Long List of Groups Around The World Working To End Animal Experimentation
World Animal Net | 07.08.2009 21:34 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Health | Cambridge | World
Groups working to end electroshocking, sleep deprivation, burning, cancercausing injects,
confinement, thirst, hunger, and other tortures of animals
confinement, thirst, hunger, and other tortures of animals
Acción por la Liberación Animal
Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos del Animal, A.D.D.A.
Asociación San Roque para la Defensa de los Animales
Canadian Voice for Animals - Argentina
Club de Animales Felices
Latin American Society on Animal Welfare
Liberacion Animal
Proteccionistas Independientes
Red Solidaria Animal
Sociedad Argentina Protectora de los Animales
Sociedad Protectora de Animales Concordia
Act Now for Animals
Action Animal Rescue Team - Action Magazine
Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania
Animal Active! The Australian Animal Rights Network, Inc.
Animal Activism Queensland
Animal Liberation New South Wales - Newcastle
Animal Liberation New South Wales - Sydney
Animal Liberation Queensland, Ltd.
Animal Liberation South Australia
Animal Liberation Victoria
Animal Rescue, Inc.
Animal Rights Education
Animal Welfare League of Queensland
Anti Vivisection Union of SA
Anti Vivisection WA
Australian Association for Humane Research
Australian Mouse and Rat Information Service (AMRIS)
Choose Cruelty Free Limited
Compassion for Animals
Compassionate Kidz - Introducing Children to Animal Rights
Freedom for Birds
Health and Healing
Help in Suffering (NSW)
Humane Charities Australia, Inc.
Humane Charities List
PALE - People Against Live Exports
People & Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
Primates for Primates
Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland
World Association for Voice of Animals - WAVA
World League for the Protection of Animals
Humanitas Arbeitskreis gegen Tierversuche
Humanitas Verein für Tierrechte und Naturschutz
Internationaler Bund der Tierversuchsgegner/Ein Recht fur Tiere
Liga gegen Tierquälerei und Missbrauch der Tierversuche
Österreischer Tierschutzverein
Rattcom e.V.
Tierschutz Aktiv Tirol
Tierschützer und Tierversuchsgegner Salzkammergut
Tierschutzverein Bad Ischl
Tierschutzverein Krems
Verein gegen Tierfabriken
Verein RespekTiere
Vier Pfoten - International und Forschungsinstitut
Zentrum für Ersatz- und Ergänzungsmethoden zu Tierversuchen
ZET - Austrian Centre for Alternative and Complementary Methods
Azerbaijan Society for Protection of Animals
Minsk Society "Dobrota"/Minsk Society "Murlyka"
Vitebsk Public Charitable Society
A(nimal) R(ights) C(ommunity) O(nline)
Amis des Animaux
Animal Rights Concerns
Anti Proefdieren Mishandeling Actie - A.P.M.A
Association Française et Internationale de protection Animale - Délégation Belgique
Bite Back
Chaine Bleue Mondiale/ Blauwe Wereldketen
Dierenbescherming Vlaanderens Dierenketen
Diervriendelijke Initiatieven
Eurogroup for Animals
GAIA - Global Action in the Interest of Animals
Jane Goodall Institute - Belgium
Minoesj : An Animal Voice
SAVU - Small Animals Veterinary Urgency
Sea Sed
Société Protectrice des Animaux Comines-Warneton
A.B.O.L.P.R.A. Asociación Boliviana de Protección Animal
Animales S.O.S. Bolivia
Animales S.O.S. Beni
Animales S.O.S. Chuquisaca
Animales S.O.S. Cochabamba
Animales S.O.S. La Paz
Animales S.O.S. Oruro
Animales S.O.S. Potosi
APRA (Activistatas Pro-Animales)
Asociacion Conjunta de Unidad por los Animales
Fundación Zoologica para Preservación y Protección de la Vida Animal "Fundación Proteja"
Inti Wara Yassi Animal Refuge
Sociedad Protectora de Animales y su Medio Ambiente - SOPRAMA
Voluntarios en Defensa de los Animales
ARKA society for the protection and welfare of animals
Aliança Internacional do Animal
Animal Defense League - Salvador
ARCA Brasil - Humane Society - ARCA Brazil
Associação Amigos de Petrópolis - APANDE
Associação Brasileira pela Causa Animal
Associação Protetora de Animais de Blumenau - APRABLU
Frente Brasileira para Aboliçào da Vivissecção – FBAV
InterNICHE Brazil - the International Network for Humane Education
Liga de Prevenção da Crueldade contra o Animal - SOS ANIMAL
Projeto Esperanca Animal - PEA
Rede de Informações pela Educação Humanitária
S.O.S. Animais & Cia
Sociedade Norte Mineira Protetora dos Animais - SNMPA
Sociedade União Internacional Protetora dos Animais - SUIPA
União Internacional Protetora dos Animais - UIPA - SP Branch
VEDDAS - Vegetarianismo Ético, Defesa dos Direitos Animais e Sociedade
Bulgarian Vegetarian Movement
Intimate With Nature Society (IWNS) - Na ti s prirodata
Gic Animal Protect
Abolishing the Status of Animals as Property
Action Volunteers for Animals - Canada
Adopt an Animal - Canada
Animal Airwaves Radio on CJAM 91.5 fm in Windsor
Animal Alliance of Canada
Animal Defence League of Canada
Animal Liberation Collective
Animal Liberties McGill
Animal Rights Canada Website
Animal Rights Education Council
Animal Voices - Canada Free Radio
Animal Voices Radio on CIUT 89.5FM in Toronto
Animal Welfare Program - Fac. of Agricultural Sciences & W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics
