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'Secret' Badger Cull Organisers Exposed

Coalition of Badger Action Groups | 17.08.2012 10:36 | Animal Liberation | Health

The 'secret' syndicates behind the badger cull trials in Gloucestershire and Somerset have been identified and can now be revealed.

Both companies have been recently set up with the NFU HQ as their headquarters. 'Gloscon' for the Gloucestershire cull and 'HNV Associates Ltd' for the Somerset area. These are the 'companies' to which Natural England will be issuing licences to kill badgers. These are the people who will be organising the shooters and collecting the money from the farmers and are therefore responsible for the badger cull.

Gloscon Ltd

Run by run Jan Rowe aka "Christopher Jan Rowe" and Carl Gray

Jan Rowe owns and runs a B&B with his wife Gill

Carl Gray

HNV Associates Ltd

Rupert Michael Dod

Please spend a few minutes contacting these people and let them know your views on the badger cull. Please keep it polite.

We are planning protests outside their businesses, please email in if you would like to be involved:

Coalition of Badger Action Groups
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Display the following 2 comments

  1. Secret Badger Cult? — kedvc
  2. where have the details gone? — freeda brocks