen, immune-suppressing, fetal-damaging, pregnancy-disrupting, nervous system- damaging, diabetes-causing, asthma-causing etc etc etc substance is STILL permitted in smoke from most (not all) cigarettes is a crime of some significance. Is there any question about that?
The crime is compounded by the fact that no one is
warned about this, or compensated, but unwitting, unprotected victims are, instead, burdened with laws, penalties, shunning and disparagement...and even hikes in insurance costs, often by the same insurers that own multi-million dollar investments in cigarette interests. Search up "PNHP tobacco insurance" for more on that. PNHP meaning Physicians for a National Health Program.
The article said that this "smoking" link to AIDS
is indeed about damaged immunity. Like a
bullet wound is clue to existence of a gun, that immune pathology is a glaring clue to the presence of dioxin.
Did researchers look for a "gun"? In obvious
deference to the cigarette industry (to minimize
liabilities and PR damage) and it's pesticide and chlorine suppliers, and their insurers and investors, and allies in what is supposed to be Public Government, no, they did not. Bizness Uber Alles.
The researchers seem to have not done what any
of us can do---simply Google up the term "Dioxin
HIV AIDS" or "Dioxin immune suppression" to find
information galore about dioxin's effect on the
immune system and in exacerbating AIDS problems. The
researchers didn't even bother to dismiss or mention the flood of previous studies.
Big Chlorine, destroyer of millions if not billions
of lives, carcinogenic trespasser in the bodies of
every human on earth, vandalizer of our protective
ozone layer, destoyer of wildlife, gets off the hook
by blaming, when you get down to it, Mother Nature.
No one can sue her or her insurers and investors.
This problem affects everyone, not just smokers and
"secondhand smokers". As more and more diseases,
specifically the ones caused or made worse by
industrial chemicals and other things, are blamed on
"smoking" and on tobacco plants, and "personal habits"
and "our genes" and "bad diet" and "lack of
exercise", medical diagnoses of many illnesses will be
false...or at least suspect. Also, studies of
chemical- etc caused illnesses will be put aside,
tests for industrial chemical exposures of patients
will be rare or non-existent, and prevention of
exposures to industrial toxins and carcinogens will
be minimized to the point of invisibililty.
That is, our evidence of the harms of many industrial things is being Covered Up with a giant
tobacco leaf.
Most, if not all of the claimed 400,000 a year
(U.S. alone) "smoking related" deaths are probably
due in some way to exposures to industrial substances
either in the contaminated cigarettes or at work or
elsewhere...but who checks? Not the
chlorine-soaked, profit-driven U.S. health system.
And, probably not ONE of those deaths was caused, or
shown to be caused, by smoke from plain, unadulterated tobacco.
(Just TRY to find any studies introduced in courts, legislatures or medical journals that specify they studied tobacco, by itself.)
Big Chlorine (an unnecessary industry which would
not exist if it had to pay for even a fraction of
it's extensive damages), and the extensive cartel of
related interests, has found the ideal "sinful"
scapegoat...and a seemingly endless supply of
gullible supporters. Onward, apparently, the the NEXT prohibition of yet another smokable, inconvenient-to-industry, natural plant.
Stay tunned...soon we'll hear that "smoking" is
"linked" to global warming, poverty, gun violence,
homosexuality, athiesm, and liberalism.
What is needed are doctors and scientists, pesticide activists, corporate crime watchdogs, media watchdogs, environmenalists, and others with forums and credentials to speak against, or at LEAST question and discuss, this cruel, dishonest, liability-evading, homicidal, feel-good charade.
Once the topic gets out of its Pandora's Toothpaste Tube, no complicit official or CEO will be able to stuff it back in.
Because the USA classified dioxin as a Known Human Carcinogen, because the EPA itself (in 1994 Dioxin Reassessment) noted presence of dioxin in cigarette smoke, and because the USA signed the Stockholm Convention against dioxin and eleven other of the worst industrial pollutants, dioxin in cigarette smoke, or anywhere, cannot be explained away.
Smoke from the tobacco plant must be the most deadly
substance on earth. Why it isn't used against U.S.
enemies on the battlefield is a mystery only
explained by the humane, compassionate nature of the
Today's entry into the expanding "[fill-in-the-blank] linked to smoking" folder is this news item, about "smoking" being linked to HIV AIDS.