AnimalWatch Manitoba
Animaux Sans Abri
Calgary Animal Rights Coalition
Campaigns Against The Cruelty To Animals (CATCA)
Campaigns Against The Cruelty To Animals (CATCA)
Canadian Council on Animal Care / Conseil canadien de protection des animaux
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
Canadian Voice For Animals
Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare CSAW - University of Guelph
Council Animal Advocacy, The (CLAW)
Digital Frog International
Fauna Foundation, The
For Love of Animals
Freedom for Animals
Frogs Are Cool
Global Action Network
GRIFFE-Groupe d'Intervention pour la Faune, la Flore et l'Environnement
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Humane Society of Canada
Lifeforce Foundation
London Animal Alliance
Niagara Action for Animals
Nova Scotia Humane Society
People for Animals
Prince Albert SPCA
Quebec Society for the Defense of Animals/Société Québécoise pour la Défense des Animaux
R.A.G.E. Réseau d'informations sur la condition Animale Groupe militant contre l'Exploitation
Responsible Animal Care Society, The - TRACS
SCAPA Society for the Protection and Care of Animals
Students and Others for Animal Respect
Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Toronto Animal Rights Society
Toronto Coalition for Anticruelty Legislation
UVic Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
Vancouver East Side Animal Awareness Society
Voice for Animals Society
Voice for the Voiceless
Windsor's Animal Action Group (WAAG)
Agrupación de Proteccion y Bienestar "Conciencia Animal" de Colina
Agrupación de Amigos de los Animales de Valdivia
Agrupación Pro-Defensa de los Animales - APDEA
AnimaNaturalis Chile
Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitación de Primates
Conservación de la Vida Silvestre (COVS)
Contacto Animalista
Defensa Animal, The Popi's Club
Federacion Chilena de Instituciones de Proteccion a los Animales
Red Informativa del Movimiento Animal (RIMA)
Asian Animal Protection Network
Beijing Human and Animal Environmental Education Centre
Hong Kong SPCA
Laboratory Animal Defenders
PETA Asia-Pacific
Asociación de Egresados Defenzoores
Asociación Defensora de Animales y del Ambiente - A.D.A.
Corporación RAYA (Red de Ayuda a los Animales)
Fundación Proyecto Etica Animal y Ambiental PREA
Movimiento Antitaurino de Colombia ( M.A.C.)
Movimiento Antitaurino de Colombia ( M.A.C.)
Movimiento Antitaurino de Colombia ( M.A.C.)
Movimiento Antitaurino de Colombia ( M.A.C.)
Sociedad Protectora de Animales de Cali
Asociación Costarricense al Rescate de lo Animales (ACARA)
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) - Central America, Mexico and The Caribbean
Monde Animal en Passion-MAEP
Animal Friends Croatia/ Prijatelji Zivotinja
People for Animal Rights - Ljudi za prava zivotinja
Protect the Earth
Animal Globe
Centrum Deti Zeme
Czech Writers Foundation for Animal Rights
Different Life
Nadace na ochranu zvirat - The Animal Protection Trust
Spolecnost pro zvírata - Society for Animals
Svoboda zvírat (centrum organizace)/ Freedom for Animals
Svoboda zvírat Ceské Budejovice / Freedom for Animals
Fonden til Sygdomsbekæmpelse uden Dyreforsøg
Friends of the Animals - Dyrenes Venner
Komiteen Mod Dyreforsøg
Landsforeningen Forsøgsdyrenes Vaern - Danish Society for the Protection of Laboratory Animals
Animal Welfare Association for Research and Education (AWARE)
Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt (S.P.A.R.E.)
Estonian Academic Society for Animal Welfare
Animalia (Federation for the Protection of Animals)
Juliana von Wendt's Fund for Research Without Animal Experimentation
Oikeutta Eläimille - Justice for Animals
PAFi - Pro Animals Finland ry
AFIPA - Association Française et Internationale de Protection Animale
Alliance Végétarienne
Association G.R.A.A.L. (Groupement de Reflexion et d'Action pour l'Animal)
Destination Enfer
Fondation Assistance aux Animaux
Fondation Brigitte Bardot / Brigitte Bardot Foundation
Jardins Félins
Les Cahiers Antispécistes
Ligue Française Contre la Vivisection
Ligue Française Contre la Vivisection - Bureau du Président
Ligue Française des Droits de l'Animal - French Animal Rights League
Mouvement Végétarien pour les Droits des Animaux / Declaration of Sentient Beings' Rights - DSBR
One Voice
One Voice - Experimentation-Animale.org
Pro Anima
Société Nationale pour la Defense des Animaux
Union of Enviornment Protection and Animal Rights - LOBO
Akademie für Tierschutz (Academy for Animal Protection)
Aktionsgemeinschaft der Tierversuchsgegner +Tierfr. in Schwabn
Aktionsgemeinschaft gegen Tierversuche Kelkheim
Animal 2000 e.V. / Tierversuchsgegner Bayern e.V.
Animal Peace Berlin/Brandenburg
Antivivisektion e.V.
Aquality International e. V.
Arbeitsgruppe gegen Tierversuche e.V. Goldbach
Arbeitskreis für Humanen Tierschutz und gegen Tierversuche
Arbeitskreis gegen Tierversuche Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel
Arche 2000 Welt-Tierhilfe e.V.
Argus! Kompromißlos gegen Tieversuche e.V.
Ärzte gegen Tierversuche e.V.
Bund gegen Mißbrauch der Tiere e.V.
Bundesverband Tierschutz e.V.
Bürger gegen Tierversuche Hamburg e.V.
Bürger gegen Tierversuche Minden e.V.
