help stop cyclamax build a incinerator that will burn nuclear /toxic waste
spondon against cyclamax incinerator nr anglers lane derby | 14.09.2009 15:54 | Energy Crisis | Health | World
this incinerator is planned for an area with high cancer rates already .if built children could be born abnormal
cyclamax are a new breed of unheard of incinerator company .they plan 17 incinerators in uk .with no evidence they are safe .the one in spondon derby plan to burn plastics /hazaerdous waste from celanese chemicals who use benzene ,./and also nuclear waste from rolls royce nuclear plant near by ./there is no filteration system today can stop minute particles of dioxins escaping .3 proffessors state no child should be born within 5 km .the chances are 50% of being born abnormal or with cancers ./also afecting elderly or people with chest problems ./spondon already has a high cancer rate /we need people from anywhere to object for the health of our community OBJECTIONS
TO...PSC@ENVIRONMENT-AGENCY.GOV.UK.//QUOTE PLANNING REF 3639KB //people from anywhere can say they object for the sake of childrens future and health reasons /please help /we have a facebook site /spondon against cyclamax incinerator nr anglers lane ,any person can join //anyperson who can give us any info big or small wed be grateful .please help we do not look for donations .just proper people to support us .thank you peter ambler /SPONDON AGAINST CYCLAMAX INCINERATOR /

spondon against cyclamax incinerator nr anglers lane derby
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