Petition against Hospital Closure Clause - PLEASE SIGN NOW!
166,500 | 03.03.2014 18:55 | Health | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements
166,500 signatures and counting! Just days to the deadline -

If what's been called Jeremy Hunt's "Hospital Closure Clause" goes through in a few days time, the health minister will have the power to shut hospitals all over England, even if local people and local doctors object (and, yes, not all petitions are successful, but the only way to guarantee your actions won't make any difference is not to try) -
Please sign the petition now -
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Hospital Closure Clause FAQ -
Be sure to send this info to all your friends and family ASAP
Please sign the petition now -

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Hospital Closure Clause FAQ -

Be sure to send this info to all your friends and family ASAP
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