Bürger gegen Tierversuche Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
Deutsche Tierschutzbüro - Photos
Deutsche Vereinigung zum Schutz des Pferdes e.V Hauptgeschäftsstelle
Deutscher Tierschutzbund (German Animal Welfare Association)
Die Tierschutzpartei - Landesverband Bayern
Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation
Düsseldorfer Aktionskreis gegen Tierversuche
Ecoterra International
IfT - Internetzwerk für Tiere
Initiative gegen Tierversuche + Ausbeutung der Tiere
Initiative gegen Tierversuche Friedberg
Initiative gegen Tierversuche Kelsterbach e.V.
Initiative gegen Tierversuche Kirchheim e.V.
Landestierschutzverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Mama Earth
Maqi - für Tierrechte gegen Specziesismus
Menschen für Tierrechte - Bundesverband der Tierversuchsgegner
Menschen für Tierrechte - Bundesverband der Tierversuchsgegner Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
Menschen für Tierrechte - Tierversuchsgegner Baden-W. AG Schwäbich-Hall
Menschen für Tierrechte - Tierversuchsgegner Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Menschen für Tierrechte - Tierversuchsgegner Baden-Württemberg e.V. - AG-Rottweil
Menschen für Tierrechte Hof
Menschenrecht und Tierrecht e.V. - MUT (Vegan Society)
NOAH - Menschen für Tiere e.V.
Politischer Arbeitskreis für Tierrechte in Europa e.V.
ReACT! e.V.
SATIS - Students Workshop Against Animal Misuse in Education
Tierhilfe Lippe e.V.
Tierrettungsdienst Freiburg Hilfswerk Tier und Natur e.V.
Tierschutzverein Bielefeld und Umgebung e. V.
Tierschutzverein Hannover
Tierschutzverein Jena
Tierversuchsgegner Aachen - Menschen für Tierrechte e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Bremen - Menschen für Tierrechte e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Heidenheim e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Hessen - Menschen für Tierrechte Hessen e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Hessen e.V. - AG Darmstadt
Tierversuchsgegner Hessen e.V. - AG Kassel
Tierversuchsgegner Hessen e.V. - AG Marburg
Tierversuchsgegner Hessen e.V. - AG Wiesbaden
Tierversuchsgegner Hochrhein - Gemeinschaft für Tierrechte
Tierversuchsgegner- Innen
Tierversuchsgegner Lüneburg e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Mainz e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner München e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner NRW
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Arnsberg
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Berg.-Gladbach
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Bochum
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Dortmund
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Duisburg
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Essen
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Gelsenkirchen
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Hagen
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Hamm-Unna
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Hattingen
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Krefeld
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Leverkusen
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Lippe-Lage
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Siegburg
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Siegen
Tierversuchsgegner NRW - AG Wuppertal
Tierversuchsgegner Oberhausen e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Pulheim e.V. - Menschen für Tierrechte -
Tierversuchsgegner Saar - Menschen für Tierrechte e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Ulm/Neu-Ulm e.V.
Tierversuchsgegner Wilhelmshaven e.V.
Tübinger Bürgerinitiative gegen Tierversuche
TUN - Tier- und Naturschutz e.V.
Verein der Tierschützer und Tierversuchsgegner Pforzheim EV
Verein gegen Tierversuche und Vogelfang e.V.
Verein gegen Tierversuche und Vogelfang e.V. Schleswig-Holstein
Vier Pfoten - Stiftung für Tierschutz
Animal Welfare Society of Lesvos
ARGOS Animal Welfare Society
EFAP - Elliniki fisiolatriki antikiniyetiki protovoulia
Greek Animal Welfare Fund
Greek Anti-Hunting Initiative/ Friends of the Greek Bear
Hellenic League for the Protection of Horses and other Equines
SPA Guadeloupe
Fauna Society - Fauna Egyesület
Foundation for Cats Alapítvány a Macskákért
Kisállatmenhely Alapítvány
Komló Society for the Protection of Animals/Komlói Allatv Egyesület
Mokusfalvi Animal Protection Service - Mókusfalvi Állatbarát Szolgálat
Rex Animal Shelter Foundation - Rex Kutyaotthon Alapítvány
Ahimsa Integrated & Animal Welfare Trust
Ahimsa Research Foundation
Andhra Pradesh Jeeva Raksha Sangham
Animal Care Land
Animal Lovers Assocation Society - ALAS
Animal Protection Trust - Prani Raksha Krishi Uttpadan
Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation Society
Animal Saviour
Animal Welfarer's Association
Blue Cross Animal & Environmental Welfare Society
Blue Cross of Hyderabad
Blue Cross of India
Blue Cross of Tata
Blue Cross Orissa
Blue Cross Society Madhubani
Calcutta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Child of Nature
Compassionate Crusaders Trust
DIYA (Do It Yourself Activists!)
Friends Of Wildlife
Geetha Rajagopal
Hon. Animal Welfare Education Officer, S.S.H.S.V. Ramana Rao
Hon. Animal Welfare Officer, Bahar Dutt
Hon. Animal Welfare Officer, K.N. Dubey
Hon. Animal Welfare Officer, Mr. Nilesh Bhanage
Hon. Animal Welfare Officer, Rina Dev
Idukki SPCA
In Defence of Animals India
International Animal Rescue Goa - Animal Tracks
International League of Doctors Against Vivisection
Jalna Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Jammu & Kashmir SPCA
Jamshedpur Animal Welfare Society - JAWS
Nagpur S.P.C.A,, Small Animal Clinic
Nature & Animal Care Foundation
Pashupati Kalyan Parishad
People For Animals - Head Office
People For Animals - Nayagarha Chapter
People For Animals - Azam for Animals
People For Animals - Bhubaneshwar
People For Animals - Calcutta
People For Animals - Chandigarh
People For Animals - Haryana
People For Animals - Ludhiana
People For Animals - Mumbai
People For Animals - Visakhapatnam
People For Animals (student wing)
Plant & Animals Welfare Society -Mumbai (PAWS Mumbai)
Radhagovinda Gowraksha Samithi
S.P.C.A. Mysore
Smart Association
Terra Anima Trust, Animal Welfare in the Nilgiris
Visakha SPCA
Wildlife Protection Society of India
Wildlife S.O.S. - Orissa
Indonesian Vegan Society
Alliance for Animal Rights
Animal Rights Action Network - ARAN
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports
Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Galway Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Irish Animals on the Web
Irish Anti-Vivisection Society
Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA)
Kilkenny SPCA
PAWS Animal Resque
Waterford SPCA
Wexford SPCA
Animal Liberation Israel - A.L.I.
