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Volunteers needed over ESA Campaign

ESA is unjust...let's fight it! | 09.07.2010 12:59 | Health | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

CarerWatch are thinking how to take this ESA campaign on (as part of our larger disability benefit campaign).

They intend to hit the politicians on 6th September when they come back from recess. Please support them.

From Carerwatch...

We are setting up a dedicated ESA blog to explore all the issues around ESA over the summer. This can be a resource for campaigners & help us work out where we want to focus campaigning in September. ESA changes every time you look at it. But the underlying arbeit macht frei philosophy is always there. We can't do this on our own. We need help. Please come & join the discussion in the CW group at - & help us.

We need a group of volunteers to work this campaign out over the summer.

ESA is unjust...let's fight it!