This news report, says that the problem is "tobacco smoke". It does not say smoke from chlorine-contaminated, dioxin-delivering smoking products. One could also say that a dental problem was caused by a "sandwich" even though the sandwich may contain chunks of concrete.

That point is vital and integral because, as chomping on concrete is known to cause broken teeth, dioxin is known to damage the human immune system. That's just one reason the USA, the UK, and over 100 other countries agreed to phase dioxin (a by-product of man-made chlorine) off the earth. That this known carcinogen, immune-suppressing, fetal-damaging, pregnancy-disrupting, nervous system- damaging, diabetes-causing, asthma-causing etc etc etc substance is STILL permitted in smoke from most (not all) cigarettes is a crime of some significance. Is there any question about that?
The crime is compounded by the fact that no one is
warned about this, or compensated, but unwitting, unprotected victims are, instead, burdened with laws, penalties, shunning and disparagement...and even hikes in insurance costs, often by the same insurers that own multi-million dollar investments in cigarette interests. Search up "PNHP tobacco insurance" for more on that. PNHP meaning Physicians for a National Health Program.
The article said that this "smoking" link to AIDS
is indeed about damaged immunity. Like a
bullet wound is clue to existence of a gun, that immune pathology is a glaring clue to the presence of dioxin.
Did researchers look for a "gun"? In obvious
deference to the cigarette industry (to minimize
liabilities and PR damage) and it's pesticide and chlorine suppliers, and their insurers and investors, and allies in what is supposed to be Public Government, no, they did not. Bizness Uber Alles.
The researchers seem to have not done what any
of us can do---simply Google up the term "Dioxin
HIV AIDS" or "Dioxin immune suppression" to find
information galore about dioxin's effect on the
immune system and in exacerbating AIDS problems. The
researchers didn't even bother to dismiss or mention the flood of previous studies.
Big Chlorine, destroyer of millions if not billions
of lives, carcinogenic trespasser in the bodies of
every human on earth, vandalizer of our protective
ozone layer, destoyer of wildlife, gets off the hook
by blaming, when you get down to it, Mother Nature.
No one can sue her or her insurers and investors.
This problem affects everyone, not just smokers and
"secondhand smokers". As more and more diseases,
specifically the ones caused or made worse by
industrial chemicals and other things, are blamed on
"smoking" and on tobacco plants, and "personal habits"
and "our genes" and "bad diet" and "lack of
exercise", medical diagnoses of many illnesses will be
false...or at least suspect. Also, studies of
chemical- etc caused illnesses will be put aside,
tests for industrial chemical exposures of patients
will be rare or non-existent, and prevention of
exposures to industrial toxins and carcinogens will
be minimized to the point of invisibililty.
That is, our evidence of the harms of many industrial things is being Covered Up with a giant
tobacco leaf.
Most, if not all of the claimed 400,000 a year
(U.S. alone) "smoking related" deaths are probably
due in some way to exposures to industrial substances
either in the contaminated cigarettes or at work or
elsewhere...but who checks? Not the
chlorine-soaked, profit-driven U.S. health system.
And, probably not ONE of those deaths was caused, or
shown to be caused, by smoke from plain, unadulterated tobacco.
(Just TRY to find any studies introduced in courts, legislatures or medical journals that specify they studied tobacco, by itself.)
Big Chlorine (an unnecessary industry which would
not exist if it had to pay for even a fraction of
it's extensive damages), and the extensive cartel of
related interests, has found the ideal "sinful"
scapegoat...and a seemingly endless supply of
gullible supporters. Onward, apparently, the the NEXT prohibition of yet another smokable, inconvenient-to-industry, natural plant.
Stay tunned...soon we'll hear that "smoking" is
"linked" to global warming, poverty, gun violence,
homosexuality, athiesm, and liberalism.
What is needed are doctors and scientists, pesticide activists, corporate crime watchdogs, media watchdogs, environmenalists, and others with forums and credentials to speak against, or at LEAST question and discuss, this cruel, dishonest, liability-evading, homicidal, feel-good charade.
Once the topic gets out of its Pandora's Toothpaste Tube, no complicit official or CEO will be able to stuff it back in.
Because the USA classified dioxin as a Known Human Carcinogen, because the EPA itself (in 1994 Dioxin Reassessment) noted presence of dioxin in cigarette smoke, and because the USA signed the Stockholm Convention against dioxin and eleven other of the worst industrial pollutants, dioxin in cigarette smoke, or anywhere, cannot be explained away.