Anonymous for Animal Rights
Concern for Helping Animals in Israel (CHAI) - "Hakol Chai"
Concern for Helping Animals in Israel (CHAI) - USA
Israeli Society for the Abolition of Vivisection (ISAV)
Lev la'Chai
Noah - Federation of Animal Protection Societies in Israel
Ambiente E Fauna
Comitato Europeo Difesa Animali onlus
Comitato Internazionale Anticaccia Protezione Animali e Natura
Coordinamento per la Chiusura dell' Allevamento Morini
E.N.P.A. Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali
E.N.P.A. Sezione Provinciale di Milano
EQUIVITA -Antivivisection Scientific Committee
Gruppo Ambiente 2 Febbraio
Guida Verde SOS Animali
Lega Anti Vivisezione / Europe for Animal Rights
Lega Anti Vivisezione (L.A.V.) delegazione di Torino
Lega Nazionale per la Difesa del Cane
Medici Internazionali LIMAV c/o OIPA - Organizzazione Internazionale
OIPA - Organizazione Internazionale Protezione Animali
Societá Vegetariana
Telefono Difesa Animali
Unione Protezionisti Europei
ALIVE (All Life in a Viable Environment)
Animal Rights Center Japan (ARC)
Anti-Vivisection Action Network (AVA-net)
Elsa Nature Conservancy
Help Animals
Japanese For Medical Advancement
JAVA Japan Anti-Vivisection Association
Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW)
Ecoterra International
Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (2)
Lithuanian Society for the Protection of Animals (LiSPA)
Sahabat Alam Malaysia - Friends of the Earth
Animal Rights Malta
World Animal Conscience
AnimaNaturalis Internacional
Asociación Pro-Derechos del Animal y Protección del Medio Ambiente, A.C. (APRODA)
Asociación Protectora de Animales de Santiago de Querétaro, AC
El Club de Tobi
Grupo Gandhi
Mis Amigos Animales
Red AMMA (Red de Apoyo al Mágico Mundo Animal)
Association Française et Internationale de protection Animale - Délégation du Maroc
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Nepal (NSPCAN)
Society for Animal Welfare and Management(SAWM)
Wildlife Action Group
Actioncampaign Koen
Animal Freedom Foundation
Animal Life Foundation
Dier en Recht (Stichting Dierenrecht)
Dierenbescherming - Alkmaar
Dierenbescherming - Groningen
Dierenbescherming - Zuid Limburg
Een Dier Een Vriend (EDEV)
EURCA - EUropean Resource Centre for Alternatives to using animals in higher education
Netherlands Centre Alternatives to Animal Use
Pro Primates - Vakbond voor Apen
ROAR - Review of Animal Rights
Sophia Vereeniging tot Bescherming van Dieren
Stichting DutchyPuppy
Stichting Hulp en Herplaatsing Huisdieren
Stichting Vissenbescherming (Foundation for the Protection of Fish)
Stichting Werkgroep Kerk en Dier
Stop de Vivisectie-Industrie
Auckland Animal Action
Beauty with Compassion
Mid-Canterbury SPCA
National Anti Vivisection Campaign (NZ)
New Zealand Anti Vivisection Society (Inc.)
Save Animals From Exploitation (SAFE)
Save Animals From Exploitation (SAFE)
Wellington Animal Action
Wellington SPCA
Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge - Headquarters
Dyrebeskyttelsen Tønsberg-Horten
Dyrevernalliansen (Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance)
NOAH - for Animal Rights
NORINA: Database of Animal-Use Alternatives
Norwegian Animal Welfare Alliance
Bailee - Society of Veterinary Extension and Public Awareness
Vets Care Organization Pakistan
AnimaNaturalis Peru
Asociación Vida Digna - Liga Humanitaria Pro Animales
Animal Rescue Team-PAWS
Animal Welfare Group
Philippine Animal Welfare Society
Philippine Society for the Protection of Animals
Philippine Society for the Protection of Animals - Baguio/Benguet Chapter
University of the Philippines Society for the Advancement of Veterinary Education and Research
Animal Defenders Association "ARKA" - Stowarzyszenie Obronców Zwierzat Arka
Animal Institute
Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group Bleeding Earth / Animal Liberation PL
Freedom for Creatures of the Universe - Wolnosc Istot Wszechswiata
Help to People and to Animals, Social-Ecological Movement
Instytut Ochrony Zwierzat - Animal Welfare Institute
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Wegetarian - Polish Vegetarian Association
Rabbit Watch Association - Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Krolikom
Society of the Protection of Animals-Poland
Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzetami w Polsce - Animal Welfare Society - Poland
Vivisecti - Wiwisectiwi
Acção Animal
Associação ANIMAL (Associação Nortenha de Intervençao no Mundo Animal)
Associação de Protecção aos Animais Abandonados do Cartaxo - APAAC
Semente Vegana
Citizens Pro-Shelter of Animals of Aguadilla, Inc.
Ciudadanos Pro-Albergue Animales Aguadilla
Humane Society of Ponce, Inc.
PetaPR (Personas por la Etica en el Trato de los Animales en Puerto Rico)
SPCA - Puerto Rico
Children and Animals Foundation
Nu Mai Esti Singur
Pro Animals
ROLDA Foundation
Ekaterinburg Animal Protection Society
Karelian Society for Defense of Animals / Defense and Future
VITA Center for Animal Rights Protection
ARKA - Society for the protection of animals - Drustvo Za Zastitu I Odgoi Zivotinja
Belgrade Animal Protection Society -
Center for Developing Ecological Awareness -"WELL"
Friends of Animals-FRIEND
Fund sPas
Organisation for Respect & Care of Animals-(ORCA)-Organizacija za postovanje i brigu o zivotinjama
Society for the Protection of Animals - Ljubimci
Vegetarian Society (Vega) - Vegetarijansko drustvo Vega
Seychelles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES)
Svoboda Zvírat - Freedom for Animals
Educational Society Noah School
Litoral Society Against Cruelty to Animals-Obalno drustvo proti mucenju zivali
Animal Rights Africa
Animal Voice/Humane Education Trust
Beauty Without Cruelty - SA
Durban & Coast SPCA
Highveld Horse Care Unit
Highveld Ridge SPCA
Justice for Animals
Punished Paws
South African Assocation Against Painful Experiments on Animals - SAAAPEA
South Africans for the Abolition of Vivisection (SAAV)
Wildlife Action Group
Worcester SPCA
Animal Freedom Korea - Korean Animal Welfare Association
Korean Animal Protection Society - KAPS
A.D.D.A. Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos del Animal
A.D.D.A. Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos del Animal (Ibiza)
A.N.P.B.A. Asociación Nacional para el Protección y el Bienestar de los Animales
A.N.P.B.A. - Comunidad de Castilla y Léon
A.N.P.B.A. - Comunidad de Castilla-La Mancha
A.N.P.B.A. - Comunidad Valencia
Amnistía Animal - Comité Antitaurino
Animal Protection Society Ajucan
AnimaNaturalis Internacional
ARCADYS - Asociación para el Respeto y Convivencia con los Animales Domésticos y Salvajes
Asociación Andaluza para la Defensa de los Animales - ASANDA
Asociación Nacional Amigos de los Animales (ANAA)
Asociación Nacional para Defensa de los Animales - A.N.D.A.
Asociación para un Trato Ético a los Animales
Asociacional Rescate de los Animales "El Vagabundo"
Associació Nacional I International per a la Defensa dels Animals - Anubis Group
Fundación Altarriba - Amigos de los Animales
GEVHA - Grupo para el Estudio de la Violencia hacia Humanos y Animales
GTEMA-Grupo de Trabajo Especializado en Métodos Alternativos - Spanish Group on Alternative Methods
Protectora para la Defensa de los Animales PRODEAN
Gal Gawa Mithuro (Association of Friends of the Cart Bull)
Sudanese Animal Care
Animal Rights Sweden
Förbundet djurens rätt (Animal Rights Sweden)
Förbundet djurens rätt - Malmö branch
Förbundet djurens rätt - Östersund Contact Person
Förbundet djurens rätt - Stockholm branch
Föreningen praktisk djuretik (Action for Animal Ethics)
Friends of the Animals International
Göteborgs Djurskyddsförening
Jämtlands Läns Djurskyddsförening
Rädda Aporna - Förbundet djurens rätt
SOL (Save Our Lives)
Stockholms Djurrättsaktivister (SDA)
Stray Hearts, PAN - Protection of Animals in Need
Swedish Fund f. Research Without Animal Exp./StForskning utan djurförsök
Vegan Nu
Association Against Animal Factories CH/ Verein gegen Tierfabriken/ ***.contre les Usines d’Animaux
ATMeN - Arbeitskreis Tier, Mensch, Natur
ATRA - Swiss Association for the Abolition of Vivisection
Club der Mäusefreunde CH
Club der Rattenfreunde Tierschutzorganisation
European Vegetarian Union
Fonds für Versuchstierfreie Forschung - FFVFF Reaktion ALTEX
OIPA - Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali - per l'abolizione della vivisezione
Pro Tier / Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Tierschutz
Stiftung für das Tier im Recht - Foundation for the Animal in the Law
Thurgauischer Tierschutzverband TTSV
Tierschutzverein Bischofszell-Weinfelden
Zürcher Tierschutz
Animals Taiwan
Bat Association of Taiwan (BAT)
Environment & Animal Society of Taiwan - EAST
Life Conservationist Association
Tanzania SPCA
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) - Africa
Love Animal House - Club & Sanctuary
Thai Animal Guardians Association
Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Association for the Protecion of Street Animals
Bodrum Animal Welfare Association/Bodrum Hayvan Haklarý Derneði
Hayvanlari Koruma Dernegi
Shelter Volunteers and the Right to Live for Animals
Kharkov Regional Society for the Protection of Animals - KRSPA
Leo Tolstoy Centre for Ethical Treatment of Animals 'LIFE'
Odessa Animal Protection Society
Society for the Protection of Animals - SOS
West Ukraine SPA
Zaporozhskiy Charity Fund of Mercy for Protecting Animals - Noah's Ark
Advocates for Animals - UK
Animal Action
Animal Action (Dundee)
Animal Aid
Animal Concern Ltd
Animal Concern Today
Animal Consultants International
Animal Contacts Directory
Animal Cruelty Investigation Group and the Animal Welfare Information Service
Animal Defenders International
Animal Rights Coalition - UK
Animal-Info Network
Arabic Site InterNICHE - the International Network for Humane Education
Association of Lawyers for Animal Welfare
Blaikiewell Animal Sanctuary
Bognor & Chichester Action for Animals
Border Collie Rescue
British Anti-Vivisection Association
British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV)
BritishHeartlessFoundation.com - PETA - Europe LTD
Budongo Forest Project, UK
Campaign Against Cruelty - an activist's handbook
Christian Anti-Vivisection Society
Christian Ecology Link
Cornwall's Voice for Animals
Covance Campaign, The
Dacorum Animal Rights Group
Derbyshire BUAV Support Group
Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine
Dr. Hadwen Trust for Humane Research
East Berkshire Animal Aid
Ethical Consumer
Ethical Works
European Coalition to End Animal Experiments
EUropean Resource Centre for Alternatives to using animals in higher education (EURCA)
Europeans For Medical Advancement
Farplace Animal Rescue Ltd
Fellowship of Life
FRAME - Fund for Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
Gateway to Hell Campaign
Gloucestershire Animal Rights Group
Grampian Animal Defence League
Humane Research Trust
International Animal Rescue
International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals (IAAPEA)
International Primate Protection League (IPPL) UK Office
InterNICHE - the International Network for Humane Education
Isle of Wight Animal Preservation & Action Group
Kit Wilson Trust/ Greyhound Rescue
Korea Animal Protection Society (KAPS) / International Aid for Korean Animals (IAKA)
Lancaster Animal Rights Group
Last Chance Animal Rescue
London Animal Action
Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research
Marchig Animal Welfare Trust
Meditate to Liberate
Naturewatch Foundation
Northwest League Against Cruel Sports
People Against Chimpanzee Experiments (PACE)
People Against Vivisection UK
Peoples Voice for Animals
PETA - Europe (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Plymouth Animal Rights Information Network
RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
RSPCA Bristol & District / RSPCA Bristol Animal Clinic
Save The Newchurch Guinea Pigs (SNGP)
Seriously Ill Against Vivisection
Shoreham Protester, The
StopEUChemicalTests.com - see BUAV
Swansea Animal Rights
Towerhill Stables Animal Sanctuary
Tracks Investigations
UK Animal Rescuers
Uncaged Campaigns
West Midlands Animal Action
X-CAPE (Cambridge Against Primate Experiments)
AnimaNaturalis Uruguay
Action for Animals (CA)
Action for Animals (WA)
ADAPTT - Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today & Tomorrow (MI)
All for Animals (CA)
Alliance for Animal Rights (PA)
Alliance for Animals (WI)
Alliance for Animals (MA)
Alliance for Animals - Milwaukee (WI)
Alternatives Research & Development Foundation (PA)
American Anti-Vivisection Society - AAVS (PA)
American Humane Association - AHA (CO)
American Humane Association - Public Policy Office (VA)
Americans For Medical Advancement (CA)
AniMail (CA)
Animail.com - RespectAnimals.com (RI)
Animal Advocates of Arkansas (AR)
Animal Awareness, Inc. (MD)
Animal Care Center Laramie (WY)
Animal CARE Foundation (HI)
Animal Commandos (AZ)
Animal Commandos - Last Chance for Animals (AZ)
Animal Defenders International - USA (CA)
Animal Defense League (KY)
Animal Defense League - Chicago (IL)
Animal Defense League - Eugene (OR)
Animal Defense League - Los Angeles (CA)
Animal Defense League - New Jersey (NJ)
Animal Defense League - Western New York (NY)
Animal Defense League of Arizona - Central Arizona Regional Office (AZ)
Animal Defense League of Arizona - Northern Arizona Regional Office (AZ)
Animal Defense League of Arizona - Southern Arizona Regional Office (AZ)
Animal Legal Defense Fund (CA)
Animal Legal Defense Fund - Anti Cruelty Division (OR)
Animal Life From America (CA)
Animal Outreach of Kansas (KS)
Animal People Newspaper (WA)
Animal Protection of New Mexico, Inc. (NM)
Animal Rescue Families (WA)
Animal Rescue, Inc. (MD)
Animal Resource Center, Inc. / GoVegWI.com (WI)
Animal Rights Advocates of Western New York (NY)
Animal Rights Coalition (OH)
Animal Rights Coalition (MN)
Animal Rights Community (OH)
Animal Rights Foundation of Florida - Cnetral (FL)
Animal Rights Hawaii (HI)
Animal Rights on the Farm (CA)
Animal Rights Online (FL)
Animal Voice (FL)
Animal Welfare and Rights Entity (CT)
Animal Welfare Institute (DC)
Animal Welfare League of New London County, Inc. (CT)
Animal Welfare Network of Lane County (OR)
Animal World USA (TN)
AnimaLearn (PA)
Animal-link.org (NY)
Animals' Hope (MA)
Animals' Hope Petition Team (CA)
Animals Need Rights (MO)
Animals Voice Online, The (CA)
Annie's Angels Animal Rescue (IL)
APIS - Animal Protection Information Service - Humane Education Network (CA)
Ark, The, Inc. (AL)
Arkansans For Animals, Inc. (AR)
Asians for Humans, Animals and Nature (CA)
Associated Humane Societies, Inc. (NJ)
Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights (CA)
AZVegan.com (AZ)
Ban Pound Seizure / American Anti-Vivisection Society (PA)
Berkshire Vegetarian Network (MA)
Blue Hawk (Helping Animals With Kindness) (OK)
Born Free USA United with API (CA)
BroDoFed Sanctuary International (CA)
Brunswick Humane Society - Animal Inn (NC)
California Animal Defense & Anti-Vivisection League, Inc. (CA)
California Humanitarians for Animals Foundation (CA)
Carbon County Animal Services (UT)
Carson/Eagle Valley Humane Society (NV)
Cat / Canine Assistance, Referral and Education - C.A.R.E. (CA)
CEASE - Coalition to Expose Animal Suffering through Education (IN)
Charitiesinfo.org - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) (DC)
Church of the Angels (OH)
Circle of Compassion (MA)
Citizens Against Animal Cruelty & Exploitation (CAACE) (NY)
Citizens Committee for Animal Rights (NY)
Citizens for Animal Rights of Eastern-Iowa (CARE) (MO)
Citizens United for Animals (WI)
Civitas - Citizens for Planetary Health (NY)
Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) (CA)
Coalition to End Primate Experimentation (C.E.P.E.) (DC)
Columbia University Animal Organization (NY)
Common Sense for Animals (NJ)
Companion Animal Network (NY)
Concern for Helping Animals in Israel (CHAI) - Hakol Chai (VA)
Concern for Helping Animals in Israel (CHAI) - USA (VA)
Concerned Citizens of Neave Township, Inc. (OH)
Critter Magazine/Critter Communications (NC)
Danville Area Humane Society (VA)
DawnWatch - Dawn Animal World News/media Watch (CA)
Defenders of Animals (RI)
Dissection Hotline (IL)
Earthhope Action Network (NY)
East Bay Animal Advocates (CA)
Eastern Shore Sanctuary & Education Center (MD)
EcoMermaid (CA)
ELSA Wild Animal Appeal (IL)
Elsa's Ark, Inc. (NY)
Engineers and Scientists for Animal Rights (CA)
EnviroWatch, Inc. (HI)
Ethical Science and Education Coalition (ESEC) - educational affiliate of NEAVS (MA)
Ethologists f/t Ethical Treatment of Animals/Citizens f. Resp. Animal Behavior Studies (EETA/CRABS) (CO)
F.A.L.L. Animal Rescue (WI)
FARE (Fighting for Animal Rights and the Environment) (MI)
Focus on Animals (Audio-Visual Resources) (WV)
For Animals (MI)
Freedom for Animals / Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CA)
Friends of Animals (CT)
Friends of the Bridgeport Animal Shelter, Inc. (CT)
Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary and Rescue (MD)
Fund for Animals - California State Office (CA)
Fund for Animals - Urban Wildlife Office (CT)
Gibson County Humane Society (IN)
GRASP (Great Ape Standing and Personhood, Inc.) (CT)
Greater Derry Humane Society (NH)
Greyhound Friends for Life (CA)
Greyhound Friends of Texas (TX)
Greyhound Protection League - CT/NY (CT)
Guardian Campaign - In Defence of Animals (CA)
Hawaii Cat Foundation (HI)
HealingEarth (RI)
Heaven Scent Ferret Rescue/Shelter (AL)
Hillside Last Chance Animal Rescue (NM)
Hoke-Raeford Humane Society / Shelter (NC)
Home for Unwanted & Abandoned Guinea Pigs - Resource (GA)
House Rabbit Society - Colorado (CO)
Houston Animal Rights Team (HART) (TX)
Human Earth Animal Liberation (HEAL) (WA)
Humane Charity Seal of Approval (DC)
Humane Concern (MA)
Humane Friends Rescue (GA)
Humane Massachusetts - Political Action Committee (MA)
Humane Society of Louisiana - Northshore Chapter (LA)
Humane Society of North Central Arkansas, Inc. (AR)
Humane Society of Sarasota County, Inc. (FL)
Humane Society of the United States - HSUS (DC)
Humane Society of the United States - HSUS Southwest Regional Office (TX)
Humane Society of Ventura County (CA)
Humane Student.org - Animalearn (PA)
Humane USA PAC (DC)
Independent Animal Rescue (NC)
Institute for Humane Education (ME)
Institute for In Vitro Sciences (MD)
International Foundation for Ethical Research (IL)
I-SPEAK, International Society for the Protection of Exotic Animal Kind and Livestock, Inc. (NY)
It's Meow or Never Animal Rescue and Sanctuary (WA)
Jethro's Place Animal Sanctuary (MI)
Jews for Animal Rights (MA)
Jiv Daya Resource Center (CA)
Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) (MD)
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science PSYETA/ASPCA (MD)
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary (FL)
Justice for Animals, Inc. (NC)
Kauai Humane Society (HI)
Kind Heart Rescue and Placement (NJ)
KindnessNotCruelty.org (MD)
Kindred of the Wild Animal Sanctuary (NC)
Kingdom Keepers (CA)
Kinship Circle (MO)
Korea Animal Protection Society (KAPS) / International Aid for Korean Animals (IAKA) (CA)
Labanimalissues.org (DC)
Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group (LPAG) (GA)
Laredo Animal Protective Society (LAPS) (TX)
Last Chance for Animals (CA)
Last Chance for Animals - San Diego (CA)
League for Earth & Animal Protection (LEAP) (CA)
League of Humane Voters of New York City (NY)
League of Humane Voters of Western New York (NY)
Lehigh Valley Animal Rights Coalition (PA)
Letters for Animals (PA)
Lifeforce Ocean Friends Foundation (WA)
Long Island Animal Defense Info (NY)
Love All Animals (KY)
LuvaPaw Animal Rescue (SC)
Maine Friends of Animals (ME)
Man's Best Friends, Inc. (VA)
Mason County Humane Society (MI)
Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition (MARC) (MA)
MeanGreenies.com (VA)
Medical Research Modernization Committee (OH)
Miami University Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (SETA) (OH)
Michigan Animal Rights Society (MARS) (MI)
Mid Hudson Animal Aid / Essie Dabrusin Cat Sanctuary (NY)
Minnesota Primate Freedom Project (MN)
Models with Conscience (AZ)
Nassau Humane Society (FL)
National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) (IL)
National Cat Protection Society (CA)
National Endowment for Animal Rights (CA)
National Humane Education Society (WV)
National Humane Society (FL)
National Opossum Society (MD)
National Primate Research Exhibition Hall - Alliance for Animals/Primate Freedom Project (WI)
Network Offering Animals Help - Noah (TN)
New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS) (MA)
New Hampshire Animal Rights League (NH)
New Jersey State SPCA - Humane Police (NJ)
No Compromise (CA)
No More Cruelty (GA)
NOAH (Northeastern Oklahoma Animal Helpers) (OK)
Noah's Ark Pot Belly Pig Rescue (FL)
North American Animal Liberation Front Press Office (CA)
North Carolina Voters for Animal Welfare (NC)
Northeastern Oklahoma Animal Helpers (NOAH) (OK)
Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN) (WA)
Oasis de los Gatos (AZ)
Open Hearts Rescue / Kids For A Better Environment (K.F.A.B.E.) (KY)
Orange County People for Animals - OCPA (CA)
Orphaned Kanines (WI)
Pasado's Safe Haven (WA)
Pasco Vegetarian/Vegan Society & Food for Life (FL)
Pawpac - California's Political Action Committee for Animals (CA)
Paws-itive Partners (NE)
Peace River Refuge & Ranch, Inc. (FL)
Peninsula Animal Rights Coalition (WA)
Peninsula Humane Society (CA)
People Animals Network (OH)
People for Animal Rights - Syracuse (NY)
Pet Rescue Program (ND)
PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (VA)
PETA2 - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (VA)
PETroglyphs (NM)
Pets on Wheels of Scottsdale, Inc. (AZ)
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) (DC)
Piercy Animal Welfare Sanctuary (PAWS) (CA)
Pigeon People (NY)
Pioneers for Animal Welfare Society (NY)
Primate Freedom Project (GA)
Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) - Olympic Wildlife Center (WA)
Project R&R: Release and Restitution for Chimpanzees in U.S. Laboratories - NEAVS (MA)
Protect Our Earth's Treasures P.O.E.T. (OH)
Queenie Foundation, Inc., The (CT)
Quest, ministries-anti-speciesism (OH)
Raven Animal Sanctuary (MO)
Red Bear Sanctuary (OR)
RescueTransporters.Com (CA)
Responsible Policies for Animals, Inc. (RPA) (PA)
Rhode Island Animal Advocates (RI)
Richmond Animal Rights Network (VA)
Rocky Mountain Animal Defense (CO)
Romanian League in Defense of Animals (WA)
Ryers Farm for Aged Equines (PA)
Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary, Inc. (MO)
Safe Haven Animal Shelter / Texas Animal Rights Association (TX)
San Diego Animal Advocates (CA)
Sanctuary for Animals (NY)
Santa Cruz SPCA (CA)
Satya Magazine (NY)
Second Noah Animal Welfare Organization (MI)
Seeing Spots ~ The Dalmatian Crusaders North West (La Porte) (IN)
SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect & Kindness) (IL)
Shoomissle Farms (WA)
SMART (Southeastern Michigan Animal Rights Team) (MI)
SmokingAnimals.com - PETA (VA)
Society Against Vivisection (CA)
Society and Animals Forum (formerly PSYETA) (MD)
South Bay in Defense of Animals (CA)
South Sound Organization for Animal Rights (WA)
Southwest Missouri Activists for Animal Rights (MO)
SPCA for Monterey County (CA)
SPEAK - Tucson (Supporting and Promoting Ethics for the Animal Kingdom) (AZ)
Speak Out for Species (GA)
Speak Out! (NJ)
St. John Humane Society (LA)
St. Louis Animal Rights Team (START) (MO)
Stop Animal Exploitation NOW! (SAEN) (OH)
Stop Animal Tests.com - PETA (VA)
Stop Cruelty to Animals NOW!! (S.C.A.N. ) (KY)
Stop Experimentation on & Exploitation of Chimpanzees - SEEC (FL)
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (CA)
TARC (TN Animal Rights Coalition) (TN)
Tender Heart Canine Rescue (TN)
Tennessee Network for Animals / P.E.A.C.E. Project (TN)
Through Their Eyes, National Animal Abuse Registry (NH)
Tiergarten Sanctuary Trust (NC)
Total Animal Liberation (NY)
Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy (MA)
Tupelo-Lee Humane Society (MS)
Two White Wolves Sanctuaries (CA)
Unitarian Universalists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (NY)
United Action for Animals, Inc. (NY)
United Poultry Concerns (VA)
University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law (HI)
University of California Center for Animal Alternatives (CA)
Upper Cumberland Humane Society (TN)
Urban Wildlife Society (AZ)
US Primate Rescue & Sanctuary (IN)
Utah Animal Rights Coalition (UT)
Utah Primate Freedom Project (UT)
Valhalla Animal Sanctuary, Inc. (OH)
Vegan Research Institute (MA)
Vegetarian Education Group (VEG) (IL)
VivisectionInfo.org (CA)
Voice of Nature Network, The (CT)
Voices For Animals of Western Pennsylvania (PA)
WAG Animal Rescue (formerly Wyandotte Animal Group) (MI)
Warren Hills Animal Society (NJ)
Welfare for Animals Global, Inc. (NY)
Wetlands Activism Collective (NY)
Wildcare, Inc. (VA)
Wildlife Legacy Trust (CO)
Wildlife Rehabilitation/Refuge Center / Animal Defense Coalition of Treasure Coast (FL)
WildRescue, Inc. (TX)
Wilmington Vegetarians & Wilmington Ferret Lovers (NC)
Wilson County Animal Rights Group (TN)
Wisconsin Animal Education Network (WI)
World Animal Foundation (OH)
World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week (OH)
Write Cause, The (CA)
Wyoming Advocates for Animals (WY)
Youngstown State Environmental & Animal Rights Coalition (OH)
A.A.M.O.R. - Asilo para Animales Maltratados y Organización de Rescate
Fundación de Protección Animal
Revista Vegana
Masvingo SPCA

many of the organizations lsited above.
World Animal Net
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